Practical Research on Primary School Chinese Comprehensive Learning from the Angle of Curriculum
…………………………………………………………………………………………………………WAN Yin-jie
Another Possibility: The Disciplinary Pursuit of a Primary School Chinese Teacher……………JIANG Hui-qin
Social Practice Experiencing Curriculum from the Angle of History Cultural Museums………………ZHANG Jia
Pupils Multi-Dimensional “Journey Education”: Implication, Cause and Implementation
…………………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Su-shu & MAO Xin-wei
Strategy for Developing Students Integrative Character in Comprehensive Practical Activity……DU Yan-fang
Exploration into Practical Modes of Campus League Curriculum Integration…………………………LE Ji-ping
Discourse Encoding of “People-Animal Intimacy” Based on Miniaturized Writing Principle………ZONG Hong
Strategy for Constructing School-Based Curriculum of Life…………………………………………LI Guo-ping
Learning to Read “Myself”: The Value of Prose Teaching……………………………………………XU Guo-rong
Reason for and Approach to Cultivating Students Cultural Interpretation Accomplishments…YANG Shu-quan
Strategies for Cultivating Primary School Students Reading Ability…………………………………LI Jian-hua
Illustration of “Miniaturized Writing” in Primary School Chinese Teaching………………XU Yan-ya
Philosophical Text Teaching: From Image to Connotation……………………………HE Sheng-chun & LI Zhen
Design and Perception of School-Based Theme Activity on “Painting Peach in Ink”…………………XIE Ming-ya
Mind Mapping and Chinese Phonetic Alphabet Teaching………………………………HUA Chun-yan & ZOU Li
Implementation of Core Accomplishments in Morality and Rule of Law Education…………………GUO Ya-qin
“Guessing” and Wonderful Mathematics Classroom Teaching……………………………………………ZHU Jun
Figure Music and Underclass Music Instruction…………………………………………………TENG Yuan-xing
Creative Use of Teaching Materials and Moral Education Efficiency Promotion…………………SHEN Ling-fang
Competent Authority: Jiangsu Education Department
Editorial Institution: Jiangsu Institute for Education Research
Editor-in-chief: Ding Xiao-chang Deputy chief-editor: Jin Lian-ping
Copyright鬁2018 JIER ISSN 1673-9094 CN 32-1777/G4
Typeset by Editorial Office of JIANGSU EDUCATION RESEARCH
Address: 77 Beijing West Road, Nanjing 210013, P.R.CHINA