摘 要:英语写作教学借助形成性评价可以激发学生写作兴趣,提高学生写作能力和写作水平。形成性评价的形式丰富多样,在课堂教学活动中,教师应结合学生英语水平和学习规律,采取分值评价、语言评价、自我评价、相互评价等方式,优化学生的英语写作活动,提高写作教学效率和质量。
中图分类号:G633.41 文献标志码:A文章编号:1008-3561(2020)07-0084-02
一、 合理利用分值评价,激发学生创新意识
在英语写作教学过程中,教师给出的分值评价对学生的自信心有着很大的影响。在写作活动中,如果学生的作文获得比较高的分值,得到肯定,就会激发学生的自我认识和肯定,使学生从中感受成功的乐趣,体会英语写作的魅力,树立学生英语写作的自信心。在写作评价的过程中,结合形成性评价理念,教师应合理利用分值评价,培养学生创新意识,让学生写出更加优秀的作文。例如,在七年级下册“Don't eat in class”的教学中,教师根据教学内容,可引导学生以“I love my class”为主题进行写作。教师可向学生展示一篇优秀的作文,开头是这样写的:Our class is great, although the class size is not large , but everyone is very united and get along very well. Our head is Qi, she takes care of us like a mother and builds a series of classes for us.结尾是这样写的:I love my class, love his patience and tolerance; I love my class, love his window is clear; I love my class, love his aggressive... Finally, I want to say: learning life in such a class will definitely become my precious memories in the future. A thousand words merge into one sentence, I love my class!通过这样一篇优秀的作文,教师可让学生说一说作品的亮点。通过阅读和分析,学生会了解什么样的作文可以获得高分值。借助这样的分析,学生可以在写作中深入思考作文的开头和结尾,逐渐提高写作水平。因此,在英语写作教学过程中,教师应当合理利用形成性评价,有效利用分值评价,培养学生的写作意识和能力。
二、 注重语言评价活动,活跃写作课堂氛围
形成性评价中的语言评价是有效的评价方式之一,语言评价比较灵活,可以在写作课堂上或课下使用,通过语言评价的运用,教师可给予学生鼓励和表扬,激发学生写作兴趣,有效开展写作活动。初中阶段的学生思维活跃,希望得到教师的表扬和认可,教师要结合学生的写作情况,采取针对性语言进行评价,调动学生积极性,让他们主动参与写作活动,从而提高写作教学的有效性。例如,在八年级上册“Where did you go on vacation”的教学中,根据阅读内容,教师可以让学生以“My vacation”为主题进行写作。在写作开始之前,教师让学生先说一说自己的假期:去了什么地方?怎么安排自己的假期?在假期中发生了哪些事?同时教师通过语言引导帮助学生掌握写作技巧和方法,对学生的作品给予肯定性评价,帮助学生树立写作自信。如有学生开头写道:During this holiday, I went to visit the Yangtze River with my father and took a yacht to visit the bridge.We boarded a silver-gray yacht and looked at it. There were a few white clouds in the blue sky.在中间写道:At this time, the water at the stern suddenly turned up the rolling waves, and rushed backwards, like the water boiled. I looked up and saw the yacht really left the dock, turned around, and quickly headed for the bridge.结尾处写道:Ah, what a beautiful Yangtze River! I really want to see it again.教师通过语言评价,对学生作品展开分析,让大家了解其中的优点和不足,并鼓励学生们创作出更加优秀的作品。在语言评价中,教师要充分利用自己的语言活跃写作课堂氛围,培养学生英语写作兴趣和写作自信,从而提高学生写作水平。
三、 引导学生自我评价,调动学生课堂主动性
自我评价是形成性评价的重要组成部分,通过学生的自我评价,能帮助他们了解写作中的收获,明确自身存在的不足,促进其不断完善自我。在学生完成寫作活动之后,教师可要求学生认真阅读作文每句话,并且思考写作中的困难和问题,思考问题解决的办法。因此,教师在英语写作教学中可鼓励学生有效开展自我评价活动,提高学生的反思能力。例如,在八年级下册“Have you ever been to a museum”的教学中,教师可结合课文介绍新加坡的人口类型、语言、食物以及动物园等内容,然后让学生以“ A country I like”作为主题开展写作活动,并自我评价。有学生写道:My favorite country is Switzerland. Switzerland is a beautiful place in the middle of the Central European Alps. The main languages spoken in Switzerland are German, French, and Italian. There are several beautiful places in Switzerland, such as: Lake Geneva, Bernese Oberland, Lucerne,Swiss Glacier, Liechtenstein Park, etc. I know that Switzerland is a beautiful place and a paradise for leisure and vacation. I hope I can go to Switzerland in the future.面对学生的作文,教师首先可让学生对自己的作文进行自我评价,通过自我评价找出作文中的不足和错误,从而在以后写作中避免再次出现此类错误。
四、 开展相互评价,切实提高写作能力
在形成性评价中,学生相互评价是一种灵活的评价方式,其可以加强学生之间的互动和交流,有利于找出优点和不足,促进学生不断成长。在英语写作教学中,学生完成作文后,教师可要求学生相互交换作文,评改对方的作品。例如,在九年级“We're trying to save the earth.”的教学中,结合听力内容,教师引导学生理解通过废物循环利用,达到环境保护的目的。在此基础上,教师让学生以“Environmental protection”为主题,开展写作活动。有学生写道:It turns out that sticking to the simple nature and sticking to simplicity is actually environmental protection."No profit leads to no extinction!" But at the hotel table, meat dishes account for almost 80%! People eat aquaculture, but also want to eat wild; eat common, but also want to eat rare! The hole in the mouth is getting deeper and deeper, and the claws that are captured are getting farther and farther. How can greedy hunting and species protection go hand in hand? Although the ancient Yanhui was only "a sip of food, a spoonful of drink", it was simple and happy life. Today's life is a little simpler, it can not only avoid disease, but also naturally lead the environmental protection, why don't we live in simple style?学生完成写作之后,学生之间可以相互交换作文,互相进行阅读和评改,并且找出作文中优美的语句,指出作文中的错误,并写上自己的修改意见。通过学生之间的互动和交流,大家取长补短,共同提高写作能力。
Research on the Application of Formative
Assessment in English Writing Teaching
Huang Lixia
(Minqin Sixth Middle school, Gansu Province, Minqin 733399, China)
Abstract: With the help of formative assessment, English writing teaching can stimulate students' interest in writing and improve their writing ability and level. There are various forms of formative assessment. In classroom teaching activities, teachers should combine students' English level and learning rules, adopt score assessment, language assessment, self-assessment, mutual assessment and other methods to optimize students' English writing activities and improve writing teaching efficiency and quality.
Key words: junior high school English; writing teaching; formative assessment; self-assessment
基金項目:本文系2018年度甘肃省“十三五”教育科学规划一般自筹课题“如何让形成性评价在初中英语课堂教学管理中发挥作用”(课题立项号:GS [2018 ] GHB1621)的阶段性研究成果