
2021-12-24 03:21策展人raumlaborberlin
世界建筑 2021年12期

策展人: raumlaborberlin

1 展览装置/Exhibition installations(摄影/Photo: Nils Koenning)







raumlabor在威尼斯双年展的第17届建筑展“我们将如何生活在一起?”中被授予了金狮奖,因为它“以一种鼓舞人心的合作方式,主张参与、再生和集体责任,使两个项目成为富有想象力的城市振兴的典范”。□(钱芳 译)

Instances of Urban Practice is about shifting the perspective in architecture: from the built object to architectural practice, from thing or final outcome to a qualified process - architecture as a series of actions that takes a societal position.

With Instances of Urban Practice, raumlabor presents two environments that are currently in the process of being negotiated on site, where raumlabor is involved within a diverse network of collaborators as initiator, negotiator, space-creator, mediator and caretaker. The Floating University and Haus der Statistik.

Both are located in Berlin, adjacent to outstanding places: Floating University neighbouring the former Tempelhof airport, and Haus der Statistik just off Alexanderplatz. They have very different characteristics and physical appearances but are both built on the same philosophy. Both share their origin in an artistic claim and initiative, growing into complex forms of self-organisation and publiccivic or scientific-artistic-civic cooperation. We love to see them as learning spaces. Learning in the sense of how to re-learn another way of city-making, that is aware of the pressing questions of our tomorrows: our relationship as humans to the planetary dimension and the question of the right to the city. This includes taking care of dynamic processes of acquiring knowledge, adopting, and reacting towards the evolution of the spatial and social forms.

Our installation in Arsenale consists of a scaffolding structure and a bubble room, referencing the architecture of the Floating University in 2018. In the exhibit, the scaffolding becomes the frame for pictures and graphics from both contexts: one side tells the story of the Floating, the other side that of the Haus der Statistik. The key graphic on each side is a timeline, that shows the cooperation, networks and events and thus gives the snapshots above in the installation a context.

Our installation shows two examples of collaborative approaches to create common spaces of experimentation and exploration towards unknown futures. The openness of both projects allows for individuals and groups to join and engage on their own terms, enriching the collective sphere with their perspectives and expertise. Both are evolving into non-disciplinary environments, challenging experience from all fields to find modes of translating their knowledge into the ongoing dynamics of the process. Both projects offer complex forms for supporting emerging communities to cocreate the future city.

Responding to the question "how will we live together?" in emerging communities, we believe it is through extending architecture as a discipline into fields of contemporary societal struggles. By taking collective efforts in making a better city. By being part of a community where proposals for common possible futures are developed in dialogue and in resonance with the evolving situation on site. By understanding and engaging with urban transformation, reading power structures, understanding the driving interests of a multiplicity of stakeholders and placing an own agenda within that. We believe the urban practitioner cannot stay neutral. By getting involved the practitioner becomes a navigator of complex fields of possible futures.

raumlabor has been awarded the Golden Lion in the 17th architecture exhibition "how will we live together?" in the Venice Biennale, for "an inspiring collaborative approach that argues for participation, regeneration and collective responsibility, resulting in two projects that are a model for imaginative civic revitalisation". □

2 漂浮大学/Floating University(摄影/Photo: Victoria Tomaschko)

3 统计局大楼/Haus der Statistik(图片来源/Image courtesy: ©ZKB)

7 气泡屋/The bubble room(图片来源/Image courtesy: raumlaborberlin)

项目信息/Credits and Data

设计团队/Design Team: Andrea Hofmann, Axel Timm, Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius, Christof Mayer, Florian Stirnemann, Francesco Apuzzo, Frauke Gerstenberg, Jan Liesegang, Markus Bader

合作团队/Collaboration Team: Anna Foerster-Baldenius, Claire Mothais, Luka Murovec

气泡装置团队/Bubble Team: Ágnes László, Alice Baseian, Theo Göken

项目合作/Project Partners: Floating University - floating e.V.; Haus der Statistik - ZUsammenKUNFT Berlin e.G.

施工团队/Construction Team: Franz Siebler, Louise Nguyen, Olof Duus, Victor Navarro项目时间/Time: 2021.05.23-2021.11.21

合作方/Collaborator: Kulturprojekte Berlin

支持方/Supporter: ifa - Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen

8 气泡屋/The bubble room(摄影/Photo: Andrea Avezzù)
