
2022-04-29 22:19:22钟洁
教育视界(外语教学) 2022年2期

*本文系南京市教学研究第十三期课题 “群文阅读影响下的初中英语模块教学的实践研究”(课题编号:2019NJJK13-L33)的阶段性研究成果。




本节课的教学内容是译林版初中英语八年级上册Unit 5 Wild animals的Task板块,主要任务是用英文完成一篇关于濒危动物的报告。本单元属于本册教材的第二大模块,该模块主题为“Nature and the environment”,旨在通过带领学生了解野生动物的习性与生存现状,培养其保护野生动物、关心生态环境的意识。




1. 利用写前构思笔记整理思路,完成一篇关于濒危动物的报告。

2. 理解构思要点的内部拓展以及要点之间的关联,并用合适的语言形式进行报告类文体写作。

3. 在了解濒危动物的基础上,思考保护野生动物与生态环境对人类社会生活的影响,进而增强环保责任意识。





师:There are many wild animals in danger. (出示濒危动物图片)Do you know them?


师:Wild Animals Club newsletter calls for reports on animals in danger. This will let more people know the animals situations and help save them. Can you write such a report to help? Do you know how to finish a report on animals in danger?

生:We need to introduce the animal, about its name, looks and living environment.

生:We can use some pictures to make the report vivid, but I think a report is difficult to write.






师:What do you find in Simons notes? How many parts are there?

生:There are 5 parts. They are looks, food, abilities, qualities and danger.

师:Whats the function of these points?

生:They can help Simon write a report.

师:Yes, maybe. Can you organize one paragraph about the first point — looks?

生:Bears are big and heavy. They have large bodies, short and strong legs. They also have large paws and short tails.

师:Excellent! You use the details to describe one point of the bears. Can you guess how many paragraphs are there in Simons report?


师:You are right. Each point can become an independent paragraph. What do you think of Simons notes? Are they perfect? If not, can we make them better?

生:I think we can add one more point, protection, and talk about what we can do to protect bears.

师:You can put this wonderful point into your own report.




师:Please help Simon finish his report with the information in the notes. There may be some new words. Have a guess of their meanings in the context.


师:Its good to learn some new words about the bears. Now, please read Simons report carefully again, and find out the meaningful words and phrases that you like best. Lets begin with the first paragraph.


生:I think the words are simple, but the writer talks about the bear in whole and then in details.

师:You mean the logic order — from general to specific?


师:Actually this order makes a report very logical, which is very necessary when you are writing a report.

师:How about the second paragraph? Any word or phrase that you think is perfect?


生:I think “but” is good. It tells us there are different kinds of bears and they like different things.

师:Yes. “But” is a very typical conjunction. It can compare or contrast two things and also make the writing cohesive. We should try to use some conjunctions in our writing.

师:Anything special in Paragraphs 3 and 4?


生:Simon uses “can do” “be good at” to talk about bears abilities.

师:Thats right. We can use different expressions to make our sentences more colourful. Any other expressions can you think of?

生:Be able to. Bears are able to run very fast.

师:In our daily learning, we can collect the synonyms so we will have more choices in writing. Many of you like the last paragraph best. Which word do you prefer?


生:Sadly, should, otherwise, there may be no left ...

师:What can you feel from these words?

生:The writers strong feelings and opinions.

师:Thats right. We can easily feel the writers emotions about the wild animals in danger. That makes the report more persuasive.





师:Still in the last paragraph, the writer mentions that we should take action to stop this. Maybe we can think further and deeper in this direction. So, who will take action? What actions will they take?

生:The government can make more laws to protect bears.

生:Buyers should refuse to buy things from their fur or bodies.

生:We students can write more reports to tell others about the situation of bears.

师:Wonderful. Maybe you can think more and write them in your reports. Looking at the last sentence of the report, have you ever imagined the world without bears or other wild animals? What will the world without wild animals be like?

生:Humans will feel very lonely.

生:The world will not be colourful as now.

师:Thats right. Maybe we should hear more voices(出示为金丝猴发声的动物爱护者留言).

师:What other thoughts do you get from the animal lovers words?

生:More animals are in danger too because of humans behaviours.

生:Humans will hurt themselves if they continue to kill or eat animals.

师:I like your ideas! Can you further explain them?

生:We should protect wild animals not only because they are in danger or may disappear, but also because protecting them is also protecting humans as well. We, the animals, the environment, are as a whole.






[ 设计意图:《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版2020年修订)》提出,要突出学生在评价中的主体地位,提倡学生开展自评和互评,加强学生之间、师生之间评价信息的互动交流。运用综合评价表进行自评与互评,既能检测学生写作任务的达成程度,又能促进学生互相交流学习,在同伴学习中取长补短,提升写作能力。]







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