
2021-11-12 00:43BuroLandschap,DeGregeorio&Partners,VisitLimburg
世界建筑导报 2021年5期

设计:BuroLandschap,De Gregeorio &Partners

摄影:Visit Limburg and Luc Daelemans

在博斯兰,你可以骑自行车在森林中穿行而过。这条环形自行车道会安全地将你引向更高的地方。确切来说,可以在树木之间穿梭骑行至10 米高的地方。在那里你可以感受大自然之美。这条可以穿越无数树冠的自行车道,由线条流畅且具有标志性魅力的双圆组成,我们的骑行体验便由此开启。游匿于佛兰德最大林区博斯兰之中,交错在林堡272 自行车道网络间。

路径全长700 米,游客将沿坡度为3~4%的环路逐渐骑行至高空,9 米后又迎来下坡。双环形桥直径100 米。车道由聚氨酯涂料制成,直径20 厘米狭长的耐候钢柱支撑在两侧,并设有不锈钢网结构的保护栏杆。450 根松树躯干包覆的柱子相距1、2 和3 米交替放置,独树一帜又高耸笔直,仿佛与森间林木交融在一起。3 米的自行车道宽度并不过分奢侈。这样骑行者能拥有足够的空间。为了保证沉浸式骑行体验,高架骑行路径上没有路标、信息和视线焦点。新“荒地骑行”混凝土骑行道将连接该桥结构与现有的自行车道网络。车道间由环形交叉道连接,交叉道内固定有耐候钢圈,并介绍了有关该项目的必要信息。两个耐候钢架结构支撑的展馆式空间伴随出现,原木状树木堆叠在周围。这些树是为了给自行车桥腾出地方而被砍伐的树。

该骑行桥的建造严格遵守尊重森林、地表下岩石和博斯兰在森林管理方面的目标,需要巧夺天工的技术。研讨和准备工作至充分周密才开始施工,现场像组装大拼图般谨慎。环路中心放置的37 米高的大型建筑起重机。高度远高于树木,确保现场整个建筑的施工。使用施工起重机能够避免压实土壤和不必要的伐木。

在选择建筑时,考虑到了林堡省旅游目的地营销组织Visit Limburg 的CEC 原则:一条体验感十足,舒适惬意的无车路线。游客将融入自然,倾听壮丽又生动的自然回声,与树木共生共栖,体验高地“漂浮”感。随坡缓缓爬升时,更丰富的景观将展现在眼前。Visit Limburg 的目标正是:创造拥有独特景观体验的骑行项目。

In Bosland you can cycle through the trees.This cycle path safely takes you into higher realms.Quite literally -because you cycle up to a height of 10 metres between the trees.You can see,feel and smell nature’s splendour.The cycling experience is a cycle path through the crowns of the trees that consists of a sleek double circle with iconic allures.It is located in Bosland,the biggest forest area in Flanders,at junction 272 of the Limburg cycle node network.

The path is 700 meters long and gradually rises 3-4% to subsequently descend again after 9 meters.The diameter of the bridge is 100 meters.The cycle path was built in PU coating and steel,supported on narrow corten steel columns (diameter 20 cm) and provided with a railing with a stainless steel net structure.The 450 unique columns are placed alternately at 1,2 and 3 meters from each other and symbolize the straight trunks of the pine trees.This ensures that the construction blends nicely into the environment.The cycle path width of 3 meters is not a superfluous luxury.This way the cyclist has enough space.To keep the cycling experience pure,road markings and information or focus points on the elevated cycle path were omitted.The construction was connected to the existing cycle route network via a new concrete cycle path.The connection was completed via a roundabout with a corten steel ring on the inside with the necessary information about the project.The accompanying cycle pavillion is made up of two corten steel frames around which trees are stacked like a log.These trees are the trees that were felled to make room for the cycle bridge.

The construction of the bicycle bridge had to be done with full respect for the forest,for the subsurface and for the objectives that Bosland has in terms of forest management.That required an ingenious way of working.The construction was prepared as much as possible in the workshop and then assembled on site,like a big puzzle.In the centre of the circle a large building crane of 37 meters high was placed.It stood far above the trees and made it possible to build the entire structure on site.By using a construction crane,we avoided soil compaction and unnecessary logging in the remaining part of the forest.

When choosing the construction,the CEC principle of Visit Limburg was taken into account: a Car-free route,full of Experience and Comfortable.The experience is in the interaction with the magnificent nature and in the feeling that you grow with the trees and "float" the higher you get off the ground.As you rise,you experience the forest environment in various ways. And that is the goal of Visit Limburg:creating unique cycling projects that strengthen the landscape experience.
