(1四川省农业科学院植物保护研究所/农业农村部西南作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室,成都 610066;2全国农业技术推广服务中心,北京 100125;3农业农村部农产品质量安全中心,北京 100120;4资阳市植保植检站,四川资阳 641300;5四川农业大学农学院,成都 611134;6四川省农业厅植物保护站,成都 610041)
【】判断性信息素诱捕雄蛾发育状况对于客观评价群集诱杀技术的效果具有重要意义。本文通过斜纹夜蛾()内生殖系统形态与发育日龄的研究,判断田间诱捕雄蛾的发育情况和虫源性质,为应用性信息素诱杀技术防控斜纹夜蛾提供理论依据。2014—2015年,利用昆虫解剖镜对室内羽化1—10日龄斜纹夜蛾雄蛾进行解剖测量,形成依据精巢长半轴判断雄蛾日龄的发育标准;2015—2017年,对四川省眉山市东坡区、四川省成都市金堂县田间利用性信息素诱捕到的斜纹夜蛾进行逐日收集并解剖测定,进而依据该标准划分田间逐日性诱的雄蛾日龄结构,分析诱捕雄蛾对自然交配的影响。斜纹夜蛾雄蛾内生殖系统由精巢、输精管、贮精囊、射精管、附腺组成,精巢结构稳定,具有一定弹性,易测量。随着日龄增长,精巢长半轴数值呈减小趋势,1日龄精巢长半轴均值为1 103.54 μm,10日龄雄蛾精巢长半轴比1日龄长半轴减少44.71%,精巢长半轴()与日龄()关系式为:=-48.52+1084(2=0.9472,RMSE=36.8)。1—5日龄组、6—8日龄组、9—10日龄组之间精巢长半轴长度差异显著。根据实验室饲养羽化斜纹夜蛾1—10日龄的精巢长半轴长度与羽化日龄间的数据关系,制定出精巢长半轴判别雄蛾日龄标准表,用于检测田间信息素诱捕雄蛾日龄组成。2015—2017年金堂县和2017年东坡区田间诱捕的雄蛾日龄结构趋势一致,日龄越大,该日龄雄蛾占总诱捕数的百分数越低。金堂县田间诱捕斜纹夜蛾雄蛾1日龄平均百分比为39.89%,2日龄为21.42%,3日龄为15.75%,1—3日龄雄蛾共计占总诱捕数72.22%—79.02%,5—10日龄占比均在10%以下;2017年东坡区田间诱捕斜纹夜蛾雄蛾中1日龄百分比为39.93%,2日龄为20.79%,3日龄为19.54%,1—3日龄雄蛾共计占总诱捕雄蛾数的80.26%,5日龄以后占比较小。各日龄雄蛾平均百分数与日龄数呈指数函数关系下降。根据逐日诱捕雄蛾数量动态,4月末至8月末,金堂县和东坡区斜纹夜蛾均发生3代,第1代、第2代诱捕的雄蛾数以1—3日龄青年蛾为主,金堂青年蛾与老年蛾比为3.32、1.54,东坡区青年蛾与老年蛾比为3.34、1.58;随着虫量增加,第3代东坡区以老龄蛾数量占优势,两者比为0.76,低于金堂的2.34。斜纹夜蛾雄蛾精巢大小能够反映雄蛾日龄,通过检测田间性诱雄蛾日龄的结果表明,利用性信息素捕获的雄蛾以1—3日龄青年雄蛾为主,有利于降低田间成虫交配率。
【研究意义】斜纹夜蛾()属鳞翅目(Lepidoptera)夜蛾科(Noctuidae),是一种世界性分布的农业害虫,该虫食性杂、发生范围广、世代重叠,在我国暴发危害严重[1-2]。斜纹夜蛾成虫趋光性较弱,上灯数量少,加之由于杀虫灯容易受周围光源干扰,传统灯光诱杀效果不明显[3]。斜纹夜蛾性信息素由于具有专一性强、高效、无污染等特点而受到广泛关注,诸多研究明确了其性信息素活性成分组成[4-5]、作用机理[6]、使用方法和田间效果[7-10]、诱捕器设计[11]等,为使用性信息素控制斜纹夜蛾发生动态提供了支撑。利用性信息素诱捕雄蛾(下文简称“性诱”),减少雄、雌交配次数,以达到降低雌蛾产卵量和有效卵量的目的。但如果诱捕的雄蛾为交配后的雄蛾或者是老弱雄蛾,利用性信息素控制害虫就失去了意义。通过观察雄蛾内生殖系统形态变化来分析发育日龄,判断诱捕斜纹夜蛾雄蛾发育状况[12],可为科学评价利用性信息素控制害虫的防治效果提供依据。【前人研究进展】根据对昆虫内生殖系统特征的解剖观察可以判别昆虫的发育阶段。鳞翅目成虫的发育级别可以通过解剖雌成虫卵巢来判断,通常根据雌虫卵粒的成熟情况、颜色及脂肪的多寡等内部结构特征,判断其不同的发育级别[13-14]。在科研工作者大量的研究中,形成了卵巢发育的分级标准。一般鳞翅目害虫卵巢分为5级,如黏虫()[15]、甜菜夜蛾()[16]、稻纵卷叶螟()[17]、棉铃虫()[18]、斜纹夜蛾[19]等,1、2级为未交配状态,3—5级为老熟蛾[19]。对鳞翅目雄蛾内生殖系统的研究多是以观察形态学和组织学特征为主,如茶尺蠖()[20]、墨西哥水稻螟()[21]、沙棘木蠹蛾()[22]、二化螟()[23]、斜纹夜蛾[24]、黏虫[15]等。通过对二化螟雄蛾内生殖系统的比较研究,发现其内生殖器内含物特征可以区别二化螟雄蛾交配与否[25]。斜纹夜蛾成虫日龄对交配行为影响较大,雌雄交配主要发生在羽化后的1、2 d[26]。棉褐环野螟()成虫不同日龄与交配状态组合对繁殖力具有一定的影响[27];稻纵卷叶螟雄蛾发育日龄与精巢大小密切相关[12]。【本研究切入点】不同于幼虫随着发育而脱皮,昆虫成虫的体形基本保持稳定,很难从雄蛾外部形态的变化得出发育日龄。本文从内生殖系统解剖角度出发,利用斜纹夜蛾雄蛾个体精巢长半轴变化,推测雄蛾日龄,再根据斜纹夜蛾日龄与交配节律的研究评价对群体交配的影响。【拟解决的关键问题】对斜纹夜蛾雄蛾内生殖系统进行解剖,得到精巢与日龄的发育标准,进而依据该标准划分田间逐日性诱的雄蛾日龄,获得青年雄蛾在诱捕中的比例,评价性诱控害作用。
