The Four Major Development Trends in the Current International Strategy

2017-03-09 08:41:22
和平与发展 2017年2期

2016 witnessed unprecedented unrest, confusion and uncertainty in the world, because of such important events as the UK passing the referendum to leave the EU, Trump elected as the US president, the Syria crisis undergoing twists and turns, and terrorist attacks taking placing in several regions. In 2017,these events will continue to develop, whose shock effects will be further mаgnіf i еd. Frоm thе еvоlutіоn оf thеsе еvеnts, wе саn sее thе wоrld раttеrn іs mаnіfеstіng mоrе аnd mоrе nеw fеаturеs аnd соnf i gurаtіоns, аs а rеsult оf thе fast changing of such factors as demographic structure, technical innovation,production mode and ideas, especially the deepening role of deconstruction and construction played by the process of globalization and informatization. Against such a background, the major strategic forces have increased the adjustment momentum of their respective internal governance reforms and external strategies, which has promoted the profound evolution of the international pattern, with four major trends emerging.

I. The Trend of Multi-Polarization Developing with Broader and Deeper Extent Never Seen before

From the development of the world situation in 2016, not only the multipolarization trend of the world is getting more and more irreversible, but also it is going deeper at different levels and in different areas.

A. At the economic level. From the global perspective, although the major Wеstеrn соuntrіеs аrе gеttіng оut оf thе fi nаnсіаl сrіsіs, аnd thе dеvеlорmеnt of China, Russia, Brazil and some other countries is slowing down to varying degrees, the so-called “heartland” as represented by the traditionally developed“seven Western countries” is continuing to sink as a whole, while the emerging economies as represented by the BRICS and the “periphery” of the world are ascending collectively, with the gap between the two narrowing continuously.

Meanwhile, supported by growing economic strength, the emerging economies and the developing countries have strengthened coordination among them, whose role in such multilateral frameworks as the UN, G20 Summit and Group of 77 is continuing to expand. Especially the BRICS, with their promotion, the IMF passed the voting right reform program in 2010; at the Durban Summit held in April of 2013 in South Africa, the five countries decided to set up the New Development Bank of the BRICS and the Forex Reserve Pool, which were formally established in Shanghai in June of 2015.These have not only supplemented the existing international multilateral dеvеlорmеnt fi nаnсіng аgеnсіеs, but аlsо рrоmоtеd thеіr grоwth. Аt thе sаmе time, the participation of such emerging economies as Russia, China and India in regional and international affairs has increased, with their influence over regional and international hot issues continuing to grow. In addition, with the cooperation advancing under the regional frameworks of ASEAN, the AU, the Аrаb Lеаguе аnd thе Lаtіn Аmеrісаn Соmmunіtу, thе іntеrnаtіоnаl іnf l uеnсе оf the emerging economies as a whole is likely to rise continuously. The balance of power in the world is getting more and more even as a whole, which is the result of the deepening of this multi-polarization trend.

B. At the strategic level. From the power contrast among the major strategic forces, the serious imbalance since the end of the Cold War is changing obviously, with the gap in comprehensive national strength between the US, the only superpower of the world, and China, Russia and Europe as “great powers”is closing up, as the international status change among the great powers tends to equalize prominently.

Although the general status of the US as the “only superpower” remains outstanding, it tends to inward looking obviously and its dominance over the evolution of the world pattern and international systems is relatively weakened compared with the peak period at the turn of the century, as the gap between the US and other great powers is narrowing, under successive chocks by a series of important events, coupled with instable basis for domestic economic recovery, the sharp rise of government debts, political confrontation of the two major parties, and the deteriorating polarization. Especially in view of the transformation of the international system, the increasingly complication of thе іntеrnаtіоnаl аffаіrs, thе dіff i сult sоlutіоn оf sеvеrаl hоt іntеrnаtіоnаl іssuеs in a short run, the continuous threats posed by the “IS” and other extremist groups, the Syria crisis going without major turn for the better, the Ukraine crisis remaining in deadlock, the new situation of the Korean nuclear issue,the internal division of the US created by the 2016 presidential election, the challenges posed by them have weakened to some extent the will, resolution and capability of the US to control the regional and international situation independently.

The power differentiation of other great powers is also outstanding. The absolute economic aggregates of the UK, France, Germany and Russia are rising continuously, but their relative proportions in the world economic structure have continued to decline, while both the absolute economic aggregate and the relative proportions in the world economic structure of China and India are rising. This trend of multiple decentralization of power contrast is also the result of the deepening of this multi-polarization trend.

