孙清露 王广 田明
[摘要] 目的 觀察形成性评价在西医外科临床实习教学中的应用效果。 方法 在2017~2018学年中,将2013级五年制中医学专业本科生分为试验组和对照组。各组学生分别进入外科实习4周。在第2周末对试验组进行形成性评价,评价方式包括病例分析和外科基本操作。在第4周末对两组学生进行终结性评价,作为教学效果的最终评价。评价方式包括出科考试(满分100分)和外科实习满意程度调查表。对两组学生的出科考试成绩和外科实习满意度进行比较。 结果 与对照组相比,试验组学生的出科考试成绩更高[(86.12±12.37)分vs.(80.46±11.85)分,P=0.022];试验组学生对自身在外科实习期间的临床能力[(8.47±1.36)分vs.(7.92±1.29)分,P=0.041]、合作能力[(8.56±1.93)分vs.(7.62±2.11)分,P=0.027]和发展能力[(8.38±1.75)分vs.(7.65±1.63)分,P=0.033]等三方面的提高程度自我评分更高。 结论 形成性评价考核模式能够提高中医院校学生在外科临床实习的教学效果。
[关键词] 西医外科;形成性评价;临床实习教学;终结性评价
[中图分类号] G642;R-4 [文献标识码] C [文章编号] 1673-9701(2020)04-0157-03
Application of formative evaluation in clinical practice teaching of Western medicine surgery
SUN Qinglu WANG Guang TIAN Ming
Department of Western Medical Surgery, Dongzhimen Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100700, China
[Abstract] Objective To observe the application effect of formative evaluation in clinical practice teaching of Western medical surgery. Methods In the 2017-2018 school year, the 2013 five-year undergraduate students of traditional Chinese medicine were divided into experimental group and control group. Each group of students entered the surgical internship for 4 weeks. A formative evaluation of the experimental group was conducted at the end of the second week, and the evaluation methods included case analysis and basic surgical operations. At the end of the fourth week, final evaluation was performed on the two groups of students. The evaluation methods included the department examination (total 100 points) and the surgical internship satisfaction questionnaire. The scores of the department examination and the satisfaction of surgical internship between the two groups of students were compared. Results Compared with the control group, the students in the experimental group had higher scores in the department examinations[(86.12±12.37) points vs (80.46±11.85) points, P=0.022]. The students in the experimental group had higher self-scoring on their own clinical ability [(8.47±1.36) points vs. (7.92±1.29) points, P=0.041], cooperation ability [(8.56±1.93) points vs. (7.62±2.11) points, P=0.027] and development ability [(8.38±1.75) points vs. (7.65±1.63) points, P=0.033] during the surgical internship. Conclusion The formative evaluation model can improve the teaching effect of Chinese medicine school students in the clinical practice of Western medical surgery.
目前,国内外的医学教育工作者越来越重视形成性评价考核方式在医学教育中的应用。早在2000年,Mckinley RK等[8]就报道应用Leicester评估工具对医学生接受形成性评价考核方式进行评价,学生普遍反映形成性评价有助于认识自己的优缺点,有助于改善日常学习习惯,并愿意接受形成性评价体系。随着形成性评价考核方式在医学教育中的普及,Holloway RG等[9]报道在循证医学教学中应用形成性评价体系,对基础知识、学习习惯、临床思维等方面进行评估,结果显示形成性评价体系有助于学生对知识的掌握。Phillips AW等[10]探讨外科学实践教学的评价方式,在实践过程中对医学生的外科操作技能进行形成性评价,并将评价结果反馈给医学生,促进学生针对性的改进实践技能训练,最终显示形成性评价模式是学生充分认可的评价方式。
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