执教|邱明珠 评析|罗济霞
Step 1.Warming-up and free-talk(略)
Step 2.Leading-in
1.Guess game.(Show an old photo.)
T:Look at the old photo,who is she?
S:Is she your daughter?
T:She looks a bit like me.But,she is not my daughter.Guess again.
S:Is she your sister?
T:No.Haha,actually,it’s me,Emma.This is a photo about 25 years ago.At that time,I was in Grade 1.I changed a lot,Didn’t I?
T:Do you want to know more about me?
2.Show some photos,talk about the teacher’s other changes.
T:Look at that T-shirt,what color is it?
S1:It’s red.
T:And this one?
S2:It’s pink.
T:Good! Boys and girls,guess,what color do I like now?
T:Wow! Great! How do you know that?
S3:Look! You’re wearing a red T-shirt.
T:You’re so clever! Now,I like red.But,ten years ago,I liked pink,I am different now!
T:Next,let’s know more about me!
T:Look at those two photos.What are the differences?
S1:Before,you liked writing and reading.Now,you like talking and sharing.
T:Sharp eyes! So,before,I was quiet.Now,I am active....
3.对比教师小时候和现在的成绩(PPT 出示下图试卷)。
T:Look at the score! Only 28! Oh,whose paper is it?
(教师走到一生面前,笑着问)Is it yours?
S1:No,no.It’s not mine.(同学们开始偷笑)
T:Haha.Actually!They’re both mine.(同学们开始大笑)
T:When I was your age,I didn’t like English.I thought English was too difficult.Later,I studied hard,I made great progress.And now,I like English very much,I am a super English teacher.So,boys and girls,studying hard will make you better and better.Let’s study hard,OK?
设计意图:教师通过对比过去的两组成绩告诉学生,只要愿意努力,一定可以达到自己的目标,并对学生进行情感教育:Studying hard will make you better and better!
T:That’s all about me!Look!(教师出示多张有关自己今昔变化的图片,让学生进行对比并小结)
语言框架:Before,I...Now,I...I changed a lot.
Our friend Mike also changed a lot.Let’s have a look!(由教师的今昔变化,过渡到Mike的今昔变化,无痕引入文本)
Step 3.Presentation
1.Let’s try.
Listen and circle.(听一段小短文,完成有关Mike 的两个简单的练习)
Qs:What are they talking about? What grade was Mike in?
T:What are they talking about?
S1:They are talking about Mike’s old photos.
T:Good! At that time,what grade was Mike in? Grade 1 or Grade 5?
S2:Grade 1.
T:Good job! In the photo,Mike was in Grade 1.Do you remember what hairstyle Mike had at that time?
S3:It was so long.
T:Yes,it was so long,so we can say before Mike’s hair was so long.Now,his hair is short.Mike’s friends are looking at Mike’s old photos now,how did Mike change?
2.Let’s talk.
(1)Read and listen to the tape for the first time:How did Mike change?
学生完成Activity 1:
Listen and tick.
How did Mike change?
①Before,Mike was quiet.( )
Before,Mike was active.( )
②Now,Mike is quiet.( )
Now,Mike is active.( )
T:How did Mike change?
S1:Before,Mike was quiet.Now,Mike is active.
设计意图:初听文本,总体感知,通过简单的判断题,帮肋学生梳理文本,找出Mike 今昔变化的关键词,归纳文本信息,教师在黑板上列出Mike 今昔变化的思维导图,帮助学生理解文本。
T:Mike is different.So is John.
(2)Read and listen to the tape for the second time:How did John change?
学生完成Activity 2:
Listen again and choose words to fill in the blanks.
How did John change?
①Before,John was_______.(short/tall) He_______(can’t/couldn’t)ride his bike well.
②Now,John is________.(short/tall) He________(goes cycling/goes swimming) every day.
设计意图:第二次听文本,帮助学生找出John 今昔变化的关键词,归纳信息,教师在黑板上列出John 今昔变化的思维导图,让学生对文本有了更深的理解。
(3)Listen to the tape for the third time,let students read after the tape.
T:In the text,John thinks Mike has a funny photo.Well,which photo does John think is funny?
(出示课本中Mike 的两张照片,一张是小时候穿着粉色Tshirt 的照片,另一张是现在穿着紫色T-shirt 的照片)
Does Mike like pink now?