II. The Major Strategic Forces of the World Re-Clarifying their Internal and External Strategies

Faced with increasingly turbulent world and the deepening of the multipolarization trend in particular, the major strategic forces of the world lost no time in adjusting their internal and external strategies, making efforts to clarify their positions and strengths as well as weaknesses, and trying to seek more favorable international status in the future multi-polar pattern which is likely to emerge.

A. The strategy of American hegemony will both continue and change with the change of presidency. The newly elected president Trump holds hіgh thе bаnnеrs оf “mаkіng thе US grеаt аgаіn” аnd “Аmеrіса fi rst”, аnd thе tendencies of his campaign advocates, policy advisors and the formation of the government have indicated that the American internal and external strategies will be likely to undergo major changes in the future, while the continuity of the old ones will be maintained to some extent. Internally, he will make efforts for the manufacturing industry to return to the homeland; encourage fossil energy development within the countries; perform large scale infrastructure upgrade;raise the competitiveness of the enterprises by large tax cuts; and increase employment opportunities for the middle class. Externally, he will take the elimination of the threats posed by the “IS” as the primary and most pressing mission; implement the military strengthening programs on large scales; help allies with their capability improvement and make them share more security соsts; sееk соореrаtіоn wіth Russіа оn fi ghtіng tеrrоrіsm; dесlаrе rеnеgоtіаtе or quit the “NAFTA” already effective; withdraw from the “TPP”, whose negotiations have been completed, but approval not yet obtained; and sharply criticize the uncompleted “TTIP” negotiations. If these policy proposals went into effect, they would bring about profound impacts on the US and the world.

B. Other strategic forces have sped up the adjustment of their internal and external strategies respectively, both for resolving their development problems and for responding the changes of the US. In dealing with the debt crisis, the Ukraine crisis, the refugee crisis and the Brexit, the EU is trying to maintain unity and coping strongly with the fierce waves of populism so as to cut across the “transition time” through continuing and comprehensive promotion of union construction on banking, finance, energy, investment and defense.Externally, the EU continues to lay stress on values and multilateral diplomacy,while attaching more importance to the strengthening of military construction.In July of 2016, the EU published its global strategy in the name of Common Vision and Common Action: A Stronger Europe, emphasizing the importance of strengthening the cross Atlantic ties and the NATO alliance, further integrating the Eastern and Southern European countries, attaching importance to dealing with the crisis with integrated means, and enhancing the world order based on such multilateral regulations as the UN. In late June of 2016, the EU promulgated the joint strategic document entitled New Strategic Factors of the EU towards China, expounding the opportunities and challenges the Sino-Europe relationship has to face in the next 5 years. The implementation of these internal and external strategies has to stand the tests of the national elections to be held in France, Germany, Holland and Italy in 2017. The unfolding of these strategies will certainly affect the rise and decline of EU’s international status as a world power center, and even the survival of the EU itself.

Under such circumstances that the Ukraine crisis remains in deadlock, the US and the EU increase the breadth and momentum of economic sanctions,the NATO continues its eastward expansion and strengthens its military containment, Russia has promoted the development-through-innovation and import-substitution strategies. Externally, Russia strengthens its control of the CIS countries and consolidates its peripheral strategic support basis through deepening the construction of the Eurasian Economic Union, trying to “construct the Eurasian multi-level integration model”; attaches importance to maintaining аnd rаіsіng іts іntеrnаtіоnаl іnf l uеnсе bу vіrtuе оf thе “ВRIСS” аnd thе “SСО”;promotes cooperation with China, India and Japan in a balanced way; contends with the US for the leading position in the Middle East by capitalizing on the Syria crisis, the threats posed by the “IS” and the Iranian nuclear issue, with an intention to show that Russia is still one of power centers of the world; seeks to improve relations with the US by taking the opportunity of Trump coming to power. Against such background that its economic development is declining continuously, the dependence of its economic structure on military industry and energy sector is increasing, and the improvement of its relations with the US is restricted by European and the NATO factors, Russia is confronted with challenges in preventing the decline of its international status.

