
2020-03-02 15:38
广东外语外贸大学学报 2020年1期


Abstract:The “meek one” is a very important type of female in the Russian writer Dostoevsky’s works,in which the writer shows the religious morality derived from the Russian roots.Dostoevsky’s portrayal of such women is often linked to the icon which deepens from the thematic level to the symbolic level.On the one hand,the iconic beauty of the “meek one” can influence the Western intellectuals and promote the transformation of Russian society.On the other hand,the “meek one” in the narrative entered the visual structure containing the icon system in the text,and placed Dostoevsky’s hope of realizing redemption through the love and the rebirth of the Russian religious spirit.

Keywords:Dostoevsky;the meek one;the icon


Abstract:The printing press is regarded as an agent of change,namely,communications and cultural transformations in early modern Europe.The earliest texts of William Shakespeare’s plays were published from 1590 to 1623 in folio or quarto and octavo format.Folios are large and tall volumes,which contain the False Folio in 1619,and the First Folio in 1623;quartos are smaller,roughly half the size.Eighteen of Shakespeare’s plays were printed in quarto or octavo prior to 1623.Bibliographers and linguistic scholars have gained more abundant research achievements in the early texts of Shakespeare’s plays.

Keywords:print;plays;editions;bibliography;linguistic research


Abstract:EverythingINeverToldYou,written by Asian American writer Celeste Ng,instantly became one of the best sellers in America when it was published in 2014 and won several prizes the same year.The novel illustrates the life of an Asian American family.From the perspectives of psychology and sociology,it is not difficult to find out the motivations of the passing behaviors of two of the characters in the novel,as well as the causes of the passing behaviors rooted in the society.The novel not only provokes the readers to reflect on such familiar issues as racial identity,integration and generation conflicts faced by American minorities,but also leads the readers to have a deep insight into the issues of value,identity and homosexuality in American society.

Keywords:Celeste Ng;EverythingINeverToldYou;passing narrative;Asian American Literature


Abstract:Contemporary Canadian writer Yann Martel is world-famous forLifeofPi.InBeatriceandVirgil,he used Magic Realism again to present the theme of Holocaust.The two narrative levels of the novel,containing several literary forms and rhetorical devices,indicate the intertextuality and metaphorical trait of the text.The novel has made a breakthrough out of the realistic style of Holocaust literatures,in which Martel has not only absorbed character allegories,story frames,styles and others from the works of Dante,Flaubert,Beckett and so on,but also applied metaphors,which he is skilled in,to reveal the elements of aesthetic politics of the novel.Therefore,the novel leads to a linkage of aesthetic politics between sovereign power and bare life,and thus Martel’s unique nonliteral speaking of Holocaust is complete.

Keywords:Yann Martel;intertextuality;metaphor;aesthetic politics;nonliteral;Holocaust literature


Abstract:The short storyLostinTheFunhouseof American writer John Bath has been taken as a typical work of postmodern “meta-fiction”.Its writing technique,constructions and creative meaning also draw people’s attention.The “Funhouse” in the title has its specific spatial meaning,for it is the main place where the plot happens,including the mixture of the exploration and the confusing,the inward turning of the “exploration” in the space and the disappearance of the mark and the orientation in the space.This study begins with the analyzing the “Funhouse” in order toexplore the “remodeling” of indoor space in the novel under the postmodern context,and to illuminate the uniqueness of postmodern “meta-space”,which can provide a more profound way of analyzing the space in literary works.

Key word:Spatial Theory;John Bath;LostinTheFunhouse;postmodern meta-space


Abstract:In the three short storiesTemporaryMatter,MrsSen’s,andTheThirdandFinalContinentof Jhumpa Lahiri’s Pulizer Prize winning novel collectionInterpreterofMaladies,food appears repeatedly as important images,indicating profound metaphoric features.The protagonists’ different choices of eating and food within these three stories reveal Lahiri’s thematic concern,namely,to write the process of Indian immigrants’ affection experience and identity construction.Thus,it reflects the contradiction and compromise confronted by Indian immigrants in their overseas living experience.

Keywords:Jhumpa Lahiri;InterpretorofMaladies;indentity construction;food;metaphor


Keywords:Ahmed Saadawi;FrankensteininBaghdad;Iraq War literature


Abstract:At the end of the ninth century,Pei Ting,the most famous poet in Bohai,went to Japan to exchange poems with the Japanese “god of culture” Sugawara no michizane,which is a great event in the history of Bohai-Japan literary exchange.From the point of view of the poem title,poem language,Chinese books and the political background of creation,the poems and prefaces recorded inKankeFumiehave the dual attributes of national diplomacy and private reward.The theme and content of the poems are the epitome of the diplomatic content of Bohai and Japan,which embodies the political posture of the country and the poet’s self-temperament.As part of diplomatic activities,these poems highlight Japan’s cultural taste,record important scenes and historical pictures in Bohai-Japan diplomacy,and have the dual value of literature and literature.

