
2020-02-10 03:56王俊
英语学习·教师版 2020年1期

摘 要:一线高中英语教师在新课标的指引下,进行着大量的课堂教学改革。但由于课堂教学改革中还存在着各种局限性,导致部分教师在阅读教学中对语言知识的学习理解、应用实践和迁移创新三方面的理解还存在一定偏差。鉴于此,笔者以一堂市级公开课为例,就英语学习活动观进行了反思:依托微语篇,探索高中英语阅读中的语言知识在单元的主题意义。




1. 语言知识的教学脱离单元主题意义


2. 语言知识所依托的语篇杂乱无章


3. 语言知识的单元目标不明确






本课例是一节市级公开课,内容是译林版《牛津高中英语》Module 6 Unit 4主阅读The UN—Bring Everyone Closer Together。通过分析本课例所设的教学环节,笔者提炼出的教学思路大致如下:



1. 学习理解


Step 1. 教师提问:What are the UNs functions?



Step 2. 教师板书填空活动:More information about the UN。

① The UN refers to the United Nations, which is _____ countries to _____ world peace.

② The UN was _____ in 1945 and 192 countries _____ the UN.

③ The UN has four functions, which touches the lives of people. The UN protects human rights and improves international laws, those on child labor and on _____ rights for minorities and women…


教师在此环节补充了关于联合国的信息,目的是想引导学生巩固以下词块:made up of, promote; set up, belong to; equal; apart from, lack of, ensure, available; honoured, take on, voluntary, draw, attention; contributed, acquire, expand, transform, provide, under the umbrella。


Step 3. 教师板书填空巩固练习。

① I feel very honoured to have been able to _____ the leading role in the new play.

② The ability to use a language can _____ only by the act of using the language.

⑥ She needs her new, busy work to_____ her family.


教师设计了巩固性练习,要求学生利用课本中重点考纲词汇的正确形式填空,再次检验学生对take on、be acquired、promoting、has expanded、to ensure、provide for的了解程度。

Step 4. 教师进行课文复现。

① I am pleased to have this chance today to talk to you about the United Nations, or the UN, as it is more often referred to. (Line 2)

② With the help of these armies and other worthy organizations, the UN assists the victims of wars and diseases.(Line 20)

③ … worthwhile… (Line 40)

④ … equal…(Line 22)

⑤ … contributed… (Line 35)

⑥ … lack of… (Line 43)





其中,Step 1的教学主题是联合国的功能,Step 2的教学主题变为对联合国相关信息的介绍,Step 3的教学主题涉及做事、学习、社会与文化、社会服务与人际沟通等,主题多样化造成学生思维转变频繁,加重了学生的学习负担。

本单元主题是“Helping people around the world”,而阅读文本的标题是The UN—Bringing Everyone Closer Together。因此,教师在第二课时可以通过补充语篇使二者相互联系,具体阐释联合国是如何帮助我们身边的人,从而在单元的主题意义中探索语言知识教学。



Tang Ning feels very honoured to talk to us about the UN, as it is more often r_____ to. The UN has four main functions, which is to not only assist the victims of wars and disasters with the help of some w_____ organizations or armies, but also help protect human rights and works, especially the e_____ rights for minorities and women. Therefore, she pays some visits to countries, having programmes of the UN, to increase peoples knowledge of the work of it, and to encourage people to work for them or make the local people a_____ more attention to the situation. For example, some women in Africa organized a group to a_____ material to make baskets and then sell them for a profit, which c_____ to transforming their lives. The UN also helps countries with other problems such as l_____ of education, starvation, disasters and so on. Through the w_____ of UN, the world has been brought closer together.

(答案:referred; worthy; equal; attach; acquire; contributes; lack; work)


The UN—Bringing Everyone Closer Together是一篇演讲稿,不仅介绍了联合国成立的背景、职能,还解释了Tang Ning作为联合国的亲善大使所要履行的相关职责:增加人们对联合国的了解,吸引人们对联合国所做项目的关注,从而帮助有需求的国家及人民。而再次备课的文本是对该演讲稿内容、语言和思维的高度浓缩。


2. 應用实践


Step 1. Who is he? (Next UN Secretary-General )(见表1)

When people refer to Guterres work achievement, he has a reputation of clean governance and strict administration. What he has done is referred to as a great contribution to UNHCR, which refers to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (联合国难民事务高级专员). As its head, he has effectively led it during the greatest migration crisis facing Europe after World War II.

Guterres strong performance answering questions before the General Assembly without referring to his notes had already helped him to rank the first place among the 13 candidates applying for the job in the Security Council.