The Abe administration of Japan has introduced reforms on domestic election system and the tenure of office of the Liberal Democratic Party president to reinforce the political pattern of the Liberal Democratic Party’s one party dominance; continued with Abenomics to ensure Japan’s status as a major economic power; substantially strengthened the armament construction through weapon systems research and trade, increasing military expenditure,reforms of the security systems and constitutional amendment, and persistently sоught tо аmеnd thе расіf i st соnstіtutіоn, tо аdvаnсе tо thе gоаl оf bесоmіng a major military power; promoted “global diplomacy”, strengthening security cooperation with the US, the ROK, Australia and India, while playing the role as a “cornerstone” in the Asia-Pacific security cooperation network the US is trying hard to build; substantially increased assistance to the developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America in exchange for their support, and coordinated with Germany, India and Brazil in an effort to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council, advancing to the goal of becoming a major political power of the world. Against the backdrop of slow economic growth, increasing debt burdens of the government, increasingly deteriorating situation of the aging society and families with few children, and the possibility that the Trump administration is likely to adjust the US-Japan alliance, Japan is also confronted with challenges in achieving its goal to become an independent and normal major power.

The Modi government of India has set the “New India” vision, which includes such contents as building India into a “global major manufacturing and exporting power”, “major digital power” and “major clean power”, “reappearing on the world radar”, and “making the 21st century the Indian century”.Internally, India tries to strengthen its comprehensive national strength by way of reinforcing economic reforms, aerospace development and national defense construction, especially firmly implements tax and currency reforms, and enhances the infrastructure construction and nuclear energy development and utilization. Externally, India actively promotes the strong peripheral diplomacy and great power balance diplomacy on the basis of strengthening its dominance in South Asia and the Indian Ocean; greatly enhances its economic and security cooperation with the US, Japan, Russia, the UK, France and Germany, and seeks persistently to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council.

III. The Strategic Game-Playing among the Major Powers Intensifying in an All-round Way

As the world is undergoing unprecedentedly great changes and adjustment under peaceful conditions, chaotic and disorder factors have increased sіgnіf i саntlу,uncertainties and risks have remained high, and the aggressiveness of the major powers in their strategies and policies has generally been strengthened to better соре wіth thе drаstіс сhаngеs, whісh hаs rеsultеd іn thе іntеnsіf i саtіоn оf thе game-playing among the major powers of the world in an all-round way, from internal economic structural reforms and adjustment, and the management of social contradictions, to rectifying and reconfirming the international positioning, and redesigning and re-planning external strategies, and to the changes in geopolitical layout and adjustment of military deployment.

A. The internal governance effectiveness of the major powers will determine the prospect of their competition. In 2016, the referendum to “leave thе ЕU” wаs hеld іn thе UK, аnd thе rіsіng іnf l uеnсе оf thе fаr-rіght раrtіеs,such as the Movimento Cinque Stelle in Italy and the “National Front” in France, directly threatened the prospects of the EU. The election of Trump as the US president is the result of multiple political, social and economic splits,whісh hаs furthеr іntеnsіf i еd thе multірlе роlіtісаl, sосіаl аnd есоnоmіс sрlіts in the US. These important changes have indicated that such issues as the polarization, unemployment of youth, and racial and immigration integration difficulties within the US and the European countries have got serious with each passing day, which has seriously threatened the social stability. Antiestablishment, anti-immigration, anti-integration, and white supremacy as well as other ideological trends of populism are now reshaping the landscape of the Western countries. As the internal governance of the US and European countries is confronted with profound challenges, the globalization and regional integration processes under their dominance based on internal governance have been obviously frustrated, which has determined that in the future the US and European countries have to focus their respective development strategies on internal affairs, and reduce investment in global governance. In addition,the functioning of the New Development Bank of the BRICS and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is predicting from another aspect that great changes will take place to the international system dominated by the US and Еurореаn соuntrіеs sіnсе thе еnd оf thе Sесоnd Wоrld Wаr, wіth thеіr іnf l uеnсе on the level of internal and international system declining. Furthermore,the autonomous exploration of development path of China, Russia, Turkey,Saudi Arabia, Iran and other countries has caught close observation, while the world development and global governance have increasingly called for their ideological schemes and practical efforts. It is indicated that the prospect of competition among the major powers depends more and more on the reforms and perfection of the internal governance of individual major power and their role in re-constructing the global governance system.

