She Ali
【Abstract】 Based on the theory of postmethod pedagogy and the teaching practice, this paper proposes a new teaching model-- Self-correction model, and explains it from the point of view of meaningful theory in psychology.
【Keywords】self-correction model; meaningful learning theory
【中图分类号】H319 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)49-0111-01
There are also some psychological views in various teaching theories. This article intends to explore the self-correction model from the perspective of meaningful learning theory in psychology “in order to benefit the English teaching and research” (Ge, 2004).
2.The Concept of the Self-correction Model
Kumravadivelu wrote an article named “Toward a postmethod pedagogy” on TESOL in 2001, and put forward the theory of postmethod pedagogy. Under the guidance of postmethod pedagogy “create teachers own teaching theory” (Tao, 2007), this paper puts forward a new teaching mode—self-correction model and it can be divided into the following six steps. Step 1, translating. The learner translates the native language into the target language. Step 2, comparing. the learner compares the learners language with the target language to find out the differences. Step 3, analyzing. The learner analyzes the causes of these differences. Step 4, correcting. The learner corrects the differences or error places according to the rules and forms of the target language. Step 5, memorizing. The learner abandons the error sentences and keeps the correct sentences of the target language in mind. Step 6, reproducing. The learner uses the correct sentences of the target language in other similar situations.
3.Ecological theory and the Self-correction Model
Ausubel is a famous contemporary American educational psychologist. He proposed cognitive structure assimilation theory in 1963. There are two basic concepts in Ausubels theory, that is, the cognitive structure and assimilation. Students learning is a process of assimilation and development of their own cognitive structure. The cognitive structure refers to the organization of the substantive content of knowledge in learners mind. The process of learning new knowledge is that learners abstract the old knowledge that is connected closely to the new knowledge in their cognitive structure. As a result of the process, the original structure has continuous differentiation and integration, and at the same time, the original knowledge has also undergone a significant change in the assimilation process. So the process of “assimilation” is the interaction of the old and new knowledge. At the same time, the original cognitive structure has also undergone a quantitative or qualitative change. Ausubel pointed out that the process of assimilation is the psychological mechanism of meaningful learning (Hong, 2011). Meaningful learning theory is based on assimilation theory and emphasizes two prerequisites: first, students showed a significant learning tendency, that is, a tendency to establish a link between the new contents and their existing knowledge. Second, learning content has the potential significance for the students, that is, it can link the knowledge structure that the students have. The second and third step of the self-correction model—comparison and analysis is the process of assimilation. When the learners compare their language with the target language, they assimilate it to their own cognitive structure if they meet the knowledge similar to their old one. If they are not the same as the old knowledge, the learners will use it to develop and expand their own cognitive structure. In fact, this is the perfect application of Ausubels meaningful learning theory. In learning new knowledge, learners interact their new knowledge with the old knowledge in their cognitive structure actively. If it is the same, the learners will absorb it and assimilate it. If not, the learners will develop and expand the new knowledge so that the old knowledge can be transformed and make the new knowledge really meaningful.
In addition to the above-mentioned theory, there are some other representative theories in psychology, such as cultural history theory, social learning theory, situational learning theory, Piagets cognitive development theory and humanistic learning theory as well as the concept of constructivism theory etc. (Sang, 2010).
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