用游标卡尺测量斜纹夜蛾体长,用昆虫解剖镜(Motic:Digital Microscope SMZ171)解剖并测量精巢长/短半轴,方法参照陈庆华等[12]。田间日诱捕雄蛾数量超过50头,选择50头进行解剖,再按照诱捕数折算各日龄比例。
试验中各日龄精巢长半轴均值、方差分析、多重比较、体长与精巢的相关系数计算、田间不同日龄雄蛾占比与日龄数拟合均采用MathWorks公司Matlab R2014a软件进行。
A:精巢Testis;B:输精管Vas deferens;C:贮精囊Vesicles;D、F:射精管Ejaculatory duct;E:附腺Accessory gland
解剖羽化1—10日龄斜纹夜蛾雄蛾共180头,测量分析各日龄精巢长半轴数值表明,随着日龄增长,精巢长半轴数值呈减小趋势(图2),1日龄精巢长半轴均值为1 103.54 μm,2日龄精巢长半轴为均值987.35 μm,直至10日龄精巢长半轴均值为610.29 μm,比1日龄减小44.71%。1—5日龄组、6—8日龄组、9—10日龄组之间精巢长半轴长度差异显著。精巢长半轴()与日龄()关系式为:=-48.52+1084(2=0.9472,RMSE=36.8)。斜纹夜蛾1—10日龄雄蛾精巢长半轴长度区间划分见表1。
图中条形柱上短线为标准差,条形柱上不同小写字母表示各日龄组之间差异显著(P<0.01,One-way ANOVA)
表1 斜纹夜蛾1—10日龄雄蛾精巢长半轴长度划分指标
2015—2017年金堂县和东坡区田间诱捕的雄蛾日龄组成趋势一致,日龄越大,占比越低。2015年在金堂县用性信息素诱捕斜纹夜蛾为180头,1日龄占整个诱虫量的40.00%,1—3日龄虫量占总虫量的72.22%,5日龄以后虫量占总虫量的14.44%。2016年在金堂县用性信息素诱捕斜纹夜蛾为205头,1日龄占总虫量的40.49%,1—3日龄虫量占总虫量的79.02%,5日龄以后虫量占总虫量的8.78%。2017年分别在东坡区和金堂县逐日诱捕斜纹夜蛾,东坡区共诱捕1 520头雄蛾,1日龄占39.93%,1—3日龄占80.26%。金堂县共诱捕963头雄蛾,1日龄占39.15%,1—3日龄占76.74%,与2015、2016年趋势吻合。利用非线性最小二乘法,算法为trust-region,对各日龄雄蛾所占平均百分数()与日龄()进行指数函数关系拟合:=63.64×e-0.488x(2=0.9838,RMSE=1.718)(图3)。
图3 2015—2017金堂县、2017年东坡区田间性诱斜纹夜蛾不同日龄雄蛾比例
图4 2017年金堂县(上)、东坡区(下)田间逐日性诱斜纹夜蛾1—3日龄和4—10日龄动态
成虫日龄、体长、精巢大小、进攻器官与雌虫的交配选择有一定关系[28-30],然而成虫体长与精巢大小之间并没有明显关系。试验测试1日龄雄蛾精巢长半轴(,μm)与体长(,mm)的关系式为:=18.825+990.8(2=0.0373,=0.0464),两者呈弱相关。试验用虫体长标准差为1.15 mm,折算成精巢长半轴为21.80 μm,而精巢长半轴从1日龄到2日龄减少116.19 μm,远高于体长的影响值。从日龄分别与体长和精巢大小变化来看,斜纹夜蛾1日龄雄蛾体长为18.08 mm,雄蛾1日龄体长比10日龄长0.92 mm,10 d缩短5.1%,而精巢长半轴随日龄的变化44.71%,因此体长不能判断雄蛾发育日龄。
昆虫的交配行为受到多种外部因素的影响,如环境温度和相对湿度、光强度、光周期等[31-34],但自然条件下,斜纹夜蛾雄蛾日龄是主要影响因素。斜纹夜蛾成虫生命只有10 d左右[35],老年雄蛾精子数量和活力会下降,产生有害突变[36],交配日龄越早,种群成功繁衍风险越小。在实验室配对的情况下,斜纹夜蛾交配行为主要发生在1—2日龄,3龄之后极少发生[26]。本文通过对3年两地的田间诱捕的雄蛾发育日龄进行检测表明,1—2日龄共占总虫量的61.31%,1—4日龄的雄蛾占总虫量的90%左右。更多的富有活力的年青雄蛾被诱捕,可以直接减少斜纹夜蛾雌蛾的交配率,加之没有被诱捕的雄蛾也会受到干扰,造成了一定程度的交配阻隔,实现了控制田间斜纹夜蛾子代种群数量的目的。田间试验表明,性信息素诱杀可明显地降低大豆田斜纹夜蛾交配率,连续2个月内雌蛾交配率仅为40%左右,而对照为80%以上[37]。
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The Structure of Day-Age of MaleMoths by Sex Pheromone Trapping in the Field
