
2017-10-13 23:52:28尹庭赟袁寿其王文杰
农业工程学报 2017年9期

尹庭赟,裴 吉,袁寿其,王文杰


尹庭赟,裴 吉※,袁寿其,王文杰

(江苏大学国家水泵及系统工程技术研究中心,镇江 212013)

余热排出泵长期在高温高压环境下运行,其结构的可靠性对整个机组的安全运行有着重要的影响。该文采用单向流固耦合方法研究了几种常用材料及增加叶轮盖板厚度对转子结构动力学特性的影响,同时对比了常温和高温下叶轮的振动特性。结果表明,余热排出泵高温运行时,叶轮的第1阶固有频率为394.17 Hz,较常温下升高了2.28%,远高于叶轮叶片通过频率。在各阶模态振型下,1Cr13MoS叶轮固有频率最大,ZG225-450叶轮固有频率最小。设计工况和偏工况下叶轮的应力及变形变化趋势基本一致,叶轮的变形随半径的增加而不断增大,最大变形量出现在后盖板叶轮出口处。叶轮的应力分布不均,最大应力均出现在叶片尾缘与后盖板接合处。沿着前盖板和叶片接合线,应力的峰值随前盖板厚度增加而减小。沿着后盖板和叶片接合线,增加后盖板厚度明显减小了应力峰值。高温和常温应力变化趋势基本一致,但是高温下叶轮应力明显高于常温。尤其在叶轮进口处附近,高温应力相对于常温应力增加超过300%。该研究结果为下一步进行更加复杂的动力学分析、疲劳分析以及结构优化提供参考。


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1 流固耦合动力学方程

1.1 基于模态分析的静流体整体耦合法









其中,= -表示等效耦合刚度[11]。




1.2 基于应力和变形分析的动流体分区耦合法


2 模型基本参数及边界条件

2.1 计算模型

余热排出泵过流部件包括后掠扭曲叶轮、径向导叶和环形蜗壳3部分,其三维结构如图2所示。余热排出泵的主要性能和几何参数分别为设计流量d=910 m3/h,扬程d=77 m,转速=1 490 r/min,比转数s=104.5,叶轮进口直径j=270 mm,叶轮出口直径2=511 mm,叶轮叶片数i=5,导叶进口直径3=515 mm,导叶出口直径4=718 mm,导叶叶片数g=7,蜗壳基圆直径5=840 mm。为探讨增加盖板厚度对转子结构动力学特性的影响,设计了4种不同的叶轮结构:1)原始盖板;2)前盖板厚度增加50%;3)后盖板厚度增加50%;4)前后盖板厚度均增加50%,详细参数见表1。余热排出泵长期在高温高压环境恶劣环境下运行,叶轮材料的选取至关重要。因此本文选取5种常用材料[15]如表2所示,分析了不同材料叶轮的动力学特性。

2.2 网格划分

2.2.1 流体域网格


表1 叶轮结构参数

表2 叶轮材料参数

2.2.2 结构域网格

为研究湿模态下叶轮的动力学特性,将叶轮完全淹没在1.12 m×0.36 m×1.12 m的水体中[18]。如图5所示,运用ANSYS Workbench中自带的网格划分软件,对叶轮及水体部分进行网格划分[19]。分别基于Method和Hex Dominant网格类型通过Sizing命令对叶轮和水体域进行网格划分。经网格无关性检查,确定最终网格节点总数为129 220,网格单元总数为49 556。

2.3 边界条件


假设流体在泵内部是不可压缩三维湍流流动,满足连续方程和动量方程,采用SST湍流模型求解雷诺时均方程[21-24]。采用分区耦合法对叶轮进行应力和变形量分析时,先对流体域进行了三维定常和非定常数值模拟:在定常计算过程中,边界条件设置为总压进口和质量流量出口,动静域之间交界面采用Frozen rotor,计算域壁面采用无滑移网格函数[25-26],采用高阶求解精度,收敛残差RMS设置为10-5,计算迭代步数最大500;在非定常数值计算过程中,以定常计算结果作为初始值,边界条件设置不变,而动静域之间交界面改成Transient frozen rotor[27]。计算周期为6圈,叶轮旋转1度为1个时间步长,即5.747 13×10-5s。以非定常计算最后一步的计算结果作为初值对叶轮进行了6圈单向流固耦合计算:时间步长设置和非定常计算一致;流体场和固体场叶轮叶片、前后盖板设置为流固耦合交界面(fluid-structure interface);有限元时间积分采用采用Hilber-Hughes- Taylor(HTT)离散方法,使用瑞利阻尼(Rayleigh damping)系数来定义结构瞬态阻尼效应[28]。如图1所示,设置叶轮后盖板的孔面为Fixed Support支撑面。本文分别模拟了设计工况下25 ℃常温水以及180 ℃高温水余热排出泵内部流动以对比实际运行环境下叶轮的动力学特性。

2.4 试验验证

为了验证数值模拟的准确性,对余热排出泵按比例缩小30%的模型泵进行了外特性试验验证。试验在江苏大学流体机械质量技术检验中心的开式试验台上进行,试验现场如图6所示。采用上海自仪九仪表有限公司生产的型号规格为LWGY-200A涡轮流量计进行测量流量,量程为0~1.6 MPa,精确度为0.5级;采用上海威尔泰仪器仪表有限公司生产的WT200智能压力变送器测量进出口压力,进出口处压力变送器的测量量程分别为−0.1~0.1 MPa和0~1.6 MPa,测量精度均为0.1级。如图7所示,根据相似换算原理[29-30],得到了真实尺寸泵的试验和数值模拟性能曲线。由图7可知,试验扬程和效率略高于计算值,预测扬程的最大偏差为6.78%,预测效率的最大偏差为9%。但是试验结果趋势一致,计算模型较准确地预测了余热排出泵的外特性,数值计算结果较为可信。