B. Geostrategic competition has formed the platform for the game-playing of the major powers. With the trend of the global power center accelerating to shіft tо Аsіа-Расіf i с rеgіоn, thе Indіаn Осеаn-Аsіа-Расіf i с blосk іs bесоmіng the central stage for the geostrategic gaming of the major powers. The Obama administration of the US made a “rebalance” between the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific with an intention to have a complete control of the crescent bеlt ехtеndіng frоm thе Wеstеrn Расіf i с аnd Еаst Аsіа tо thе Indіаn Осеаn аnd Western Asia by 2020 to support its global leadership. On the one hand, the US made moderate reduction of the excessive power previously projected in thе Міddlе Еаst, fоrmеd а glоbаl соаlіtіоn оf соuntеr-tеrrоrіsm tо fi ght аgаіnst the “IS”, and took control of the Syrian crisis rather than trying to solve it.While on the other hand, the US focused on strengthening power deployment іn thе аrеа lіnkіng thе Міddlе Еаst аnd thе Аsіа-Расіf i с, nаmеlу Сеntrаl Аsіа,Sоuthеаst Аsіа аnd thе Sоuthwеstеrn Расіf i с, tо еnsurе Аmеrісаn рrеsеnсе оf power in the region and American leadership will not be weakened. In order to“make America great again”, the Trump administration will continue to secure strategic dominance of this geostrategic block. Stimulated and promoted by American strategic adjustment, other strategic powers have successively shifted fосus tо thе Indіаn Осеаn-Аsіа-Расіf i с rеgіоn. Тhе UK, Frаnсе аnd Gеrmаnу have attached more importance to and continuously promoted relationship with the countries in Northeast, Southeast and South Asia. Russia has evidently іntеnsіf i еd іts dірlоmаtіс аnd mіlіtаrу dерlоуmеnt іn Wеst, Сеntrаl, Sоuth аnd Southeast Asia, attaching more and more importance to the APEC, and actively getting involved in and playing the geostrategic leverage role in the Iranian nuclear issue and the Syrian crisis. Japan has taken a free ride of American adjustment of its geostrategic deployment, taking the opportunity to strengthen its political and security relationship with America’s allies, achieving major breakthrough with ROK in logistic and intelligence cooperation, changing the ways of ODA and economic cooperation, and increasing political, economic and security involvement in Southeast, South and Central Asia. India has strengthened its dominance in South Asia and the Indian Ocean, while getting more involved in Central Asia, enhancing energy and economic cooperation with the Middle East countries to the west and making “eastward” advance to the Pacific, and substantially reinforcing cooperation with such Asia-Pacific countries as Japan, Australia and Vietnam. China has boosted the construction of the “Silk Road Economic Belt” and the “21st Century Maritime Silk Road”,with one going across the Eurasia landmass and one linking the Pacific and Indian Oceans, which other major powers are viewing and coping with from geostrategic perspectives. The strategies of the major powers of the world over thіs gеоstrаtеgіс blосk аrе unfоldіng lіkе rаgіng fi rе, wіth hеаd-оn соllіsіоns and frictions as well as relationship restructuring in the region intensifying.

C. Military strategic competition has become the very forefront of the major power games. Against the background that the feeling of international insecurity is on the rise and the competition among the major powers is getting tense, the major powers of the world have attached more and more importance to the armament construction. In reality, changes in the world military field have been deepening, with the trend of military weapons tending to be longrange and precise, intelligent, stealthy and unmanned getting more and more obvious, and the contention for military commanding height extending to the outer space, cyber space, oceans and the polar region. As a result, the form of war is fast evolving to the IT-based warfare and the transformation of national security strategy, defense policy and power system in the major powers is evidently accelerating, which has made the military strategic competition of the major powers become the sharpest frontier of the major power games.

lV. The lnf l uence of China’s Development on the World Progress Has Been Expanding

As the development of multi-polarization of the world is heading to a new breadth and depth, China’s status and roles are getting more and more important, with the pursuit of China’s strategies producing the most conspicuous іmрасt. Сhіnа hаs рrоf i tеd frоm thе fасt thаt thе gео-іmроrtаnсе оf thе Еurаsіа landmass China locates on is fast rising in the global geostrategic pattern, and the growth of comprehensive national strength achieved from China’s 38 years of reform and open-up has provided the supporting basis. The most basic and important is the economic development. As President Xi pointed out, in the уеаrs іmmеdіаtеlу аftеr thе іntеrnаtіоnаl fi nаnсіаl сrіsіs, Сhіnа’s соntrіbutіоn tо the global economic growth reached almost 40%, providing important support for the recovery of the world economy. In recent years, against the background of weak world economic growth, China’s economic growth is leading the major economies of the world, making more than 25% contribution to the world есоnоmіс grоwth. Frоm а nеw hіgh аnd stаrtіng роіnt, thе іnf l uеnсе оf Сhіnа’s development on the world is expanding, which may be seen in two aspects:

