
2021-11-12 00:43路易斯·劳尔·恩里克斯·蒙蒂尔,JavierSenosiain,JaimeJacott
世界建筑导报 2021年5期



建筑面积:160 平方米

摄影:Javier Senosiain,Jaime Jacott, Francisco Lubbert

Design Firm:Senosiain architects

Project Team:Luis Raúl Enríquez Montiel

Surface:160 m2

Photography:Javier Senosiain,Jaime Jacott, Francisco Lubbert





The idea for the project was first conceived and took its likeness from a peanut shell:two roomy oval spaces with a lot of light,connected by a low,narrow,dimly lit passageway.The idea for this proposal was based on the elemental functions required by man:a place to live and fellowship with others,which would include a living room,dining room,and kitchen,and another place for sleeping,with a dressing room and bath.The original concept is embodied in two large spaces:diurnal and nocturnal.

The house was designed with the desire to feel,when one enters,like he is going underground,conscious of how singular the space was,without losing the integration of the inside with the green,natural landscape outside.It was also considered of great importance to create conditions that would benefit the inhabitants of the house psychologically and physically by using“bio-climactic controls”.Along with all the other physical characteristics of the property,green barriers consisting of trees and bushes help filter sunlight,completely prevent penetration of solar rays,create shade that protects living beings from summer heat,provide protection from dust,and absorb noise pollution.Furthermore,the transpiration and evaporation emitted from plants and grass of all kinds refresh the air and increase absolute and relative humidity in the air closest to the surface,thus producing a conductive cooling off effect.It is important to emphasize that the soil and the sun work together to maintain a stable temperature inside the house:the earth shields the inhabitants from heat and cold while the sun illumines and warms.

Contrary to what one might think,this semi-buried house turned out to be sunnier and more full of light than a conventional house because the windows can be placed anywhere and the domes allow the entrance of light and sun from above. Ventilation is facilitated by the aerodynamic form of the dwelling which allows free circulation of air throughout.

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地面层平面图 Ground Plan

地下层平面图 Basement Plan

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