【摘 要】現阶段的英语教学注重以核心素养为导向的课堂互动。师生互动的过程是交流信息、表达情感、智慧碰撞、共同成长的过程。互动性强的课堂在愉快的氛围中激发教师的积极性,促进学生的个性发展。英语课堂应以核心素养为导向加深课堂互动,培养学生的语言能力、思维品质、文化品质和学习能力。本篇论文,教师通过在课堂教学中的实践,研究以核心素养为导向的课堂互动的教学。
中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7485(2021)14-0122-02
Study on the practice of classroom interactive teaching based on core literacy of primary school English
(Hangu Taoyuan Primary School, Binhai New District, Tianjin ,China)ZHANG Ruyi
【Abstract】At this stage, English teaching focuses on classroom interaction based on core literacy. The process of teacher-student interaction is a process of exchanging information, expressing emotion, colliding wisdom, and growing together. The interactive classroom stimulates the enthusiasm of teachers in a pleasant atmosphere and promotes the personality development of students. English classrooms should be guided by core literacy to deepen classroom interaction and cultivate students' language ability, thinking quality, cultural quality and learning ability. In this thesis, teachers study the core literacy-oriented classroom interactive teaching through their practice in classroom teaching.
【Keywords】Core literacy; Classroom interaction; Teaching