(1.Police Technology Department,Railway Police College,Zhengzhou,450053)
(2.School of Mathematical Sciences,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian,Liaoning,116024)
On the Structure of the Augmentation Quotient Group for Some Non-abelian p-groups
(1.Police Technology Department,Railway Police College,Zhengzhou,450053)
(2.School of Mathematical Sciences,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian,Liaoning,116024)
Communicated by Du Xian-kun
In this paper,we study the basis of augmentation ideals and the quotient groups of finite non-abelian p-group which has a cyclic subgroup of index p,where pis an odd prime,and k is greater than or equal to 3.A concrete basis for the augmentation ideal is obtained and then the structure of its quotient groups can be determined.
integral group ring,augmentation ideal,quotient group,p-group
The problem of determining the structure of augmentation ideals Δn(G)and quotient groups Qn(G)is an interesting topic in group ring theory.For abelian groups many works have been done(see[1]–[6]).In[2],Hales and Passi(see also[3])proved that for a finite abelian group G,there exists a number N such that for all n≥N,Qn(G)is isomorphic to QN(G).However,it is usually difficult to write down explicitly a basis of Δn(G)for an arbitrary finite non-abelian group,even for the non-abelian p-group.
For non-abelian finite p-group,if p=2 and every positive integer k is greater than or equal to 4,then there are exactly four isomorphism classes of non-abelian groups of order 2kwhich have a cyclic subgroup of index 2.The structure of augmentation quotient groups of all of which are well established,the dihedral group(see[7]),the generalized quaternion group(see[8]),the semidihedral group(or the quasidihedral group)and Mk(2)(see[9]).
If p/=2 and every positive integer k is greater than or equal to 3,then there is just one isomorphism class of non-abelian groups of order pkwhich have a cyclic subgroup of index p.Its presentation is given as follows:
We denote it by M.The current paper investigates the structure of the augmentation ideal and quotient group of the non-abelian p-group M.We prove that for n≥N=(p−1)k+1,
We start with some known results.In[4],Parmenter proved the following theorem.
Theorem 1.1Let G=〈g〉be cyclic of order m.Then the set
is a Z-basis for Δn(G).
Let G be a finite group,and denote by G1=[G,G]the commutator subgroup of G.For i≥1,define Gi=[G,Gi−1].Then we have the sequence:G=G0▷G1▷G2▷···.In[8],Zhou and You gave the following theorem.
Theorem 1.2g−1∈Δi+1(G),if g∈Gi.
be a finite non-abelian p-group of order pkwhich have a cyclic subgroup of index p,where p/=2,k≥3.It is not hard to see that
Consequently,we have
Lemma 2.1and for i≥2,one has Mi={1}.
Proof.By the definition of the group M,one has
The proof is completed.
Now by using Theorem 1.2,Lemma 2.1 and the formula
we have the following lemma.
Lemma 2.2pk−2(a−1)∈Δ2(M).
Lemma 2.3For t≥0,pt(b−1)∈Δ(p−1)t+1(M).
Proof.We give the proof by induction on t.If t=0,the equation is trivial.For t=1,since
we have
It follows that p(b−1)∈Δi(M)for i≤p.
Suppose that the conclusion is true for t.By induction,we obtain
as desired.The proof is completed.
Recall that the nth power Δn(M)of Δ(M)is a free Z-module of rank|M|−1 for any n≥1,and is generated as an abelian group by the products
where M={btau|0≤t≤p−1,0≤u≤pk−1−1}is the non-abelian p-group of order pk(k≥3)which have a cyclic subgroup of index p andThe recurrence relation of Δn(M)is given as follows.
Lemma 2.4Δ2(M)=Δ(〈b〉)(b−1)+Δ(M)(a−1)+pk−2(a−1)Z.Moreover,if n≥2,then
Proof.Since Δn(M)is generated by those elements as{(x1−1)···(xn−1)|xi∈M}with
for any i≥1,we have
If j≥1,we have
(i)If i/=0 or j>1,by Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3,for any n,we have
(ii)If i=0 and j=1,then
If j=0,we prove it by induction on i.Remember that
then for i=n,
For n+1≤i≤n+p−1,notice that n≤i−1≤n+p−2,so
For i=n+p,one has
Assume that the conclusion is true for integer less than i≥n+p+1.Set i=n+p+t,where t≥1.Then by induction,we obtain
Hence,for n≥2,we have
Theorem 2.1Let Bn(M)denote a Z-basis for Δn(M).Then we have the following conclusions:
(I)For n=1,
(II)For 2≤n≤p,
(III)For n=(p−1)t+1 with 1≤t≤k−1,
(IV)For n=(p−1)t+s with 1≤t≤k−2 and 2≤s≤p,
(V)For n=(p−1)(k−1)+s with 2≤s≤p,
(VI)For n=(p−1)(k−1)+s with s≥p,
Theorem 2.2Let M be the non-abelian p-group of order pk(p/=2,k≥3).