Note: reference n. 提及,涉及;参考

① Point out the meaning of refer related in the article.

A. to look at sth. or ask sb. for information

B. to mention or talk about sb. or sth.

C. to describe or be connected to sb. or sth.

D. be seen / thought of as…

(答案:referring to; refer to; refers to; is referred to as)

② In reference to your question about cost, the tickets for the film are 35 yuan each.(Translation)

⑥ The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without _____ his notes.

A. bringing up B. referring to

C. looking for D. trying on



授课教师补充微语篇,介绍当时即将上任的联合国秘书长古特雷斯的个人信息和相关经历,在微语篇中呈现与refer相关的语言知识,然后利用配对、翻译、补全句子、单项选择等练习形式进行with / in regard to、reference book、referred to、refer… as等语言知识的拓展训练,使学生了解refer的名词形式、意义、搭配、近义词及近义短语。

Step 2.

“After years in exile (流放), refugees (难民的) living conditions are terrible because of (a) lack of resources. I have met middle-class families with children who are surviving on the streets and praying to make it through the winter. Well over half of Syrian refugees in Lebanon are lacking in secure places to live. And a survey of 40,000 Syrian families in Jordan found that two-thirds lacked basic things for daily life. One father of four compared life as a refugee to being stuck in quicksand (流沙) —every time you move, you sink down further. For lack of funds, there just isnt enough assistance to provide for Syrian refugees.”

(以上文本改编自UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres—Written Text of Speech to the UN Security Council—26 February 2015)

① Since he _____ experience, he didnt get the job.

⑤Though _____ money, he managed to start his own business.

A. lacked B. to lack

C. lacking D. being lacked

(答案:lacked / was lacking in; C)


教师设计了同义句替换联系,涉及lacked、was lacking in、for lack of、(a) lack of的相关词块。此外,教师进一步在微语篇中介绍古特雷斯的特殊经历,使学生对他产生更深入的认识,并利用练习引导学生学习和lack相关的语言知识。

Step 3. Why him? Next UN Secretary-General.

IOC and UNHCR advocate people contributing to (contribute to捐助,貢献) refugees.

Wars contribute to (导致,促成) their abandoning their hometown.

① She contributed a number of articles to the magazine. (Translate contributed to in Chinese.)

⑥ — What do you think of the new law made by the government?

— As far as Im concerned, it will_____ the peace of our country.

A. reply to B. refer to

C. contribute to D. appeal to




Step 4.

“While every refugees story is different, they all share equal courage—the courage not only to survive, but also to rebuild their broken lives.” —António Guterres

He is equal to (be qualified for) the job, and nobody can be equal to(compare with / match / equal) him in his contributions to work.

He believes that there should be equality between the refugees and us.

Note: equality n.平等

① 人生来平等,应该同等对待。

People are born _____ and should be treated _______ .

② 这租金相当于他半个月的收入。

The rent _____ half his monthly income.

③ 汉译英:我相信你能胜任这项任务。

(答案:equal, equally;is equal to;I am sure that you are equal to this task.)



Step 5.



it is worthy of + being done / to be done / n.

be worth + n. / doing sth.

it is worthwhile to do / doing sth.

① This article is well _____ reading but it is not _____ of being translated.

A. worth; worthwhile

B. worth; worth

C. worthy; worthy

D. worth; worthy

②汉译英: 这个建议值得认真考虑。





围绕refer、lack、contribute、worth和 equal这五个核心词汇,教师创设了五个微语篇,并通过“Who is he?”和“Why him?”这两个问题作为主线,分别来说明古特雷斯的身份,从不同角度阐释他当选新任联合国秘书长的理由。教师设置了英汉互译、同义词替换、补全句子、选择题和配对等形式的练习来检测语言知识。


鉴于此,笔者直接依据“Who is he?”和“Why him?”两条主线,分别创设微语篇,把五个核心词汇及其相关的词性与常用搭配融入其中,复现在学习理解环节中所学的语言知识,主要的教学目标依然是让学生对古特雷斯有更深入的了解,从思想、经历、能力等方面思考古特雷斯胜任这一职务的原因。



Step 1. Who is he? Next UN Secretary-General.

① Fill in the blanks with proper words.

In _____ (refer) to who António Guterres is, here is a brief introduction about him. Gutterres, a 67-yearold politician, served as UN High Commissioner for Refugees from June 2005 to December 2015. Before joining the UN refugee agency, Gutterres spent more than 20 years in government and public service. He was the prime minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002.

When people _____ (refer) Guterres work achievement, he has a reputation of clean governance and strict administration. What he has done is referred to as a great contribution to UNHCR, which _____ (refer) the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(联合國难民事务高级专员). As its head, he has effectively led it during the greatest migration crisis facing Europe after World War II.

