文 / 李 健
我们在上一篇中已经对中国《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》(GF-2017-0201)中“10变更”(10 Variations)条款中的10.1变更的范围(10.1 Scope of Variation)、10.2变更权(10.2 Right to Vary)进行了译评。本篇继续往下讨论。
原文1:10.3 变更程序
10.3.1 发包人提出变更
10.3.2 监理人提出变更建议
10.3.3 变更执行
试译:10.3 Variation Procedure
10.3.1 Variation Initiated by the Employer
When the Employer initiates a variation, he must instruct the variation to the Contractor via the Project Management Unit.The variation instruction must specify the scope and items of the proposed variation.
10.3.2 Variation Proposal Initiated by the Project Management Unit
When the Project Management Unit initiates a variation proposal, it must submit the variation proposal to the Employer in writing.The variation proposal must specify the scope and items of,and reasons for the proposed variation, and effect on the Contract Price and the Time for Completion when the variation is executed.When the Employer consents to the variation proposal, the Project Management Unit instruct the variation to the Contractor.When the Employer doesn’t consent, the Project Management Unit may not instruct the variation to the Contractor.
10.3.3 Execution of Variation
After receiving a variation instruction issued by Project Management Unit, the Contractor must as soon as practicable give reasons why he cannot execute the variation if he believes he cannot.If he believes he can execute the variation, he must make a description stating effect on the Contract Price and the Time for Completion when the variation is executed.The Parties must evaluate the variation in accordance with Sub-Clause 10.4[Evaluation of Variation].
点评:1.本款主要是回答“怎样的指示或建议才能构成变更?”这个问题的,对发包人提出变更、监理人提出变更建议、承包人执行变更等提出了规范要求。翻译时可以部分地参照FIDIC1999施工合同文本13.3 Variation Procedure相应内容。
2.本款继续贯彻了10.2变更权(10.2 Right to Vary)中确立的变更权属于发包人和监理人的原则,并将权利内容的不同和相互制约关系更明显地体现在程序之中了;同时还明确了承包人在变更执行中的权利和义务。因设计变更引发的变更,根据合同相对性原理,也应视为发包人发起的变更。
3.这里对承包人收到监理人下达的变更指示后如何处理作出特别提示。如果承包人认为不能执行变更指示,那么他应当“立即”提出不能执行变更指示的理由。这里中文“立即”,在翻译中采纳了FIDIC1999建造合同文本的措辞“as soon as practicable”(字面意思是,“在实际可能的情况下,尽快”)。“立即”提出不能执行的理由,原则上应当附上有关图纸、文件、技术标准等作为依据,并及时反馈给监理人和发包人。如果承包人认为可以执行变更的,是否需要“立即”执行,本条款本身没有明确。10.2变更权(10.2 Right to Vary)中也只是提出,承包人收到经发包人签认的变更指示后,方可实施变更。Only after receiving a variation instruction signed by the Employer, may the Contractor execute thevariation.未具体指出必须实施的时间。实践中常见的情形是,在确定变更工程量与变更估价之前,承包人不执行变更。从10.3.3款内容看,该款也确认了这个实践,即完成变更估价后实施变更,具体时间将由10.4变更估价(10.3.3 Evaluation of Variation)确定。特别提醒,这个规定与FIDIC1999建造合同文本不同。FIDIC1999建造合同文本13.3 Variation Procedure约定,……The Engineer shall, as soon as practicable after receiving such proposal (under Sub-Clause 13.2 [Value Engineering]or otherwise), respond with approval, disapproval or comments.The Contractor shall not delay any work whilst awaiting a response.……工程师收到此类建议(依据第13.2款[价值工程]或其它规定)后,应当尽快给予批准、不批准或提出意见的回复。在等待回复期间,承包人不得延误任何工作。这里“承包人不得延误任何工作”,应当理解为包括执行变更指示。
原文2:10.4 变更估价
10.4.1 变更估价原则
10.4.2 变更估价程序
试译:10.4 Evaluation of Variation
10.4.1 Principles for Evaluation of Variation
Except as otherwise stated in the Particular Conditions,Evaluation of Variation must be dealt with in accordance with this sub-clause:
(a) Where there is the same item in the priced Bill of Quantities or in the budget statement as the item in a variation, the unit price for such item will be applied in the evaluation of such item.
(b) Where there is no the same item in the priced Bill of Quantities or in the budget statement as the item in a variation, but there is a similar item, the unit price for the similar item will be applied in the evaluation of such item.
(c) Where the completed quantity of an item in a variation is more than 15% of the quantity of such item in the priced Bill of Quantities or in the budget statement, or where neither is there the same item in the priced Bill of Quantities or in the budget statement as the item in a variation, nor is there a similar item, the Parties must, under the principle of reasonable Cost plus reasonable profit, determine the applicable unit price in accordance with Sub-Clause4.4[Agreement or Determination].
10.4.2 Procedure for Evaluation of Variation
After receiving the Variation Instruction, the Contractor must submit to the Project Management Unit an application for Evaluation of Variation within 14 days.The Project Management Unit must complete the examination of the application and report it to the Employer within 7 days after receiving the application.If the Project Management Unit disagrees upon the application, it must notify the Contractor that he should modify the application and resubmit it.The Employer must complete the examination of the application within 14 days after the Contractor’s submission of the application.If the Employer fails to complete the examination of the application or express his disagreement within the time limit, the application for Evaluation of Variation will be deemed as approved by the Employer.
The price adjustments arising from a variation must be included in the latest progress payment.
点评:1.本款主要是回答“工程变更如何估价?”这个问题的,一是如何确定以何种单价来估价,二是按照什么程序或在多长时间内完成估价。翻译时可以部分地参照FIDIC1999施工合同文本13.3 Variation Procedure相应内容和12.3 Evaluation(12.3估价)。
2.前面已经提及,实践中常见的情形是,在确定变更工程量与变更估价之前,承包人不执行变更。但是承包人不执行变更并非没有时间限制。“10.4.2 变更估价程序(10.4.2 Procedure for Evaluation of Variation)”条款强调,承包人应在收到变更指示后14天内,向监理人提交变更估价申请;监理人应在收到承包人提交的变更估价申请后7天内审查完毕并报送发包人,监理人对变更估价申请有异议,通知承包人修改后重新提交;发包人应在承包人提交变更估价申请后14天内审批完毕;发包人逾期未完成审批或未提出异议的,视为认可承包人提交的变更估价申请。我们注意到,无论承包人、监理人、发包人,一旦启动变更程序,每一方履行义务都有时间限制。因此,从变更指示发出之日起,最长经历14天,发包人审查完毕,或者发包人逾期未完成审批或未提出异议的,视为认可承包人提交的变更估价申请。之后,承包人便必须“立即”执行变更指示了。