Wei Geng-ping
(Department of Mathematics,Huaihua University,Huaihua,Hunan,418008)
Lyapunov-type Inequalities for a System of Nonlinear Di ff erential Equations
Wei Geng-ping
(Department of Mathematics,Huaihua University,Huaihua,Hunan,418008)
Communicated by Shi Shao-yun
This paper presents several new Lyapunov-type inequalities for a system of first-order nonlinear di ff erential equations.Our results generalize and improve some existing ones.
Lyapunov-type inequality,nonlinear di ff erential equation,Hamiltonian system
In this paper we are concerned the following system of nonlinear di ff erential equations:
whereα(t),β(t)andγ(t)are real-valued piece-wise continuous functions de fined onR,fandgare real-valued continuous functions de fined onR.
Ifandthen the system(1.1)reduces to the first-order linear Hamiltonian system
Note that(1.1)contains many well-known and well studied di ff erential equations as special cases.For example,the following second-order linear di ff erential equations can be written in form of(1.1)
wherep(t)andq(t)are real-valued piece-wise continuous functions de fined onRandρ(t)is a real-valued continuous function de fined onRwithρ(t)>0.If we let
then(1.4)can be written in the form of(1.1)with
In 1907,Lyapunov[1]established the well known inequality which provides a lower bound for the distance between two consecutive zeroesa,bof the solution of the second-order linear di ff erential equation(1.3),namely
Since then many improvements on(1.6)have been developed and similar inequalities have been obtained for other types of di ff erential equations(see[2]and[3]).For instance, Wintner[4]showed that if(1.3)has a real solutionx(t)such that
where and in the sequelqwithMoreover,Wintner proved that the constant 4 cannot be replaced by a larger number.Later Hartman and Wintner[5]established
In 1969,Fink and Mary[6]extended Lyapunov inequality(1.8)to(1.4)and obtained the following Lyapunov-type inequality
In 2003,Yang[7]extended Lyapunov inequality(1.8)to the second-order di ff erential equation (1.5)and obtained the following inequality
if(1.5)has a solutionx(t)satisfying(1.7).In 2003,Guseinov and Kaymakcalan[8]further generalized(1.8)to the planar linear Hamiltonian system(1.2)and derived the following Lyapunov-type inequality
Note that ifα(t)=0 andβ(t)=1,then both(1.11)and(1.12)reduce to
which is almost identical to(1.8)except“>”being replaced by“≥”.However,(1.11)and (1.12)do not include each other.Recently,Tanget al.[10]studied the following system
whereandand further generalized and improved(1.11)and(1.12).
Motivated by[8]–[10],in this paper,we aim to establish some new Lyapunov-type inequalities for system(1.1)and our results generalize/extend/improve some results mentioned above.In fact,The authors in[10]studied the system(1.14)which is a class of“superlinear”cases(i.e.,µ≥2 orν≥2).In this paper,we are concerned with the system(1.1),whereandare given functions that satisfyandfor allx=0 and are of linear growth at most.The system(1.1)is more general in the sense that nonlinearities are given by functionsfandgand therefore includes certain equations as special cases.Whenandour results are better than the results in[8] (See Remark 2.1).
We first denote
Theorem 2.1Assume that
and there are constants M,m>0such that
(1.1)has a solutionsatisfying(1.7).Then the following inequality
Proof.By(1.1),we obtain
Integrating the above equation fromatoband taking into account thatx(a)=x(b)=0, we obtain
From the first equation of(1.1)and the fact thatx(a)=x(b)=0,we have
It follows from(2.1),(2.7)and the Cauchy inequality that
Similarly,it follows from(2.2),(2.8)and the Cauchy inequality that
By the condition that system(1.1)has a solutionsatisfying(1.7),we conclude that there exists asuch thatthus,orforFrom(2.9)and(2.10),we have
From(2.11)and(2.4),we obtain
Now,it follows from(2.6)and(2.12)that
We claim that
If(2.14)is not true,then
From(2.6)and(2.15),we have
It follows from(2.4)that
Combining(2.7)with(2.16),we obtain thatx(t)≡0 fora≤t≤b,which contradicts(1.7). Therefore,(2.14)holds.Hence,it follows from(2.13)and(2.14)that(2.5)holds.The proof is completed.