Guterres strong performance answering questions before the General Assembly without _____ (refer) his notes had already helped him to rank the first place among the 13 candidates applying for the job in the Security Council.

(答案:reference ;refer to;refers to;referring to)

② Match the meanings of refer related to the article with the proper one.

A. to look at sth. or ask sb. for information

B. to mention or talk about sb. or sth.

C. to describe or be connected to sb. or sth.

D. be seen / thought of as

③Fill in the blanks with proper words.

“After years in exile (流放), refugees (难民) living conditions are terrible because of _____ (lack) resources. I have met middle-class families with children who are surviving on the streets and praying to make it through the winter. Well over half of Syrian refugees in Lebanon _ ___ _ (lack) secure places to live. And a survey of 40,000 Syrian families in Jordan found that two-thirds _____(lack) basic things for daily life. One father of four compared life as a refugee to being stuck in quicksand (流沙) —every time you move, you sink down further. _____ (lack) funds, there just isnt enough assistance to provide for Syrian refugees.”

(以上文本改编自UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres—Written text of speech to the UN Security Council—26 February 2015)

(参考答案:(a) lack of;are lacking in;lacked;For lack of)

Step 2 Why him? (Next UN Secretary-General)

One reason for this is that he holds the belief that people are born _____ and should be treated _____ . Also, he believes that there should be _____ between the refugees and us. Therefore, it is obvious that he _ __ __ the job.

Nobody can be equal to him in his_____ to work. To begin with, Guterres will make great _____ to serving the global community with dedication, as a moral authority, and _____ to a result that he will be the voice of our collective conscience and humanity, throughout his term. In addition, he _____ a number of articles_____ the magazine to call on the public to work as a convener, a mediator, a bridgebuilder and an honest broker to help find solutions that benefit everyone involved in trouble, thus _____ the peace of the world.

All in all, Guterres is _____ of being chosen as the next UNSC. It is _____ electing him as the UNSC to address the insecurity and uncertainties of todays world. And it is _____ to trust him in making the UN function well and help those in need as many as possible.

(答案: equal;equally;equality;is equal to;contributions;contributions contribute ;contributed;to;contributing to;worthy;worth;worthwhile)



3. 迁移与创新


Chinese President Xi Jinping believes Guterres will keep his commitment to the UN Charter and work with the international community to deal with global challenges, safeguard world peace, promote common development and contribute to world cooperation.

Referring to China and Portugal, Xi holds the belief that the two countries enjoy a traditional friendship with equal political trust and there is never lack of strengthened cooperation in various areas.

It is worthwhile working with Portugal to push forward the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries.

教師要求学生先完成上述的语篇填空任务,然后完成Letter of congratulations on Guterres的写作任务,并要求作文包括以下两方面内容:①What are the existing problems?②What do you expect the UN to do?(教师提供了22个目标语言知识,供学生参考。)


教师在本环节中概括了“Who is he?”和“Why him?”两个问题,在微语篇中串联并总结了本节课的核心词汇,然后要求学生思考当今世界面对的主要问题,希望联合国秘书长针对这些问题提供哪些援助,并尽可能多地利用本节课的语言知识形成书面的输出内容。





Step 1. Fill in the blanks with proper words.

Chinese President Xi Jinping believes Guterres will keep his commitment to the UN Charter and work with the international community to deal with global challenges, safeguard world peace, promote common development and _________ world cooperation.

_________ China and Portugal, Xi holds the belief that the two countries enjoy a traditional friendship with_________ political trust and there is never_________ strengthened cooperation in various areas.

It is _________ working with Portugal to push forward the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries, Xi said.

(答案:contribute to;Referring to;equal;lack of;worthwhile)

Step 2. Writing a proposal

① Is Guterres really equal to the UNSC? Why or why not?

② What serious problems, which need Guterres help, are China faced with?

③ Suppose you were Guterres, you were asked to pay a visit to China and write a proposal to China about how to help address one of the serious problems discussed in your group.


Group members:________________

Introduction of the problem:


Wed like to help _______________ by _________________________________________________________________________________________________



I am glad that I am invited to visit China. And it is a great honour to give some suggestions on how to address ________________. I hope__________________ can be coped with early. Thank you.






梅德明,王蔷. 2018. 普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)解读[M]. 北京:人民教育出版社.

王为忠. 2018. 话题视角下高中英语阅读课第二课时的磨课实践[J]. 中小学外语教学(中学篇), (8):29-34

中华人民共和国教育部. 2018. 普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)[S]. 北京:人民教育出版社.

