刘炳 蒋淼路 郑凡 江燕红
【摘 要】
方法 选取134例贫血患者作为研究组,选取50例非贫血健康者作为对照组。开展血液常规分析、血红蛋白各组分定量检测、地中海贫血相关基因检测,并以基因检测为确诊实验。计算各方法的灵敏度、特异度、阳性预测值、阴性预测,对比两组数据的检测结果,选择适合各级医疗机构开展的地中海贫血实验的筛查方法。
结论 全自动毛细管电泳技术具有自动化程度高、检测结果准确快速,符合基因诊断,且方便快捷简单等,值得大力推广。
【关键词】毛细管电泳 ;地中海贫血 ; 基因确诊
Abstract Objective:
Purpose Applying the technology of capillary hemoglobin electrophoresis to screening children suspected of thalassemia, providing reference value for finding out the cause of anemia. To improve the quality of life and prognosis of children with thalassemia to provide effective protection.
Method Select 134 patients with anemia as study group and 50 cases of non-anemia healthy persons as control group. Carry out routine blood analysis, quantitative determination of hemoglobin components, detection of genes associated with thalassemia, and using gene detection as a diagnostic test. Calculate the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value of each method, compare the results of two groups of data, select screening Methods:suitable for thalassemia experiments conducted by medical institutions at all levels.
Result: in the 134 specimens, there were abnormal 109 cases of routine blood analysis, the positive rate was 81.3%, the sensitivity was 100%, the specificity was 39.7%, the positive predictive value was 57.8%, negative predictive value was 100%; there were abnormal 83 cases of hemoglobin electrophoresis, the positive rate was 61.9% and the sensitivity was 100%, the specificity was 80.9%, the positive predictive value was 75.9%, negative predictive value was 100%; there were 63 cases of positive gene experiment, The positive rate was 47%.
Conclusion: Automatic capillary electrophoresis is worth popularizing not only with high degree of automation, accurate and fast results but also conforms to genetic diagnosis, conveniently, quickly and convenient, etc.For worth promoting.
Key words: Capillary electrophoresis;Thalassemia;genetic diagnosis
【中圖分类号】 R249
【文献标识码】 A
【文章编号】 1672-3783(2019)02-03-153-01