A Brief Study of the Pragmatic Function of English Euphemism From Adaptation Theory

2017-06-07 20:13焦艳
校园英语·下旬 2017年4期


【Abstract】Being a universal linguistic phenomenon, euphemism plays a vital role in our daily life and is a kind of indirect expression that people use to fulfill desired communicative goals. In according with the Adaptation Theory, this study mainly devotes itself to exploring some communicative context to which euphemism is selected to adapt.

【Key words】English euphemism; Adaptation Theory; context; choice

1. Introduction

As a common linguistic phenomenon, English euphemism has played a definitely vital role in our daily communication and has been arousing great interest. People use euphemism in their speech and writing frequently. Just as Huge Rawson mentioned: “Euphemism are so deeply in our language that few of us, even those who pride themselves on being plain-spoken, ever get though a day without using them”.

2. The Theoretical Framework of the Study

Verschueren holds that the process of using language consists of the continuous making of linguistic choices consciously or unconsciously. He also holds that language requires constant adaptations to different purposes and circumstances of use.

3. Analysis of Euphemism In the Adaptation Theory

Adaptation is a dynamic process, in which language users manipulate euphemistic expression to adjust to the contextual demands according to language users intention. The process of language use is a process of linguistic choice, which includes the choices of linguistic forms and communicative strategies.

3.1 Euphemism as Adaptation to the Language Users

Language user is also known as utter or interpreter. The contextual aspects of the physical worlds, the social worlds and the mental worlds need to be activated by the language users cognitive processes, so that play important role in language use.

3.2 Euphemism as Adaptation to the Mental World

Verschueren notes that verbal interaction is communication from mind to mind. Hence, language users mental world plays a vital role in communication. Both communicators should adapt to each others mental world.

3.3 Euphemism as Adaptation to the Social World

The adaptability of language to the social world is truly pervasive. Social setting and institutions impose many types of principles and rules on the way in which certain types of linguistic acts can be performed.

3.3.1 Adaptation to the Religion

Religion plays an important role in peoples spiritual life, since it provide people with advice, value and guidance, the relationship of individuals and the relation of mankind to nature.

3.3.2 Adaptation to Gender Difference

In communication, gender is also vital in determining the language users linguistic choices. It is universally acknowledged that people with the same background also differ from each other in using euphemisms. Gender is a factor which influences peoples choice of how to use it.

3.3.3 Adaptation to the Social Convention

Social convention is defined as the accumulated agreed ways of thinking and behaving that are believed to be socially normal and accepted by the majority of specific society. It is the custom or certain behavior that is formed after longtime practice makes social convention penetrate into peoples mind.

3.4 Euphemism as Adaptation to the Physical World

Temporal deixis and spatial deixis are the most studied and most visible ways of anchoring language choices into physical world. Physical world also includes some non-verbal factors, like gestures, gazes, physical conditions, and so on.

3.4.1 Temporal Reference

“‘Time is a relative notion rather than an absolute value in relation to language and that it interferes with a lot of other considerations.” said by Verschueren.

3.4.2 Spatial Reference

Spatial reference is usually relative to a perspective. In face-to-face communication, utters usually adapt their own perspective to that of the interpreters to facilitate communication. We must know the difference of left and right, here and there between utters and interpreters.

4. Conclusion

Euphemism, as a phenomenon of language, is observed everywhere in all human societies and it is used in all human interactions. Using euphemism is an active pragmatic strategy of language users in a certain time and certain situation.


[1]Rawson,H.(1981).A Dictionary of Euphemisms and Other Doubletalk[M].London:Crown Pulishers,Inc.

[2]Searle,J.(1979).Meaning and Expression[M].Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

[3]Verschueren,J.(1999).Understanding Pragmatics[M].London and New York:Arnold.

作者簡介:焦艳(1988-),女,汉族,河北魏县人,助教,文学硕士,研究方向: 英语语言文学。

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