
2021-12-24 03:21策展人PROLOG
世界建筑 2021年12期

策展人:PROLOG +1

1 展馆内景/Interior view of pavilion



2.展亭内景/Interior view of pavilion



每个团队都从一个这样的地区出发。跨学科的匈牙利项目组GUBAHÁMORI + Filip + László Demeter和比利时团队Traumnovelle尝试探索乡村地区的新定义。日常研究乡村问题的德国工作室Atelier Fanelsa与俄罗斯团队KOSMOS通过虚拟合作,着手探讨乡村聚居地的共同因素。关注地域性的英国乡村建筑事务所,与认为图画、横剖面、文字和建筑都是相同的建筑手段的波兰建筑季刊RZUT团队,研究了乡村人居空间诸多变化带来的影响。

从策展人的角度看,乡村是上文提到的3个方面,即我们所谓的“水平性”之间共同联系和直接相互作用的产物。这些项目的目的是通过从一个给定方面的研究到其他的各项研究来推导结论,从而呈现一个完整的局面。换言之,就是观察一种空间性的变化对其他方面有何影响。□(尚晋 译)

3 展亭内景/Interior view of pavilion

4 展馆内景/Interior view of pavilion

The Polish countryside is a place where the problems, hopes and paradoxes of the socialist and capitalist periods become clear; the notions of tradition and progress are not easy to discern here, and radical reforms have met with both enthusiasm and resistance. This exhibition in the Polish Pavilion at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice, together with the book Trouble in Paradise, treats the countryside as an independent object of research. It sees it as a product of planned social, spatial, and political experiments of the state. This case study of Poland - a country where 93% of the area is rural - is instrumental in understanding the specificity of the context of post-socialist Europe that allows us to talk about global problems. Despite the scale of the phenomenon that is the Polish countryside, the issues related to it remain outside the mainstream of architectural discourse. The marginalisation of these areas intensified during the political, economic, and social transformation of the 1990s and consolidated their perception through the prism of simplifications and stereotypes, or simply excluded them from the sphere of collective consciousness, transforming them into an invisible element of the landscape. This project presents a new perspective, redefines the understanding of what is rural, going beyond the narrow framework of a romantic or technological utopia, and reads the countryside as a space of struggle and resistance against the forces colonising it, and not as an innocent, idyllic landscape outside the city.

After the political transformation of the last decade of the 20th century, we can observe an internal migration of people from urban to rural areas in Poland, as in other post-socialist countries of Europe. This trend, opposite to the global one, not only opens up the issue of motivations and expectations, but above all it puts into question the definition of the countryside as we know it. The growing problems of climate crises, regressing post-socialist cities, permanent housing deficit, lack of a coherent planning strategy (resulting in spatial chaos and isolation of communities) require a holistic view. In our understanding, the dichotomy of private and public property is the source of the crisis and the search for a commons is a necessary alternative. Moreover, considering the countryside through a dichotomy, in which it always appears as an additional element supplementing the city's needs and was defined in opposition to it - as everything that the city is not - seems problematic in itself. The aim of the project is to question this state of affairs and to give subjectivity to the countryside as an area of architectural research. The method and tools for understanding the phenomenon of the countryside are based on an analysis of its territory, settlement, and dwelling - the three spatialities of interest of the authors of the project - and make it possible to clearly identify problems on a central European scale. These three areas are considered in relation to the issues of sharing of goods, land ownership, spatial planning and ways of working and living together as universal aspects independent of the location. The rural landscape is subject to the forces of capital, the number of inhabitants working on the land is decreasing, and the percentage of settlers from cities is increasing. That is why it is in the countryside that we are looking for the answer to the question of "how will we live together?", which is the motto of this Biennale.

Six Projects for the Countryside

To outline a vision of an alternative future for rural areas, answering the question of "how will we live together?", we have invited six design teams from Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Russia, and United Kingdom, who try to push the limits of architectural practice in their work. Their task was to present speculative scenarios, based on the curatorial concept of analysing three spatialities - territory, settlement, and dwelling - understood from the perspective of the commons. These projects form a diverse statement on local and global ways of defining what is rural.

5 6个乡村方案的模型和图像/Models and Images of the Six Proposals a-Gubahamorib-TRAUMNOVELLEc-Atelier Fanelsad-KOSMOSe-Rural Office for Architecture f-RZUT

Each team started from one of these areas. The interdisciplinary Hungarian project group GUBAHÁMORI + Filip + László Demeter and the Belgian collective Traumnovelle took up the search for a new definition of rural territory. The German Atelier Fanelsa, which deals with rural issues on a daily basis, and the Russian group KOSMOS, collaborating virtually, began with the exploration of what is communal for a rural settlement. The British Rural Office for Architecture, interested in regionalism, and the team of the Polish architectural quarterly RZUT, which considers drawing, crosssection, text and building to be equivalent tools of architecture, studied the consequences of changes in the domesticated space in the countryside.

From the curator's point of view, the countryside is the result of mutual connections and direct interactions between the three mentioned areas, which we call horizontality. The objective of these projects was to create a complete picture by extrapolating conclusions from research in one given area to the others. In other words, to see how changes in one of the spatialities affect the others. □

6.7 展览布置/Exhibition installations

项目信息/Credits and Data

委托方/Commissioner: Hanna Wróblewska/Zachęta - National Gallery of Art

策展人/Curators: PROLOG +1 (Mirabela Jurczenko, Bartosz Kowal, Wojciech Mazan, Bartlomiej Poteralski, Rafal Sliwa and Robert Witczak)


建筑事务所/Architectural Studios: Atelier Fanelsa, GUBAHÁMORI + Filip + László Demeter, KOSMOS Architects, Rural Office for Architecture, RZUT, Traumnovelle

“波兰乡村全景图”作者/Authors of the Panorama of the Polish Countryside: Jan Domicz, Michal Sierakowski, Pawel Starzec, PROLOG +1

线上术语汇编作者/Authors of the Glossary (online): Michal Sierakowski, Pawel Starzec, Wiktoria Wojciechowska, Patrycja Wojtas, PROLOG +1

设计团队/Design Team: Kuba Maria Mazurkiewicz (zespól wespól)

摄影/Photos: Jacopo Salvi

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