苏艳华 潘涛 陈秋金
摘 要:目的:调查医学院校临床医学专业硕士研究生对导师指导的满意度,探究影响因素并为优化导师指导提供借鉴。方法:对在读临床医学硕士研究生进行问卷调查和访谈,采用多元线性回归进行数据分析。结果:临床医学研究生对导师科研和临床实践指导满意度评价总分分别为(4.47±0.50)分和(4.76±0.47)分,导师的学术和道德修养、科研指导频度、提供课题参与度和学术交流是科研指导满意度的影响因素(P<0.01),导师的医德医风、专业知识指导模式、跟诊专业讲解程度、组织病案讨论频次是临床实践指导满意度的影响因素(P<0.01)。结论:临床医学硕士研究生对导师指导总体比较满意,但实际指导时效与研究生需求有差距,建议夯实导师道德教育的主体责任,强化岗位责任意识,优化指导模式,注重平台支持和加强研究生学术交流。
中图分类号:G643 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2096-000X(2021)25-0148-05
Abstract: Objective:To investigate the satisfaction of postgraduates majoring in clinical medicine in medical colleges with tutor guidance, explore the influencing factors, and provide reference for optimizing tutor guidance. Methods: Questionnaire survey and interview are carried out on the postgraduate students of clinical medicine, and the data were analyzed by multiple linear regression. Results: The total score of satisfaction evaluation of clinical medical postgraduates on tutor's scientific research and clinical practice guidance was (4.47±0.05) and (4.76±0.47). The academic and moral cultivation of tutors, the frequency of scientific research guidance, the degree of providing subject participation and academic exchanges were the influencing factors of satisfaction with scientific research guidance (P<0.01). The influencing factors of satisfaction with clinical practice guidance are the medical ethics, professional knowledge guidance mode, the degree of follow-up professional explanation and the frequency of organizing medical record discussion of tutors were (P<0.01). Conclusion: Postgraduates of clinical medicine are generally satisfied with the tutor's guidance, but there is a gap between the actual guidance timeliness and the needs of postgraduates. The suggestion is that the main responsibility of moral education of tutors should be consolidated, the sense of post responsibility should be strengthened, the guidance mode should be optimized, and the platform support and academic exchange of graduate students should be strengthened.
Keywords: Clinical Medicine; postgraduates; tutor guidance; satisfaction