李艳 刘文超 尤志栋
摘 要:驾驶人的风险行为已成为交通事故的主要致因。识别风险驾驶行为并进行干预对提高道路交通安全水平具有重要意义,因此本文从风险驾驶行为识别、干预方法以及干预效果评估三方面对国内外研究进行综述。通过车载数据记录设备或智能手机进行数据采集,基于规则或机器学习算法识别风险行为,基于规则的识别方法简单易理解,但各研究中设定的阈值并不一致,机器学习算法的识别效果相对更优。行为干预分为非实时干预和实时干预两种,其中非实时干预包括安全教育和奖惩手段,部分研究采取两种组合的干预方案。研究表明,两种干预方式均对减少风险驾驶行为或降低危险事件率有一定的效果,但效果的大小、持续性有所不同。此外,不同干预方法效果不同,同样的干预方法对不同的驾驶人、风险行为的干预效果也存在差异。
Review of risk driving behaviorsidentification and intervention
LI Yan1, LIU Wenchao1, YOU Zhidong2
(1.Beijing Xiaoju Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100193,China; 2. The Key Laboratory of Ministry of Public Security of Road Traffic Safety, Wuxi 214151,China)
Abstract: The risk behavior of drivers has become the main cause of traffic accidents. Identifying and intervening risky driving behaviors are of great significance for improving road traffic safety. This paper reviews the research at home and abroad in terms of risk driving behavior identification, intervention methods, and intervention effectsevaluation. Data is collected through in-vehicle data recorder or smartphones, and risk behaviors are identified based on rules or machine learning algorithms. Rulesbased identification methods are simple and easy to interpret, but the thresholds set in various studies are not consistent, and the recognition effect of machine learning algorithms is relatively more excellent. Behavioral intervention is divided into non-realtime intervention and real-time intervention. Among them, non-real-time intervention includes safety education and reward and punishment methods. Some studies have adopted two combined intervention schemes. Studies have shown that both interventions have certain effects on reducing risky driving behavior or reducing the rate of safety related incidents, but the magnitude and persistence of the effects are different. In addition, different intervention methods have different effects, and the same intervention methods have different effects on different drivers and risk behaviors.
Keywords: Driving behavior; behaviordata collection; risk behavior identification; behavior intervention; effect evaluation
1 风险驾驶行为识别方法
1.1 驾驶行为数据采集
1.2 风险驾驶行为识别
2 行为干预方法
2.1 非实时干预方法
2.1.1 安全教育
Hickman和Hanowski[27-28] 以及Hickman等[29]利用车载安全监控系统对营运驾驶人的危险交通事件和风险驾驶行为数据进行采集,当营运企业的管理者认为有必要的时候,使用视频材料对驾驶人进行安全教育,频率不固定。Bell等[30]的研究中,首先根据风险驾驶行为对驾驶人进行评级,管理者每周对风险最高的驾驶人(3级和4级)基于视频片段进行一对一的教育。同济大学王雪松等[31]与营运企业合作,采集货运驾驶人行为数据,提取风险驾驶行为视频片段并制作分析报告,分别采取面对面分析行为视频片段、电话讲解行为分析报告的方式进行驾驶人安全教育。Toledo和Lotan[32]在干预期让驾驶人登录网站查看自己的风险行为视频片段、分析报告,同时也能查看所有驾驶人的平均风险水平。
4 结论
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