◇ 策划|刘自良 杨光毅 执行|本刊编辑部
◇ 策划|刘自良 杨光毅 执行|本刊编辑部
Villages in mountain areas have witnessed many impressive stories of fi ghting against poverty.People living here have never been ignored by either themselves or you and me from the outside world.
With vision and practices of poverty alleviation, their stories of unyielding fi ghting are developing.
October 29.2017 is a day many people cannot forget, because on that day,Chen Miner, the Secretary of Chongqing Municipal Committee of CPC came to ShizhuTujia Autonomous County Zhongyi Township,visiting the impoverished households, conducting a fi eld research on poverty alleviation and holding a panel discussion.
As reported, Chen Miner emphasized that we should completely implement the strategic guidance on poverty relief and development of General Secretary Xi Jinping, thoroughly learn and put into practice the guiding principles from General Secretary Xi Jinping’s major speeches when he inspected Chongqing, as well as uphold the basic principles on precise poverty reduction and poverty alleviation.And we should thoroughly recognize and focus our energy and measures to get those struggling outside the extremely impoverished situation, to win the poverty alleviation battle in high-poverty township.
To take “high-poverty” literally, it gives a sense of heaviness.However,beyond that, we fi nd some features that greatly impress and move us when visiting those households in high-poverty township.People here are very optimistic, con fi dent, and self-reliant.Even the thin and weak country-woman who is still living an impoverished life actively assumes the responsibility of fi ghting poverty.
One can always come across some cadres on their way to visiting impoverished households,who come here to figure out targeted poverty alleviation measures and industries of reasonable layout.
People, either living in these areas or living out of these areas, have been actively participating in this alleviation battle.
Households Visiting in High-poverty Townships
Planner | Liu Ziliang, Yang Guangyi Executive | Editorial Department