【摘 要】在我國新的教育思想指导下,不仅要对学生的学习成绩高度重视,还应重视对学生进行教育的实践以及理论。现今,教师在开展工作时经常从生活教育出发,原因就在于学生基于对生活经验的理解,更容易学好英语这门课程。所以,为了发挥小学英语在教学中的作用,就要运用科学的教学方式,从而引发学生对这一学科的兴趣,积极投身英语学习中。本文通过生活教育理论对小学英语进行研究并提出相应的策略。
中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7485(2021)24-0075-02
Application of Life Education Theory in Primary School English Teaching
(Siyuan Experimental School, Anding District, Dingxi City, Gansu Province,China) CHEN Lixia
【Abstract】Under the guidance of my country's new educational ideology, we should not only attach great importance to students' academic performance, but also attach importance to the practice and theory of educating students. Nowadays, teachers often start from life education in their work. The reason is that students can learn English more easily based on their understanding of life experience. Therefore, in order to play a role in the teaching of English in primary schools, we need to use science teaching methods, giving rise to student interest in the subject, actively engaged in learning English. This article is to study primary school English through life education theory and propose corresponding strategies.
【Keywords】Life education theory; Primary school English teaching; Applied research
Application of Life Education Theory in Primary School English Teaching
(Siyuan Experimental School, Anding District, Dingxi City, Gansu Province,China) CHEN Lixia
【Abstract】Under the guidance of my country's new educational ideology, we should not only attach great importance to students' academic performance, but also attach importance to the practice and theory of educating students. Nowadays, teachers often start from life education in their work. The reason is that students can learn English more easily based on their understanding of life experience. Therefore, in order to play a role in the teaching of English in primary schools, we need to use science teaching methods, giving rise to student interest in the subject, actively engaged in learning English. This article is to study primary school English through life education theory and propose corresponding strategies.
【Keywords】Life education theory; Primary school English teaching; Applied research