陈英杰 杨耕 刘旭
中图分类号文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007 -449X(2019)06 -0000 -00
Abstract:Internal resistance(R), open circuit voltage(Uocv), heat capacity(mCH) and heat transfer coefficient(k) are key parameters of lithiumion battery thermal model based on simplified Bernardi equation. R and Uocv are nonlinear functions of state of charge(SOC), current(I) and battery temperature(Tbat) and mCH and k are constants. Since the hidden battery properties behind these parameters are different, existing estimation methods usually conduct different tests to excite corresponding properties respectively, resulting in massive test time and labor. This paper proposes a thermal parameters estimation method only consisting of constant current tests and corresponding data dealing procedures. The constant current tests are conducted under various ambient temperatures to provide necessary data within short test time. The battery mechanism based data dealing procedures consider the parameters nonlinear characteristics and solve the SOC and Tbat coupling variation problem. Compared with existing method, the proposed method can provide accurate R(SOC,I,Tbat), Uocv(SOC,Tbat), mCH and k estimation results simultaneously within short test time, thus more engineering applicable. Test results have verified the advantages.
Keywords:lithiumion batteries; thermal model; parameter estimation; internal resistance; open circuit voltage; heat capacity; heat transfer coefficient
0 引 言
4 结 论
参 考 文 献:
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