
2016-12-21 11:11:40陈涵
心电与循环 2016年2期



2016年3月1日至4日在美国亚利桑那州首府凤凰城召开的AHA心血管流行病学与预防医学2016年会(Epidemiology and Prevention,Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health 2016 Scientific Sessions,EPI-Lifestyle 2016)上,来自美国哈佛大学的流行病学专家通过荟萃分析,揭示了中等量饮酒与大量饮酒的人群,在饮酒后急性期与远期的心脑血管事件风险。研究结果发现,中等量饮酒的人群,饮酒后短时间内发生心肌梗死或卒中的风险增高,而饮酒后1d或1周出现心肌梗死或卒中的风险却降低了。大量饮酒的人群则无论是饮酒或数小时、1d或1周,均增加心肌梗死与卒中的风险[1]。

研究人员通过搜索各大数据库,选取了1987年至2015年间共23项饮酒后1周内心肌梗死与脑卒中的研究,其中有16项为病例对照研究,7项为病例交叉研究。研究中12项来自欧洲,6项来自澳大利亚与新西兰,4项来自美国,1项为多国参与。研究共入选29 457例患者,其中包括17 966例心肌梗死患者,2599例缺血性脑卒中患者和1 262例出血性脑卒中患者。研究显示,饮酒对于心血管的保护作用只适用于中等量饮酒的患者,而大量饮酒的患者无论在急性期还是远期均不会有任何保护作用。





[1]Mostofsky E,Chahal H S,Mukamal K J,etal.Alcohol andimmediate risk of cardiovascular events:A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis[J].Circulation,2016,133(10):979-987.


A 57-year-old man with a structurally normal heart and normal baseline ECG underwent pulmonary vein isolation for atrial fibrillation.An electrophysiology study was then undertaken with an octapolar catheter positioned at the His bundle and an ablation catheter at the mid-right atrium.

At baseline,the sinus cycle length was 890 ms,the AH interval 48 ms,the HV interval 80 ms,and the QRS duration 80 ms.During extrastimulus atrial pacing,the HV interval shortened and the QRS complex widened with a left bundle branch block morphology(Figure 1). Atrial burst pacing at cycle length 330 ms demonstrates progressive shortening of the HV interval and widening of the QRS complex with left bundle branch block morphology(Figure 2A and 2B).On the final 3 beats in the figure,a His bundle electrogram seems after the QRS complex.On termination of pacing,a wide QRS complex tachycardia of identical morphology is noted (Figure 3).What is the mechanism of the tachycardia?


Although the baseline ECG is normal,the presence of a slowly conducting accessory pathway is apparent from atrial extrastimulus pacing demonstrating HV interval shortening,QRS widening,and a long A-V interval(Figure 1).Further inferences of the nature of the accessory pathway may also be made.The retrograde right bundle(RB)and His activation preceding the preexcited ventricular complex with left bundle branch block morphology are most consistent with an accessory pathway connection directly into the right bundle branch (atriofascicular pathway or nodofascicular pathway).

Figure 1Atrial extrastimulus pacing.Following S2,the QRS widens,the HV interval shortens and the His and right bundle activation sequence reverses.Dotted line and arrows provide reference for the anterograde to retrograde activation change.Preexcitation with a long AV interval,left bundle branch block morphology, and right bundle activation preceding ventricular activation suggest an atriofascicular accessory pathway.His 7 to 8 through 1 to 2 His bundle catheter recordings are proximal to distal;pacing intervals in milliseconds are marked.H indicates His;RA,right atrium;S1,drive train stimulus;and S2,extrastimulus.

Similar changes are noted at the onset of atrial burst pacing(Figure 2A).There is evidence of a slowly conducting accessory pathway with shortening of HVinterval and a long A-V interval.The His electrogram precedes the preexcited ventricular complex.Because only the distal electrode records a His electrogram, retrograde versus anterograde His activation cannot be discerned on this tracing.The H and V relationship changes further on the sixth paced beat when the His bundleelectrogramoccursaftertheventricular electrogram.Having established the presence of an atrio-fascicular(or nodo-fascicular)pathway,the only explanation for the late His is the development of retrograde block in the RB.Most likely,the His activation is still retrograde via transeptal activation of theleftbundlebranch.Thisisrepresented schematically Figure 2B.Less likely,retrograde block in the RB allows for antegrade conduction over an AV node slow pathway and anterograde His activation.

Figure 2A,Right atrial pacing at 330 ms.Note shortening of HV interval and fusion of QRS on the third-paced beat,retrograde His activation via right bundle branch on the fourth-and fifth-paced beats and sudden jump to a V-H relationship on the sixth-paced beat indicating retrograde block in the right bundle branch and conduction via left bundle branch.B,Schematic diagram of the mechanism of changes A,H,and V relationships seen in the last 3 beats in A.Atrial pacing results in anterograde block in AV node,anterograde conduction via atriofascicular pathway,and retrograde RB bock.His activation is retrograde via LB.A indicates atrial,AFP,atriofascicular pathway;AVN,AV node;H,His,LB,left bundle branch;RB,right bundle branch;and V,ventricular.