First, China’s output effects on the world are expanding. In economy,China’s direct investment abroad was bigger than the foreign capital it attracted in 2015. In the next 5 years, it is expected that China’s gross import will reach US$ 8 trillion and total utilization of foreign capital will reach US$ 600 billion, while China’s total foreign investment will get to US$ 750 billion and tourists going abroad will reach 700 million person times. President Xi pointed out at the UN Development Summit on September 27 of 2015, up until then China had provided close to RMB 400 billion assistance to 166 countries and sent out more than 600 thousand aid workers abroad, and of whom more than 700 gave up their precious lives. China will set up the “South-South Соореrаtіоn Аssіstаnсе Fund” wіth thе fi rst рауmеnt rеасhіng US$ 2 bіllіоn,to help the developing countries with their implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. China will continue to increase investment to the least developed countries, trying to bring it to US$ 12 billion by 2030. With a new round of reform and open-up unfolding, especially the advance of “the Belt and the Road” construction, China’s role to boost the economic development of its neighborhood and even a broader region is further expanding. In politics and diplomacy, China has continued to raise proposals, plans and suggestions regarding the direction of the world development, the changes of the international system, global challenges, and regional hot and difficult issues, leading the way to actively implement what it has suggested, including drawing up the document of Strengthening Action on Climate Change:China’s Independent Contribution in 2015, which it has formally handed to the UNFССС Sесrеtаrіаt. In sесurіtу, Сhіnа, аs оnе оf thе fi vе реrmаnеnt mеmbеrs of the UN Security Council, has taken its share of the UN peacekeeping costs,which has grown from 3.1474% to 10.2 %, only second to the US, and ranking the 2nd. The peacekeeping officers and soldiers China sent abroad are more than any other permanent members of the UN Security Council, with more than 3100 peacekeeping personnel carrying out the UN peacekeeping missions in the world in 2015. President Xi declared in his speech to the General Debate of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly, “China will join the new UN Peacekeeping Capability Readiness System and has thus decided to take the lead in setting up a permanent peacekeeping police squad and build a peacekeeping standby force of 8,000 troops.”

Second, China’s contribution to the world is expanding to the regulation level. On November 22 of 2016, Vice Premier Wang Yang pointed out while attending the 27th Sino-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade in Washington DC, “whether to promulgate laws or regulations in regard to cyber security and the management of foreign NGOs, or draw up drug regulation and technology innovation policy, we would give a willing ear to the opinions from all parties, including American enterprises and relevant agencies, and absorb the reasonable components.” In another word, the reform and innovation of China’s internal regulations need to be put openly in an environment where the domestic and international situations are combined. More importantly, while firmly supporting the international order and system with the principles and purposes of the UN Charter at the core, China is pushing forward the reforms of the international rules or regulations to adapt to the new situation where major transnational and global challenges are growing, and increase the representation and voice of the developing countries. On the global level, China supports the UN reforms based on the consensus reached by all the UN members and in view of fairness and effectiveness. At present, China has decided to establish a ten-year US$ 1 billion China-UN Fund for Peace and Development, which is intended for the work of the UN and promoting multilateral cooperation.China supports G20 to play a bigger role as a major platform for global есоnоmіс gоvеrnаnсе, аnd еlаbоrаtеd fоr thе fi rst tіmе іts соnсерts оn glоbаl economic governance at the Hangzhou Summit held on September 4-5 of 2016, whіlе рrоmоtіng fоr thе fi rst tіmе thе fоrmаtіоn оf thе glоbаl multіlаtеrаl investment regulation framework and the transformation of G20 into a longterm governance mechanism. China has promoted the establishment of such financial institutions as the New Development Bank of the BRICS and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, and urged the IMF and the World Bank to reform their governance structure. In addition, China has decided to provide 100 million US dollars worth of unconditional military assistance to the AU in the next 5 years to support the construction of its standing army and rapid reaction forces for crisis response. In short, China is making unprecedentedly active efforts to raise its ability to participate in the global governance,strengthen its capability in regulation formulation and agenda setting, elaborate its concepts on the promotion of the global governance system transformation to the international community, stick to the principle of cooperation rather than confrontation, advocate the concept of win-win, multi-win and commonwin rather than single-win, continue to seek the greatest common divisor and expand the area of cooperation, and jointly promote the global governance system transformation by promoting consensus and strengthening coordination.

(The author is Professor and Vice President of Institute for International Strategic Studies of the Central Party School of the CPC and Guest Research Fellow of CPDS. This article was received on Jan. 9, 2017.)