Step 4.Production
1.Let students talk about family members’changes.
(1)Free Talk 1
Mike and John are different now.Well,how did you change.
(Show an old photo of a student.)
T:Who is he? How did he change?
(2)Free Talk 2
Make a mind map of yourself,your friends or your family members.
T:We are all different now! This is our city!
2.Talk about the change in our city.
Our city is different now!The changes make our life more convenient.
3.Talk about the change in our country.
T:But one year ago,there was a change that put our country to a great test!
学生观看纪录片“This is a war without smoke”。
T:Some changes are good,but some are bad.Is this a good change or a bad change?
Ss:It’s a bad change!
S1:One year ago,many people were ill.
S2:One year ago,we had to stay at home,we couldn’t go to school...
T:One year ago,we stayed at home,studied at home because of COVID-19.
T:What can we do to change the bad changes?
S1:We should exercise every day!
S2:We should study hard!
S3:We should love science!
S4:We need to learn science!
T:Great! Technology makes our life better and better!Because of science and technology,now we are free! We can go to some beautiful places.Because we have a great motherland! We have the safe and free vaccines now.China is different now! I am very proud that I am Chinese! How about you?
T:That’s great! Let’s study hard and keep healthy!
设计意图:由家乡环境的变化过渡到国家的变化,一年前因为疫情,国家所面临的考验,再到一年后的今天,我们自由、幸福地生活,感知祖国科技的发展和祖国的伟大,进一步升华情感目标:Technology makes our life better and better!
Step 5.Summary
T:Boys and girls,you all did a good job in this class,now,it’s a magic time!
Magic time:The future of our city or our country.
Step 6.Homework
Changes are all around us.Talk about the changes with your parents,your friends,your city or our country.
本节课是六年级下册的一节对话教学课,展示了如何循序渐进地开展有针对性的教学活动,如何利用Before,but now...的对比进行拓展和延伸,让学生运用本课学习的语言支架自由地谈论身边的人、家乡和国家的变化。教学设计和教学过程充分体现了授课教师为教学主导、学生为学习主体的教学理念和教学思想,帮助学生体验语言在实际中的运用。
教师出示自己小时候的照片,让学生猜一猜,营造轻松活跃的课堂气氛,激发了学生的学习兴趣。当学生感到这张照片很熟悉的时候,教师问“Is she your daughter?”学生们集中注意力观察并思考,学习热情瞬间被点燃。后面再出示多张教师关于自己学习成绩的对比、爱好的对比、体型的变化等照片,不断地让学生输出本课的重点句型:20 years ago,you were...,but now you are...由此为后面的新课学习,谈论Mike和John 的变化做好铺垫。
第一遍:总体感知文本。通过简单的判断题“Before,Mike was quiet/active.”学生通过听,是很容易回答对的,既帮肋学生初步梳理文本,又帮助学生树立了学习的信心。教师由Mike 过去和现在的外表、性格的变化,结合学生的回答,在黑板上列出Mike 今昔变化的思维导图,帮助学生更清晰地理解文本。
第二遍:深入感知文本。帮助学生找出John 过去和现在变化的关键词,归纳信息,通过设计选择题“Before,John was____(short/tall).He___(can’t/couldn’t)ride his bike well.”引导学生观察John 的变化。教师根据学生的回答,在黑板上列出John 今昔变化的思维导图,让学生对文本有了更全面的解读。
第三遍:内化复述文本。这次是通过观看视频的方式,让学生在情境中习得语言。对文本的理解进行内化,并尝试根据黑板上的思维导图复述Mike 和John 的变化,注重学生语言的输出,为后面学生谈论自己朋友、家乡、国家的变化做好铺垫。
学生已经掌握了本文的语言架构,并能够完全进行流畅的表达。教师引导学生由人物的变化过渡到家乡的变化,并谈论这些变化给我们生活带来的便利:疫情来临时,除了我们生活上的变化,One year ago,we had to stay at home,we couldn’t go to school...but now we can...最后上升到国家层面,通过中国过去和现在的对比,50 years ago,our country was not strong...But now,our country is getting stronger...感受祖国日新月异的变化,让学生们感受到祖国的强大。教师利用文本迁移到现实,体现语言的运用功能。