中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A
Abstract: How to integrate ideological and political education into professional courses of artificial intelligence is the focus of "implementing virtue teaches people ", It is an important measure to implement the deep integration of artificial intelligence and education. The course of ideological and political teaching reform into the course of "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" teaching process, reflects the "whole process of education "," all-round education" focus. In view of the difficult problems of how to integrate ideological and political content into professional courses, this paper analyzes the connotation of ideological and political cooperation in artificial intelligence specialty, and discusses the teaching design idea and method of integrating professional. In view of the case and application of artificial intelligence in medical imaging, this paper discusses the teaching design idea and method of integrating ideological and political elements into professional courses, and realizes the important attempt of ideological and political reform of professional courses under the background of new engineering courses, which has reference significance for the education and teaching reform of other new engineering courses.
Key words:ideological and political education; artificial intelligence; new engineering; instructional design ; teaching reform
1 引言
人工智能專业课程融入思政教育的探索与实践,重点是如何落实专业课程的思政教育、加强教学环节的思政元素的设计。思政教育关系到高校对于人的培养这个关键问题,关系到社会的进步,它是高校坚持社会主义办学的重要阵地[1],对于学生思政教育的提升单一依靠思想政治课堂是不够的,要在每一门课尤其专业课中融入思政元素,加强对各专业课程的思政元素以及教学环节的设计,同时这也是贯彻落实习总书记关于思想政治工作贯穿教育教学全过程讲话、落实全程育人、全方位育人,努力开创我国高等教育事业发展新局面的重大举措[2]。 在这一发展前提下,如何将思政课程转化为课程思政,以及在专业课课堂上如何更好地加入思政元素是高校教师亟待解决的重要难题。将课程思政的教育教学改革融入新工科课程的教学理念以及教学设计中,体现了教育价值理性的回归,促进了新时代新工科培养思想过硬、技术过关的人才,因此,课程思政的教育教学改革仍然是一个值得研究的重要问题[3-7]。
《人工智能概论》课程主要介绍人工智能概念、知识表示、确定性与不确定性推理搜索策略、机器学习、神经网络、专家系统以及自然语言理解等内容。它主要是用来讲解机器如何智能工作、模仿人类大脑,人类思考问题的方法技术。里面涉及一些关键技术的应用领域像自然语言处理系统、图像识别、疾病诊断与分割等。并对其中的知识表示、搜索推理和计算智能为授课内容的重点应用进行详细介绍,该课程既涉及行业领域发展的前沿,同时又需要学生充分的思考技术在爆炸时代存在的社会进步、 经济发展、伦理科学等问题,因而非常契合新工科背景下对专业的融合、跨界创新的课程建设要求[8-9]。与此同时,由于课程本身知识体系的庞大、涉及的技术类型繁杂,对课程思政内核的融入提出了一定的挑战。