王喜莲 程迪 王顺
中图分类号文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007 -449X(2019)06 -0000 -00
Abstract:Aimed at harmonic prediction of gridconnected systems, a harmonic impedance modeling scheme was proposed based on output harmonic current of inverter. The gridconnected system harmonic resonance theory was analyzed for impedance modeling of singlephase LCL gridconnected inverter. The low frequency characteristic of inverter was analyzed. Further, the harmonic current of single LCL gridconnected inverter was considered to obtain the harmonic impedance model, which is in good agreement with the simulation results of circuit model. The harmonic impedance model was used for harmonic interaction analysis and harmonic prediction modeling of multiinverter gridconnected systems. An example of eight gridconnected inverters was proposed, and the resonance effect was analyzed for harmonic current and harmonic voltage over point of common coupling(PCC). This harmonic prediction model was compared with circuit model to prove its effectiveness and accuracy.
Keywords:gridconnected inverters;harmonics interactions;harmonics prediction;impedance model;resonance
0 引 言
文献[4]提出了基于阻抗模型的谐波分析方法,对逆变器侧和电网侧谐波进行交互分析,但其阻抗模型是在理想状态下建立的。文献[5-6]将死区效应引入到并网系统阻抗模型中对系统进行分析,提高了阻抗模型的精度。文献[7-8]将实际数字控制系统的延时引入到阻抗模型中,使并网逆变器阻抗模型更加精确。国内外学者对谐波预测方面做了大量的研究。文献[9-11]分别提出了三种针对电网公共接入点(point of common coupling,PCC)谐波电流的预测模型。预测模型建立的形式和方法均不同,但模型建立的过程都需要测量或者收集大量数据来进行分析和计算,模型的建立过程复杂、工作量大。因此,建立较为简单准确的微网系统谐波预测模型有很强的实际意义。
5 结 论
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