CHEN QingHua1, ZENG Juan2, YANG Ling3, JIA Yong4, LI Qing5, Feng ChuanHong6, CHEN XiaoJuan1, HU RongPing1
(1Institute of Plant Protection, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Integrated Pest Management on Crops in Southwest, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Chengdu 610066;2National Agro-Technical Extension and Service Centre, Beijing 100125;3Center for Agro-Food Quality and Safety, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100120;4Plant Protectionand Plant Quarantine Station of Ziyang City, Ziyang 641300, Sichuan;5College of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611134;6Plant Protection Station of Sichuan province, chengdu 610041)
【】It is of great significance to determine the developmental status of male moths trapped by sex pheromone for objective evaluation of the effect of mass trapping. This study aims to research the internal reproductive system and developmental age of, determine the development situation of male moths captured in the field and the nature of insect source, and to provide a theoretical basis for the application of sex pheromone trapping of【】In 2014 and 2015, after eclosion from the laboratory-reared pupae, 1-10 day-old male moths were dissected under the microscope. The criterion of the developmental age of malemoths was determined by the long semi-axis of testis. Using this criterion, the day-old of male moths captured daily with sex pheromone trapping in the fields of Dongpo and Jintang counties of Sichuan Province from 2015 to 2017 was identified. The effect of trapping male moths on mating behaviors and patterns was then analyzed.【】The internal reproductive system of malemoths was composed of testis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct and accessory gland. The structure of testis was stable, elastic and easily-measured. With the increase of age, the length of long semi-axis of testis gradually decreased. The mean value of long semi-axis of testis of 10-day-old males decreased by 44.71%, compared with that of 1-day-old male testis (1 103.54 μm). The relationship