(i)If 2≤n≤(p−1)k,then
(ii)If n≥(p−1)k+1,then
Proof.(i)It is easy to see thatis a basis for Q1(M),and for 2≤n≤p−1,
is a set of basis for Qn(M).
is a set of basis for Qn(M).
is a set of basis for Qn(M).
is a set of basis for Qn(M).
By Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3,we get the conclusion.
In order to prove Theorem 2.1,we need some lemmas as follows.
Note that we can obtain
From equation(2.2)iteratively we also have
In fact,for the general case,we have
Lemma 3.1For t≥1,one has
Proof.We give the proof by induction on t.For t=1,it is obvious by(3.1).Suppose that it is true for t.Then by the inductive hypothesis and the above statement we have
Lemma 3.2For(p−1)(t−1)+1≤u≤(p−1)t with t≥1,pk+t−1(a−1)can be generated by
Proof.Note that if v=pjw and(w,p)=1,then
l is an integer.So,by the equality
we have
Then,for any u∈N+,u≥2,we have
By(3.2)and(3.3),we have
So for 2≤u≤p−1,we have
Then we get our conclusion for 2≤u≤p−1,that is to say,
Next we prove the result is true for p≤u≤2p−2.According to(3.3)and(3.4),we have
Multiplying both sides of the above equality by p,we have
Using the same method as above,we deduce that for p≤u≤2p−2,
Iteratively,we can obtain that if(p−1)(t−1)+1≤u≤(p−1)t,then
as desired.
Notice that from Theorem 1.1 we have
Now we can give the proof of Theorem 2.1.
Proof of Theorem 2.1We give the proof by induction on n≥1.
(I)n=1.It is obvious by(2.3),(2.4)and the definition of the augmentation ideal.
(II)2≤n≤p.For n=2,by Lemma 2.4,we have
it follows that
Assume that the result is true for n(2≤n≤p−1).Then by(3.5)and Lemma 2.4,we have
since by Lemma 3.1,
That means Bn+1(M)is a set of Z-generators for Δn+1(M).
Direct computation shows
By Theorem 1.1,Bn(M)is a linearly independent set.Therefore,Bn(M)is a set of Z-basis for Δn(M).
(III)By the above result we have known that the conclusion is true for n=p=(p−1)×1+1.Suppose that it is true for n=(p−1)t+1,where 1≤t≤k−1.Then by(3.5)and Lemma 2.4,one has
By Lemma 3.1,we have
So Bn+1(M)is a set of Z-generators for Δn+1(M).Similarly to(II),we know that Bn(M)is a set of Z-basis for Δn(M).
(IV)Let n=(p−1)t+s,where 1≤t≤k−2,2≤s≤p−1.The result is true for(p−1)t+2 by(III).Assume that it is true for n.Then by(3.5)and Lemma 2.4,we have
Again by Lemma 3.1,we have
So Bn+1(M)is a set of Z-generators for Δn+1(M).Similarly to(II),we know that Bn(M)is a set of Z-basis for Δn(M).
(V)By(IV)we know that the result is true for n=(p−1)(k−1)+2.Assume that the result is true for n=(p−1)(k−1)+s,2≤s≤p−1.Then by(3.5)and Lemma 2.4,we have
By Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2,we have
Moreover,pk(b−1)i(a−1)(1≤i≤s−1)can be generated by
So Bn+1(M)is a set of Z-generators for Δn+1(M).Similarly to(II),we know that Bn(M)is a set of Z-basis for Δn(M).
(VI)Assume that the result is true for n=(p−1)(k−1)+s,s≥p.Then by(3.5)and Lemma 2.4,we have
By Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2,for n≤m≤n+p−2,(b−1)m(a−1)can be generated by{pµ(b−1)i(a−1)Z|µ≥k,1≤i≤p−1},and pµ(b−1)i(a−1)can be generated by(3.6).So Bn+1(M)is a set of Z-generators for Δn+1(M).Similarly to(II),we know that Bn(M)is a set of Z-basis for Δn(M).
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date:May 6,2016.
The NSF(11371343,11461047)of China.
*Corresponding author.
E-mail address:zhf3002@163.com(Zhao H F),jznan@163.com(Nan J Z).
Communications in Mathematical Research2017年4期