At termination of the atrial pacing,a left bundle branch block morphology wide QRS tachycardia is initiated(Figure 3).The tachycardia morphology is identical to the pre-excited QRS complex.The His activation is not seen on the first beat of tachycardia but occurs just before the onset of the QRS for the second and third beats.The His recording is seen after the ventricular signal for the last 2 complexes.Changes in the H-H intervals precede changes in the V-V intervals as well as the subsequent A-A intervals,although the relationship is not precise(Figure 4A).The H-A interval shortens on the last 2 beats and accounts for the inexact relationship.

Figure 3Atrial pacing initiates tachycardia with left bundle branch block morphology,variable cycle lengths and variable relationships between the A,H,and V signals.A indicates atrial;H,His;RA,right atrium;and V,ventricular.

The differential diagnosis for the wide QRS complex tachycardia includes ventricular tachycardia,supraventriculartachycardia(SVT)withaberrant conduction,SVT with bystander accessory pathway conduction and preexcited(antidromic)tachycardia. Bundle branch reentry ventricular tachycardia and SVT with aberration are excluded by the short HV interval. Myocardial ventricular tachycardia with retrograde His activation is also excluded by the variable H and V relationshipswithchangesintheH-Hinterval predicting changes in the V-V intervals.

Figure 4A,Electrogram intervals of tachycardia in Figure 4.All intervals are in milliseconds.B-D,Schematic representation of tachycardia circuit changes in A.B,First 3 beats of the tachycardia.With cessation of atrial pacing anterograde conduction continues down the atriofascicular pathway with retrograde conduction via right bundle branch completing the circuit.C,Fourth and fifth tachycardia beats where retrograde block occurs in the right bundle branch,and transseptal conduction and left bundle branch activation forms the retrograde tachycardia limb.D,Alternative possibility of dual AVN physiology1during AVNRT with atriofascicular pathway conduction as a bystander.A indicates atrial;AFP,atriofascicular pathway;AVN,atrioventricular node;AVNRT,AV node reentry tachycardia;H,His;LB,left bundle branch;RA,right atrium;RB,right bundle branch;and V,ventricular.

Two possibilities remain:antidromic tachycardia and SVT(AV node reentry tachycardia or atrial tachycardia)withbystanderaccessorypathway conduction.The most probable mechanism is antidromic atrioventricularreentrytachycardia(AVRT). Development of retrograde block in the RB and transeptal conduction enlarges the circuit;increases the tachycardia cycle length;and-because of simultaneous conduction down the RB and up the His and AV node-shortens the RB-A interval(Figure 4B and 4C). Thetachycardiacyclelengthprolongationduring retrograde RB block is diagnostic of antidromic AVRT as it provides evidence for participation of the ventricle in the tachycardia.However,the possibility of SVT occurring simultaneously with antidromic AVRT is not excluded.During the first 2 beats of tachycardia, antidromic AVRT with its faster cycle length could entrain SVT.In the third and fourth beat,retrograde block in the RB prolongs the AVRT cycle length beyond that of an underlying SVT,allowing it to manifest (Figure 4D).In this scenario,the H-A interval(or RB-A interval)is longer during the first 2 AVRT beats because of the sequential retrograde conduction systemactivation and the HA interval shortens as expected for the third and fourth SVT(AV node reentry tachycardia)beats because of simultaneous conduction down the His bundle and up the AV node fast pathway.

Figure 5A premature atrial complex(S2)introduced at the time of atrial septal refractoriness during the long V-H tachycardia advances the ventricular and atrial activation.A indicates atrial;H,His;RA,right atrium;and V,ventricular.

Proofofanatriofascicularasopposedto nodofascicular accessory pathway mediated antidromic tachycardia was confirmed by delivery of a paced premature atrial complex at a time of atrial septal refractoriness during the long V-H tachycardia.This advanced ventricular and subsequent atrial activation equally(Figure 5).A discrete accessory pathway potential was identified at the lateral tricuspid valve annulus(Figure 6)and a single 40 W radiofrequency energy application eliminated preexcitation and the tachycardia.Thiscaseillustratesthediagnostic opportunitiesandchallengeswithsimultaneous variations in multiple limbs of a reentrant rhythm.

Figure 6Atriofascicular pathway potential(M)is recorded from the ablation catheter(ABL)placed at the lateral tricuspid annulus.Ablation here eliminated preexcitation.Note the short HV intervals on H1-2 electrodes.H indicates His.


octapolar adj.八极的

inference n.推论,推断结果

discern v.辨明,看出,辨识,认识,识别

schematically adv.在图表上地,按照图式,计划性地

inexact adj.不精确的,不严格的

bystander n.旁观者,看热闹的人

antidromic adj.逆向的,逆行的

participation n.参与,分享,参股

entrain v.&n.上火车,拖,产生,带走;热情

scenario n.剧本,概要,设想

proof n.&v.&adj.证明,证据,校稿;检验,校对;不能穿透的Delivery n.投递,分娩,交付,送货,讲话,交出

Discrete adj.&n.分离的,转折的;独立部件


1.dual AVN physiology指双重的房室结生理机能,即房室结双径路功能



















[1]Foreman J R,Steinberg L A,Prystowsky E N,etal.Mechanism of a wide QRS complex tachycardia with variable atrial,his,and ventricular relationships[J].Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol,2015,8 (4):981-984.


Lesson Seventy

Mechanism of a wide QRS complex tachycardia with variable atrial,his,and ventricular relationships

Lesson Ninety- five A narrow complex tachycardia with atrioventricular dissociation:What is the mechanism?
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