2.3 基于倾角影响线差值曲率的损伤识别指标
3 存在局部损伤的简支梁桥结构损伤识别分析
为了验证利用倾角影响线建立的损伤识别指标的正确性,建立40 m跨混凝土结构简支梁模型,节点间距为1 m,共41个节点,40个单元。桥梁采用C40混凝土,弹性模量E=3.25×107kN/m2,截面如图3所示,惯性矩I=0.453 4 m4,影响线加载采用荷载FP=1×105N。
图3 横截面示意图 Fig.3 Cross section
3.1 简支梁桥出现单处损伤的识别
图4 简支梁无损伤时的倾角影响线Fig.4 Angular influence line of simple-supported beam without damage
图5 简支梁桥的损伤识别曲线Fig.5 Damage identification curve of simple-supported beam
图5 a)表示利用倾角影响线差值进行损伤识别。可以看出,倾角影响线差值在损伤区段出现峰值,且峰值大小与损伤程度有很大关系,损伤程度越大,识别敏感性越高,说明利用该指标可以对简支梁桥进行损伤位置的识别。
图5 b)表示简支梁桥出现局部损伤时的倾角影响线差值曲率,利用式(12)求得。可以看出,在无损伤区域,简支梁桥结构的倾角影响线差值曲率均为0,而在损伤区域差值曲率值均不为0,因此可以利用倾角影响线差值曲率对简支梁桥进行损伤定位。随着损伤程度的降低,倾角影响线差值曲率值逐渐变小,根据损伤区域倾角影响线差值曲率曲线的峰值,利用式(11)可以反推出刚度折减系数k的大小,据此可以判断出损伤程度的大小。
3.2 简支梁桥多处位置损伤时的识别
通过上述分析,利用倾角影响线建立的损伤识别指标对单个位置损伤的识别效果较好,可以明显地判断出损伤位置。现研究简支梁桥出现多处损伤的情况。简支梁桥分析模型仍采用上述结构分析模型,分别在简支梁桥(0.2~0.3)l,(0.45~0.55)l,(0.6~0.7)l处设定损伤位置,损伤程度均为20%,倾角观测点仍选择简支梁桥支座处。分析结果如图6 a)所示。可以看出,在无损伤区域,简支梁桥结构的倾角影响线差值曲率均为0,而在损伤区域差值曲率值均不为0,说明利用倾角影响线差值曲率损伤识别指标可以对多处损伤程度相同的情况进行损伤位置判定。由于3处损伤的损伤程度均为20%,所以理论上3处的影响线差值曲率应该近似相等,但是从图6 a)可以看出,其倾角位移影响线差值曲率数值并不相等,说明损伤之间是有影响的,所以对于多损伤的情况,倾角影响线差值曲率损伤识别指标可以进行损伤定位,对于损伤程度的判定会有一定误差。
图6 简支梁桥多处损伤时倾角影响线差值曲率Fig.6 Difference curvature of angular influence line of simply supported beam with multiple damage
图6 b)表示3处损伤程度不相同时的倾角影响线差值曲率。损伤位置仍在简支梁桥(0.2~0.3)l,(0.45~0.55)l,(0.6~0.7)l等3处,其损伤程度分别设定为20%,10%,5%。由图可知,在损伤区域的倾角影响线差值曲率均不为0,说明利用倾角影响线差值曲率损伤识别指标可以对简支梁桥多处出现不同程度的损伤情况进行损伤定位,能够明显地判断出损伤区域,损伤识别效果较好。
3.3 灵敏度分析
上述分析所得数据是在理想情况下通过数值分析得到的,倾角取值为小数点后6位。现有高精度倾角传感器的精度一般为0.001°,分辨率为0.000 5,探究将倾角数值取小数点后4位有效数字时对损伤识别的影响。以支座处的倾角影响线为例,损伤位置(0.3~0.4)l,提取损伤程度分别为未损伤、5%损伤、10%损伤、20%损伤时部分荷载移动时的支座倾角影响线数值,结果如表1所示。
表1 不同荷载位置支座倾角影响线数值
4 结 论
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Damage identification of simply-supported beam bridges based on angular influence line
ZHANG Yanqing, WU Guifei, DENG Hongliang
(School of Architecture and Civil Engineering,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)
In order to promote the application of the influence line theory in structural damage identification, the damage identification indexes based on difference and difference curvature of angular influence line before and after the damage of the simply-supported beam bridges are proposed. The concept of angular influence line of simply-supported beam bridges is defined, the formula of angular influence line before and after the damage of the simply-supported beam bridges is derived, the formula of new damage identification indexes is deduced, and the feasibility of using the new damage identification indexes for damage identification is theoretically proved. To verify the correctness of the new damage identification indexes, the finite element model of simply-supported beam bridge is established. The result shows that the difference of angular influence line before and after the damage of the simply-supported beam bridges has a peak value in damage area; the difference curvature of angular influence line before and after the damage of the simply-supported beam bridges is 0 in the non-damage area, and not 0 in the damage area. The conclusion is that the difference of angular influence line before and after the damage of the simply-supported beam bridges can be used to determine the location of damage with high accuracy. By using the difference curvature of angular influence line, it not only has the good recognition effect to the single damage and multiple damage, but also can realize the recognition of the damage degree of the simply-supported beam bridges.
bridge engineering; simply-supported beam bridges; angular influence line; damage identification; difference; curvature
2017-04-28;责任编辑:冯 民
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