equation between the long semi-axis () and day-old () was=-48.52+1084 (2=0.9472, RMSE=36.8).There were significant differences in the length of long semi-axis of testis among the age groups of 1-5, 6-8 and 9-10 day-old. The criterion table displaying the relationship between the day-old of male moths and the length of long semi-axis of testis was built to identify the age of male moths captured by pheromone trapping in the field.Similar day-age structures of male moths were found in Jintang from 2015 to 2017 and in Dongpo in 2017, with lower percentages of older male moths. Specifically, the mean percentage of 1-day-old male moths captured by sex pheromone trapping in Jintang was 39.89%, and that of 2- and 3 day-old was 21.42% and 15.75%, respectively. In other words, 1-3 day-old male moths accounted for 72.22%-79.02% in total, and the percentage from 5- to 10-day-old male moths was below 10%.In Dongpo, the percentage of 1-, 2- and 3-day-old male moths was 39.93%, 20.79% and 19.54%, respectively, as a total of 80.26%, after 5-day-old of age, the percentage was relatively small. The mean percentage of male moths of each day-old decreased exponentially with age. The daily trapping dynamic showed the 3 generations of adults in the fields of Jintang and Dongpo from the end of April to the end of August. The male moths of the 1st and 2nd generations were mainly between ages of 1-3 day-old, and the ratio of younger moths (1-3 day-old) of Jintang to older moths (4-10 day-old) was 3.32 and 1.54, and that of younger moth to older moths in Dongpo was 3.34 and 1.58, respectively. With increased numbers of adults in Dongpo, the majority of 3rd generation was older moths, with the ratio of younger moths to older moths of 0.76, which was lower than that of Jintang (2.34).【】The size of the testis of malemoth can reflect its day-age. Male moths captured through sex pheromone trapping are mainly composed of 1-3 day-old, which is beneficial to reduce mating rate in the current generation and the whole population in the next ones.
; male moth; internal reproductive system; day-old; sex pheromone trapping
(责任编辑 岳梅)