Theorem 2.2Assume that(2.3)and(2.4)hold.If(1.1)has a solution(x(t),y(t))satisfying(1.7),then there exists a c∈(a,b)such that
Proof.Choose ac∈(a,b)such that
From(2.9)and(2.18),we have
Similarly,we can obtain from(2.10)and(2.18)that
Adding(2.19)and(2.20),we have
It follows from
Corollary 2.1Suppose that hypothesis(2.3)and(2.4)are satis fied.If(1.1)has a solution(x(t),y(t))satisfying(1.7),then one has the following inequality
which implies that(2.23)holds.
Corollary 2.2Suppose that hypothesis(2.3)and(2.4)are satis fied.If(1.1)has a solutionsatisfying(1.7),then
Proof.By Theorem 2.2,we have
From(2.26)and(2.28),we have
From(2.27)and(2.29)–(2.31),we have
It follows that(2.25)holds.
Corollary 2.3 follows from Corollary 2.1 or Corollary 2.2.
Corollary 2.3Suppose that hypothesis(2.3)and(2.4)are satis fied.If(1.1)has a solutionsatisfying(1.7),then
Remark 2.1It is easy to see that Lyapunov-type inequality(2.23)is better than(1.11) and(1.12)whenand
Note that inequalities(2.5),(2.23),(2.25),(2.29)and(2.32)are,in general,not strict. In case hypothesis(2.3)is replaced by the following stronger one
we further prove that inequalities(2.5),(2.23),(2.25),(2.29)and(2.32)are strict.
Theorem 2.3Suppose that(2.4)and(2.33)are satis fied.If(1.1)has a solution(x(t),y(t))satisfying(1.7),then one has the following inequality
where ζ(t)and η(t)are de fined by(2.1)and(2.2),respectively.
Proof.First,we prove that if hypothesis(2.3)is replaced by(2.33)in the proof of Theorem 2.1,then(2.11)is strict except end-pointsaandb,i.e.,
In fact,if(2.35)is not true,then there exists asuch that
Hence,from(2.9),(2.10)and(2.36),we obtain
It follows from(2.9)and(2.37)that
which implies that there exists a constantc1such that
Similarly,It follows from(2.10)and(2.38)that there exists a constantc2such that
Sinceis continuous at(2.39)and(2.40)imply thatIfthenforit follows from(2.7)thatforwhich contradicts(1.8).Ifthenforit follows from(2.7) and(2.33)thatwhich contradicts the fact thatTherefore,(2.35)holds. Hence,in view of(2.35)and the proof of Theorem 2.1,(2.34)holds.The proof is completed.
In addition,in case Hypothesis(2.3)is replaced by(2.33)in the proof of Corollary 2.2, then(2.27)and(2.29)are also strict.Thus,we shall arrive to the following results which are immediate consequences of Theorem 2.3 and Corollaries 2.1–2.3.
Corollary 2.4Suppose that hypothesis(2.4)and(2.33)are satis fied.If(1.1)has a solutionsatisfying(1.7),then one has the following inequality
Corollary 2.5Suppose that hypothesis(2.4)and(2.33)are satis fied.If(1.1)has a solutionsatisfying(1.7),then
Corollary 2.6Suppose that hypothesis(2.4)and(2.33)are satis fied.If(1.1)has a solutionsatisfying(1.7),then
As application of our results,we consider the following system of di ff erential equations
whereα(t)is a real-valued continuous function de fined onR.It is easy to verify thatandsatisfy(2.4)withandforIf(2.41)has a solutionsatisfying(1.7),by Corollary 2.1 and notingwe have the following inequality
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The NSF(41405083,91437220)of China,and the NSF(2015JJ3098)of Hunan Province of China.
E-mail address:gengpingwei@163.com.
Communications in Mathematical Research2017年3期