3 结果及分析

3.1 模态分析


表3列出了不同材料、盖板厚度和温度下叶轮前10阶固有频率。由表3可知,改变叶轮盖板厚度对前6阶固有频率的影响可以忽略。从第7阶开始,叶轮后盖板的厚度对固有频率有很大影响,增加后盖板厚度可以提高叶轮的固有频率。5种材料的叶轮固有频率变化规律趋于一致。在常温各阶模态振型下,1Cr13MoS(B_3)叶轮固有频率最大,ZG225-450(B_2)叶轮固有频率最小。以合金结构钢(B_0)原始盖板叶轮为例,余热排出泵在高温运行时,叶轮的第1阶固有频率为394.17 Hz,较常温下升高了2.28%,远高于高于叶轮叶片通过频率,在安全运行范围内。

3.2 应力和变形分析







4 结论与讨论


1)余热排出泵高温运行时,叶轮的第1阶固有频率为394.17 Hz,较常温下升高了2.28%,远高于叶轮叶片通过频率。在各阶模态振型下,1Cr13MoS的叶轮固有频率最大,ZG225-450叶轮固有频率最小。改变叶轮盖板厚度对前6阶固有频率影响可以忽略。但是从第7阶开始,增加后盖板厚度可以提高叶轮的固有频率。



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Analysis of fluid-structure interaction characteristics for impeller of residual heat removal pump

Yin Tingyun, Pei Ji※, Yuan Shouqi, Wang Wenjie


In recent years, nuclear power has drawn increased attention because of its high efficiency and low pollution. Thus, a rising number of nuclear power stations are being constructed. The safety of nuclear station operations is mainly guaranteed by the residual heat removal system. Residual heat removal pumps (RHRP) are operated when the nuclear main pump stops working and the nuclear station needs to be maintained. The RHRP works in a complex environment, and its work status directly affects the performance of the entire plant. To ensure the reliability of the RHRP, the vibration characteristics of the rotor were analyzed using fluid-structure interaction theory. Stress and deformation analysis by partitioned solution for an impeller in a moving fluid was performed, and modal analysis of the impeller by monolithic solution was conducted in still fluid. For the partitioned method, there are two strategies for coupled solutions of dynamic fluid and structure interaction, one-way coupling and two-way coupling. Two-way coupling is typically used for large structural deformations. One-way coupling is suitable for the small structural deformation cases. In pump machinery, the impeller vibration caused by unsteady flow results in small deformations. Additionally, the feedback of the impeller motion onto the flow is small and therefore, can be neglected for most cases. Consequently, one-way coupling has been chosen, in which dynamic forces are transferred to the structure through the interface in a single direction at every time step. To understand the influence of the impeller shroud thickness on the resulting vibration characteristics, three impeller modifications were investigated and compared to the initial geometry under different flow rates. Moreover, five commonly used materials for an impeller were also evaluated. The three-dimensional turbulent flow was modeled utilizing a SST-turbulence model, and the numerical results were verified by the experimental data. The results showed that due to local structural differences between the pumps used in the numerical calculation model and the test measurement, as well as other effects, such as mesh quality, it was inevitable that there would be differences between the numerical calculation and the test measurements. However, the overall external characteristics of the numerical simulation were generally consistent with the performance of the test measurements, indicating that the flow-field calculation model can accurately predict its performance. By comparing with impellers adapted from four other materials and different shroud thicknesses, the vibration modes of the impellers were basically same for each order; however, the natural frequencies differed to some extent. The first order frequency of original impeller rotor was 394.17 Hz at hot condition and increased by 2.28% compared with cold condition, which was higher than blade passing frequency. Natural frequency of 1Cr13MoS was the highest among employed materials for each order mode, while ZG225-450 was the lowest. At design and off-design flow rates, the stress and displacement fields were similar. The displacement grew from the hub to the outer diameter, and each blade passage had a local maximum on the rear shroud. Moreover, the higher equivalent stress values can be observed in the junction between blade and shroud. Under three operating points, the peak values of stresses occurred in the middle of the junction between shroud and blade pressure side. Decreasing the head caused a significant reduction at the beginning of the blade passage. The stresses along defined paths were almost independent of the front shroud thickness, but peak values could be significantly reduced with a thicker rear shroud. The trendy of stress distribution between hot and cold condition was basically same. However, stress of hot condition was higher than cold one. Especially nearby the leading edge of the impeller, stress of hot condition increased more than 300%, compared to cold one. The results provide a theoretical basis for improving system performance and further study for more complicated dynamic analysis and fatigue analysis.

pumps; impellers; kinetics; residual heat removal pump; shroud thickness








尹庭赟,男,博士生,主要从事水力机械空化空蚀机理研究。镇江 江苏大学国家水泵及系统工程技术研究中心,212013。 Email:tingyun_YIN@ujs.edu.cn

裴 吉,男,博士,副教授,主要从事离心泵非定常流动特性及流固耦合机理。镇江 江苏大学国家水泵及系统工程技术研究中心,212013。Email:jpei@ujs.edu.cn

尹庭赟,裴 吉,袁寿其,王文杰. 余热排出泵叶轮流固耦合特性分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(9):76-83. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.09.010 http://www.tcsae.org

Yin Tingyun, Pei Ji, Yuan Shouqi, Wang Wenjie. Analysis of fluid-structure interaction characteristics for impeller of residual heat removal pump[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(9): 76-83. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.09.010 http://www.tcsae.org

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