译林新版《英语》五(下)Unit 8 Birthdays Story time

2018-05-25 06:27陈敏燕
小学教学设计(英语) 2018年5期

刘 琼 陈敏燕


Step 1.Warming up



Step 2.Presentation

1.It’s me

T:Look,it’s me.My English name is Rose.And my birthday is on the first of April.This is the first of April,and this is the second of April.How do we say it? (引导学生说出四月三日)Can you circle the eighth of April?(引导学生猜eighth的意思,并学习单词eighth,及词组the eighth of April。)

T:(课件出示五月份的日历)I think,May is the mostimportantmonth ofa year.Because Mother’s Day is in it.When is Mother’s Day?(引导学生说出ontheeleventhofMay,并学习eleventh)

2.Work in pairs

同桌操练句型“When’s your birthday?”及回答“It’s on...”

设计思路:通过自己的生日,引出序数词eighth,eleventh以及时间的表达法,并教授句型:When’s your birthday?及回答It’s on...通过兴趣展示,学习词组play games,并引入游戏环节。

3.Good eyes

T:My hobby is playing games.(play games,分小组朗读)

Do you like playing games?


T:Let’s play a game.

(1)Play games.(教师讲解游戏规则)

(2)Work in groups.

T:You all did a good job! Now,discuss the birthday activities in groups,using the sentences:What do you do on your birthday?及回答 It’s on...I usually...

设计思路:以游戏的方式复习跟生日有关的活动,既活跃了课堂气氛,又导出了句型What do you do on your birthday?及回答I usually...

揭题T:We are talking about birthdays.Today we’ll learn Unit 8 Birthdays Story time.

4.Listen and answer

(1)Show the questions.

T:Look,Miss Li,Su Hai and Mike are talking about birthdays too.Listen to the tape and answerthequestions.When’sSu Hai’sbirthday?When’s Mike’s birthday?

(2)Check the answers.

5.Watch and judge

(1)Su Yang’s birthday is on the eleventh of May.

(2)Su Hai and Su Yang usually eat noodles on their birthday.

(3)Mike’s birthday is in April.

(4)Mike always has a party at school.

6.Read and fill

(1)Fill the form.



(2)Culture differences.


7.Repeat and retell

(1)Listen and repeat.

T:Let’s read the text after the tape.Pay attention to your tones and intonations.

(2)Try to retell.

T:Choose one way to retell the text.


Step 3.Consolidation

1.Think and say

Su Hai and Su Yang’s birthday is on_______.They usually________with their parents and grandparents.They eat_______.Then,they________.

Mike’s birthday is on________.He and his friends always________ at home. They eat_______together and________.They have a lot of fun!

(1)Fill in the blanks.

(2)Read the passage together.

2.Make a family card

My name:

My birthday is on____________________.

I usually_________________________


My father’s birthday is on______________.

He often_______________________


My mother’s birthday is on_____________.

She usually_______________________.


3.As we know

A child’s birthday is themother’ssuffering day.

Don’t forget parents and grandparents.

Do some things for them.

Say thank you to them.


Step 4.Homework

1.Read the dialogue after class

2.Surfthe Internetand tryto learn more about the birthday in other countries


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