Keywords:Sugawara no michizane;Pei Ting;KankeFumie;Bohai and Japan’s diplomacy


Abstract:TheManintheHighCastleby American science fiction writer Philip K.Dick gives an account of a conversed history of the Second World War,namely,the Allies of Britain,America and Russia are defeated,and America is occupied by Germany and Japan;Conversely,the novel ofTheGrasshopperLiesHeavypresents an alternate history:Germany and Japan are defeated,and America and Britain take control of the world.Analyzed in the theory of New Historicism,the historical narration of the novel shows that Dick discloses the textuality of history and the historicity of text the through a combination of reality and fabrication.In light of reflecting the authenticity of history and exposing the discourses of the oppressed,Dick expresses his hatred against hideous fascism and his deep concern about the destiny of human beings.

Keywords:conversed history;alternate history;textuality of history;historicity of text



Abstract:Eugene O’Neill’s plays show great concern of the ethical problems that contemporary American families face with the purpose of arousing the reconsideration of family ethical relations.The study,by analyzing three typical plays written in different periods,reflects the distortion and alienation of American family ethical relations and shows O’Neill’s longing for family ethic built on love,responsibility and obligation and represents O’Neill’s strong sense of moral crisis and humanities.The research is of practical significance to the marriage and family ethical construction in China.

Keywords:O’Neill’s drama;marriage and family ethic;ethical absence;ethical narrative


Abstract:Since Edmund Wilson,female characters in Hemingway’s works have been classified into the types of “goddesses” and “bitches”.Brett Ashley,inTheSunAlsoRises,has long been considered as a typical “bitch”.Based on close reading of the novel and the critical history of the heroine Brett,the paper does a reexamination of her label of “bitch”,opines that Brett is not a “bitch” as claimed.Grounded on this effort,the paper further deliberates on Brett’s labels of “bitch”,“prostitute” and “new woman”,and argues that it is reductive to tab her as each of them.A literary character with typical feature of the time,Brett is in fact characterized as a transitional figure between a prostitute and a new woman.

Keywords:Brett Ashley;bitch;prostitute;new woman;reconsideration


Abstract:On the ruins of the collapsed Cartesian subject,Judith Butler pursues to deepen the understanding of subject and subjectivity.Her effort starts with a critical reconsideration of two routes of subject liberation theory,which are respectively the essentialism and pre-discourse routes.By means of the review of Kafka’s short novelsBeforetheLawandInthePenalColony,Butler takes the subject liberation theories of Beauoir and Kristeva as typical practices of the two routes.In her view,both of Beauoir’s pursuit of the women’s unique experience,and Kristeva’s insistence on a pre-discourse narrative will be fruitless and in vain,the same as the countryman’s waiting and the officer’s story-telling,because they both are trapped in binary opposition structure and have unintentionally reclaimed the law that are supposed to be replaced.

Keywords:Butler;Beauoir;the subject;liberation discourse;essentialism


Abstract:Julian Barnes (1946-),a contemporary British writer and winner of the 2012 Man Booker Prize,whose literary creations,especially the novels,pay great attention to the historical issues and is full of the concept of “history” itself.His deep reflection on history and his historical consciousness have not only presented the distinctive post-modernism characteristics,but also resonated with the western humanist tradition.This is a personal choice and also a natural manifestation of the contradictions which is inherent in the Post-Modernism.

Keywords:Julian Barnes;history view;historical novel


Abstract:Song Translation as a multifaceted field has received widespread concern in translation studies during the last two decades.A review of literature on the status quo of song translation studies shows it is characterized by logocentrism and musicocentrism.Approaches to logocentrism or musicocentrism have made song translation a fascinating genre with numerous objectives,methods and strategies.Although textual,inter-textual and extra-textual investigations have been carried out by scholars from different fields,which made song translation studies a successful story of interdisciplinary study,it is still deficient in a shared paradigm especially an agreement to metalanguage of its own.Thus,this article concludes by suggesting future avenues of research including expanding research area,enhancing interdisciplinary studies,and establishing meta-theoretical framework.

Keywords:song translation;opera;song;music;language


Abstract:Translation is indispensable to the spread of ancient Chinese literary theories.Stephen Owen and Wang Hongyin provided the most representative full translations ofTheRealmofPoetryduring its more-than-one-hundred year history of translation and interpretation.Their textual-linguistic choices in the translating process reveal different historical,cultural reasons and translation norms (adequacy &acceptability) adopted by translators.From this epitome of the interpretation of ancient Chinese literary thoughts,it is obvious to see how Chinese and Western poetics differ and interact,which exerts great influence on exploring ways to reestablish Chinese literary discourse.

Keywords:ancient literary theories;TheRealmofPoetry;translation


Abstract:Literal translating,re-entitling and partial re-entitling are three commonly used ways of processing titles of translated works.After an empirical study of 16 titles of translated works processed by Frederick Tsai,it follows that he is disinterested to these three ways.Instead,in order to give Chinese readers the same feel as the original titles do to the original readers,he takes the titles of Chinese works of different themes as standards,and shapes the titles of translated works into forms as if they are given by Chinese authors,which can further help to clear and definite the nature and effectiveness of these three modes,and to provide useful reference for processing the titles of translated works.

Keywords:titles of translated works;translating;re-entitling

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