张 武,张嫚嫚,洪 汛,江朝晖,蒋跃林
张 武1,张嫚嫚1,洪 汛1,江朝晖1※,蒋跃林2
(1.安徽农业大学信息与计算机学院,合肥 230036;2.安徽农业大学资源与环境学院,合肥 230036)
针对节水灌溉的土壤墒情传感器布局问题,提出了基于近邻传播算法(affinity propagation,AP聚类算法)的优化布局策略。策略在保证茶园传感网络全覆盖的基础上,实时采集试验区各节点的土壤墒情数据,构建节点土壤含水率的相似度矩阵,并迭代计算各节点的吸引度和归属度值,得出聚类数和聚类中心。结果表明,采用AP聚类算法对试验区域传感器进行优化布局,优化了传感器数量和位置,使传感器数量由25个减少到2个。在试验区随机采集土壤相对含水率,经验证,聚类中心节点的土壤相对含水率与试验区平均值相近,相对偏差近为0.76%,表明聚类中心节点的土壤墒情数据具有代表性。该方法有效降低了数据的冗余度,节约了系统成本。
本文以茶园土壤墒情为研究对象,研究土壤墒情信息的差异性,在网络全覆盖的基础上基于近邻传播算法(affinity propagation,AP聚类算法)通过计算土壤节点含水率的相似度矩阵实现墒情数据的聚类,优化传感器布局,降低数据的冗余度和系统成本。
1.2.1 AP聚类算法简介
1.2.2 AP聚类算法基本原理及流程
设数据样本集{1,2, …, x},AP聚类算法用负的欧氏距离表示数据点和(共个)之间的相似度(,)。
数据点间通过消息传递的方式搜寻和确定聚类中心,主要传递2种类型的消息,即吸引度(responsibility,)和归属度(availability,)。(,)表示从点发送到候选聚类中心的数值消息,它反映了适合作为的类代表点所积累的证据;(,)表示从候选聚类中心发送到的数值消息,反映了选择作为其类代表点的合适程度所积累的证据。(,)和(,)越大,则点为聚类中心的可能性越大,并且点隶属于以点为聚类中心的聚类可能性也越大[24-26]。图 1为消息的传递过程。
图1 消息传递过程
式中为时刻;为阻尼系数,取值[0.5, 1],一般取0.9,用于保证算法的收敛[27-29]。(,)的初始值为0。
图2 AP聚类算法流程
Step4:当迭代次数超过最大迭代次数时(如maxits为1 000次)或者当聚类中心连续多少次迭代不发生改变时终止迭代(如convits为100次),确定类中心及各类的样本点,否则返回Step2,继续计算。
试验场地位于安徽农业大学国家高新技术农业园(117.210°E,31.937°N,海拔29 m),选取约16 000 m2的茶园,横向约190 m、纵向约84 m。本试验采用无线传感网络传输数据,经测试无线传感网的可靠传输距离约40 m,为保证无线传感网路的全覆盖,选择横向约38 m、纵向约14 m的间隔布置传感器,横向布置5个传感器,纵向布置5个传感器,共计25个传感器检测点,各数据采集点分别用A1、A2、A3、…、E4、E5进行标记。传感器检测点分布如图3所示。
传感器选用石家庄雷光电子科技有限公司的SWR-100W土壤墒情传感器,该传感器基于频域反射原理测量土壤的质量含水率。各检测点均采集土壤表面之下25 cm土壤墒情数据。
2018年7月28日、7月31日和8月3日分别采集了试验区域25 cm深度的土壤墒情数据。7月28日有雷阵雨,28~36 ℃,7月31日晴天,27~35 ℃,8 月3日多云,26~34 ℃。对采集的数据运用Kriging最优内插估值方法绘制试验区的土壤墒情空间分布如图4所示。
图4 茶园土壤含水率及相对含水率空间分布
试验场土壤为下蜀系黄棕壤,土层较厚、质地黏重。对各采集点用环刀采集25 cm深度的土壤,并用铝合法进测试土壤的孔隙度,孔隙度平均值为47.37%,标准差1.9%,试验场的土壤性质具有较好的均一性。试验茶园的西南方向地势较高,东及偏北方向地势偏低,约有5°的坡度,场地的中间有一片地势低洼的区域,与空间分布图中的凸点位置重合,该区域位于C3和C4采集点附近。对照图4土壤墒情的空间分布,初步判断试验区的土壤墒情分布的差异性主要受场地的地形结构影响。
在AP聚类计算过程中,设定=0.9,最大迭代次数为1 000,当聚类中心连续迭代100次不发生改变时终止迭代(即convits为100次)。偏向参数为相似度矩阵对角线上的中值,7月28日、7月31日和8月3日数据值分别为-86.10、-120.63、-102.44。设置3 d的的倍率值一致,即3、5、10、15、20和25。结合试验区域土壤墒情数据进行AP聚类的迭代计算,图5为7月28日土壤含水率和相对含水率在不同值下的聚类结果。表 1为3 d不同值的聚类数和聚类中心分布情况。
由图5和表1可知,当选取10、15、20和25的聚类参数时,7月28日的聚类数为2,不同值聚类中心都是A2、D4采集点,聚类结果具有较好的一致性。同样,7月31日和8月3日的聚类结果与7月28日相似,选取10、15、20和25的参数时聚类结果也为2,分别为A1、C4和A2、D5采集点,当天的聚类结果也具备较好的一致性。可见,选择10、15、20和25的聚类参数对试验区域的土壤墒情数据进行聚类,能够得到稳定和一致的结果,3 d的聚类结果均为2。因此,通过AP聚类算法对试验区域土壤墒情传感器进行优化布置,传感器数量可由25个减少为2个。
表1 3 d试验数据对应不同p值的聚类结果
分别将3 d试验各聚类中心的相对含水率与类均值进行比较,如表2所示。7月28日A1采集点的土壤相对含水率与类均值相差-1.15%,绝对值大于A2与类均值的相对偏差(-0.58%),D4采集点的土壤相对含水率与类均值相差1.85%,绝对值小于C4和D5与类均值的相对偏差(2.09%~2.31%)。另外2 d试验结果趋势一致:A1与A2相比,3 d试验与类均值的相对偏差(绝对值)均较小,C4、D4和D5相比,D4与与类均值的相对偏差(绝对值)均较小。因此,A2和D4采集点的相对含水率与试验区平均值接近,能够代表试验区域的土壤墒情,优化布局点选择在A2、D4点布置传感器较为合理。
表2 3 d试验的类中心实测值与平均相对含水率
为验证A2、D4点的代表性,于2019年1月18日采集了这2点的含水率,另外在试验区另外随机选取了13个位置(如图6所示)采集数据,计算土壤相对含水率。结果表明,A2和D4点的土壤相对含水率分别为27.9%和37%,其平均值为32.45%,13个采集点土壤相对含水率的平均值为32.7%,2个平均值数值接近,相对偏差较小,为0.76%。可见,在A2、D4采集点布置传感器能够代表整个试验区域的土壤墒情信息。综上,本文试验区茶园选择分别位于A2和D4的 2个点布置土壤墒情传感器,测定的值能够反映茶园土壤墒情的整体状况。
采用的AP聚类算法通用性强、稳定可靠、对初值不敏感,易于与其他算法进行融合。虽然本文的研究对象是茶园,但该方法对于解决各类农业节水灌溉系统的传感器优化问题可提供有益的借鉴。本文的试验选取3 d时间进行试验,聚类结果具有一致性和稳定性,排除了一定的偶然性,但尚有一定的局限性,没有考虑不同气象条件下的聚类情况,后期将选择不同气象条件下以及不同特性的农田开展试验,提升研究结果的通用性。
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Layout optimization of soil moisture sensor in tea plantation based on affinity propagation clustering algorithm
Zhang Wu1, Zhang Manman1, Hong Xun1, Jiang Zhaohui1※, Jiang Yuelin2
(1.,,230036,; 2.,,230036,)
