[摘要] 目的 探讨集体食堂中食物中毒预防方法和控制措施。方法 在2010—2019年期间集体食堂中毒情况的相关资料进行分析统计,明确食物中毒事件内容,并采取有效的预防措施和控制方法。结果 10年中发生了120件集体食堂中毒事件,中毒人数共3 500人,其中5~10月份发生食物中毒事件共87件,占比为72.50%;有95件(79.17%)食物中毒事件因餐饮单位造成;副溶血性弧菌造成的食物中毒情况占细菌性食物中毒的比例为50.00%(40/80);生熟交叉感染、熟食储备不当、加工人员污染等均为细菌性食物中毒的主要因素。针对其采取相应的预防措施、风险管理、过程控制、社会共治等相关方法,获得较高的治疗效果。结论 针对集体食堂中食物中毒事件,采取有效的策略和措施,对临床食物中毒事件予以有效的控制,使集体食物中毒事件发生率明显降低。
[关键词] 集体食堂;食物中毒;控制;预防
[中图分类号] R15 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2020)09(c)-0180-03
[Abstract] Objective To discuss the prevention and control measures of food poisoning in collective canteens. Methods From 2010 to 2019, the relevant data of the poisoning situation in collective canteens were analyzed and statistics, the content of food poisoning incidents was clarified, and effective preventive measures and control methods were adopted. Results There were 120 canteen poisoning incidents in 10 years, with a total of 3 500 people being poisoned. Among them, 87 food poisoning incidents occurred from May to October, accounting for 72.50%; 95(79.17%) food poisoning incidents were caused by food poisoning incidents. Food poisoning caused by catering units; food poisoning caused by Vibrio parahaemolyticus accounts for 50.00% of bacterial food poisoning (40/80); cross-infection of raw and cooked food, improper cooked food storage, contamination of processing personnel, etc. are all caused by bacterial food poisoning major factor. Take corresponding preventive measures, risk management, process control, social co-governance and other related methods for them, and obtain higher treatment effects. Conclusion In response to food poisoning incidents in collective canteens, effective strategies and measures have been adopted to effectively control clinical food poisoning incidents, so that the incidence of collective food poisoning incidents was significantly reduced.
[Key words] Collective canteens; Food poisoning; Control; Prevention
近几年,食品药品监督管理部门主要以预防措施、风险管理、过程控制、社会共治为主要监管理念,针对食物中毒事件制定相应防控方案和措施,使食物中毒情况得到有效控制,将食物中毒导致的健康危害和社会影响情况予以降低[1]。在各级政府、市民、社会各界关注的问题中,预防和控制食物中毒发生十分重要。在各级卫生部门和监督机构中,其工作十分重要。卫生行政部门和各级卫生监督机构建立《食物中毒事件处理应急预案》,进而建立应急事件处置小组,并保证24 h值班,一经出现食物中毒情况,在短时间内处置现场事件。将自身卫生管理水平予以提升,使對食品卫生监管力度予以提升。现对2010—2019年间集体食堂食物中毒情况进行分析,并采取有效预防对策的价值。报道如下。
1 集体食堂中毒的时间与中毒因素
1.1 中毒情况
在2010—2019年期间集体食堂中毒情况的相关资料[2]进行分析统计,10年中发生了120件集体食堂中毒事件,中毒人数共3 500人。现今食物中毒发生率逐渐下降,中毒发生率降低。其主要内容见表1。
1.2 时间分布情况
1.3 集体食堂食物中毒的致病因素