Aiming at the layout problem of soil moisture sensors for water-saving irrigation, we proposed an optimal layout strategy of soil moisture sensors based on affinity propagation (AP) clustering algorithm. The soil moisture of tea plantation was as the research object. The tea plantation had 84-m width and 190-m length. Following the conventional method, 25 sensor nodes were evenly arranged in rectangular mode in tea plantation experimental area in order to guarantee full coverage of tea plantation sensor network. Soil moisture data of each sensor node in the test area was collected in real time for 3 days. The optimization of sensors was conducted based on soil water content and relative water content by AP clustering algorithm. Different clustering parameters were selected. The AP clustering algorithm was used to construct similarity matrix of node soil water content, to iteratively calculate the responsibility and availability of each node, and to form the clustering number and clustering center. When the clustering parameters were 10, 15, 20 and 25 times of preference, the AP clustering algorithm was used to calculate the soil moisture data in the experimental area for 3 days, the stable and consistent clustering results were obtained. Results showed that soil water content in the tested plantation presented an increasing trend from southwest to northeast and the largest difference of relative water content was 15%. The change is related to the topography of the tested area. For AP clustering, the maximum iterative times was designed as 1 000. Based on the results, the clustering result in the 3 days was 2. The number of sensors optimized by AP clustering algorithm was reduced from 25 to 2. The class mean of the relative water content of the soil in the experimental area was calculated, and compared with the relative water content of soil in the collection points of the cluster center, and the relative bias between them was less than 5%. The relative water content of the collection points in the cluster center was close to the average value of the experimental area, which indicated that the data collected by the cluster center can represent soil moisture situation in the experimental tea plantation. In order to verify the validity of this method, soil moisture data were collected randomly at 13 locations in the experimental area on January 2019. Results showed that the soil average relative water content of tea plantation in the experimental area based on 13 sampling points was 32.7%, the relative water content of soil in the cluster center based on 2 sensors was respectively 27.9% and 37% with an average in the cluster center of 32.45%. Compared with the average relative moisture in the experimental area, the relative bias was only 0.76%. It means that the AP clustering algorithm can optimize the distribution of soil moisture sensors in the experimental tea plantation. The relative soil moisture collected by the cluster center could reflect the overall situation of soil moisture in the tea plantation as long as using only 2 sensors arranged in the cluster center node determined by the optimization calculation. Thus, the AP clustering algorithm is suggested to use in optimization of the sensor layout, which can reduce the redundancy of data and accordingly realize cost saving in agricultural production system.
soil moisture; sensors; clustering algorithms; layout optimization; affinity propagation clustering
张 武,张嫚嫚,洪 汛,江朝晖,蒋跃林. 基于近邻传播算法的茶园土壤墒情传感器布局优化[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(6):107-113. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.06.013 http://www.tcsae.org
Zhang Wu, Zhang Manman, Hong Xun, Jiang Zhaohui, Jiang Yuelin. Layout optimization of soil moisture sensor in tea plantation based on affinity propagation clustering algorithm[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(6): 107-113. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.06.013 http://www.tcsae.org