
2016-12-09 02:49:44姚庆鑫阳后桂谢建军
功能材料 2016年11期

姚庆鑫,王 蓓,阳后桂,谢建军

(中南林业科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410004)


姚庆鑫,王 蓓,阳后桂,谢建军

(中南林业科技大学 材料科学与工程学院,长沙 410004)

采用响应面法研究了膨润土/木质素磺酸钠接枝丙烯酰胺选择性吸附树脂(BLPAM)的皂化实验。以氢氧化钠溶液浓度、皂化温度、皂化时间为影响因素,以Pb2+吸附量、Cu2+吸附量、Pb2+对Cu2+的选择性吸附系数、Pb2+去除率、Cu2+去除率为响应值建立Box-Behnken数学模型,通过响应面分析得到针对各响应值的主次因素和优化皂化条件。采用组合赋权法确定各响应值的权重,获得最终的优化皂化条件。结果表明,BLPAM的优化皂化条件为:氢氧化钠溶液浓度1.45 mol/L、皂化温度98 ℃、皂化时间2.90 h,所得皂化BLPAM树脂在二元Pb2+/Cu2+溶液中对Pb2+吸附量为1.772 mmol/g,Cu2+吸附量为1.719 mmol/g,Pb2+对Cu2+的选择性吸附系数为1.604,Pb2+去除率为96.062%,Cu2+去除率为93.864%。

木质素;吸附树脂;皂化;选择性吸附; 组合赋权法; 响应面法

0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 主要原料

膨润土/木质素磺酸钠接枝丙烯酰胺复合吸附树脂(BLPAM),该树脂为本文自制,制备过程参考文献[9]。BLPAM树脂在浓度为2.0 mmol/L的二元Pb2+/Cu2+溶液中的基本吸附性能为对Pb2+的吸附量为0.0613 mmol/g,对Cu2+的吸附量为0.0582 mmol/g,Pb2+对Cu2+的选择性系数为1.295,对Pb2+的去除率为1.211%,对Cu2+的去除率为0.013%。


1.2 皂化与吸附实验


2 结果与讨论

2.1 响应面法优化实验设计


表1 响应面实验设计的因素与水平

Table 1 Experimental design of factors and levels of Box-Beheken response surface method


表2 Box-Beheken优化实验设计与结果

Table 2 Experimental design and results of Box-Beheken response surface method


2.2 各响应值的优化皂化条件

首先,以Pb2+吸附量(qPb)为响应值,采用Design Expert 8.0软件对表2实验结果进行二次多项式拟合,得到Pb2+吸附量对3因素的多元二次回归方程为



表3 回归模型的方差分析


图1 Pb2+吸附量的回归模型预测值与实验值的比较

Fig 1 Comparation between predicted and experimental adsorption capacity of Pb2+

为了考虑各因素及其交互作用对Pb2+吸附量的影响,采用Design Expert 8.0软件辅助分析,得到响应面三维图和等高线图见图2~4。

图2 氢氧化钠浓度和皂化温度对Pb2+吸附量影响的响应面图及等高线图

Fig 2 Response surface plotted and contour map for the adsorption capacity of Pb2+under differentC(NaOH) and temperatures


图3 氢氧化钠浓度和皂化时间对Pb2+吸附量影响的响应面图及等高线图

Fig 3 Response surface plotted and contour map for the adsorption capacity of Pb2+under differentC(NaOH) and times

图4 皂化温度和时间对Pb2+吸附量影响的响应面图及等高线图

Fig 4 Response surface plotted and contour map for the adsorption capacity of Pb2+under different temperatures and times

另外,由图可知A、B、C存在最大极值点,为取得最佳值,对回归方程做一阶偏导数等于零并求解,得到响应值为Pb2+吸附量的最佳皂化条件为氢氧化钠浓度为1.51 mol/L、皂化温度与时间分别为94.04 ℃、2.10 h。根据实际情况,将BLPAM优化皂化条件修正为:氢氧化钠浓度为1.51 mol/L、皂化温度为94 ℃、皂化时间为2.10 h。







表4 各响应值的优化皂化条件

2.3 组合赋权法优化BLPAM的皂化条件


表5 不同单一赋权法得到的权重系数



对方程(6)做一阶偏导数等于零并求解,即得各因素的最佳条件,为A=1.45、B=97.93、C=2.91。根据实际情况,将BLPAM皂化最优条件修正为:氢氧化钠浓度为1.45 mol/L、皂化温度为98 ℃、皂化时间为2.90 h。进行3组平行验证实验,得到皂化BLPAM树脂在浓度为2.0 mmol/L的二元Pb2+/Cu2+溶液中的吸附性能为对Pb2+的吸附量为1.772 mmol/g,对Cu2+的吸附量为1.719 mmol/g,Pb2+对Cu2+的选择性吸附系数为1.604,Pb2+去除率为96.062%,Cu2+去除率为93.864%。对比可知,皂化可显著提高BLPAM的吸附性能。

3 结 论

(1) 氢氧化钠浓度、皂化温度、皂化时间对各响应值的影响显著性依次为:氢氧化钠浓度>皂化时间>皂化温度;响应曲面设计预测并根据实际情况得出针对各响应值的优化皂化条件。

(2) 通过组合赋权法得到BLPAM的优化皂化条件为:氢氧化钠浓度为1.45 mol/L、皂化温度为98 ℃、皂化时间为2.90 h。最优条件下的皂化BLPAM树脂在2.0 mmol/L二元Pb2+/Cu2+溶液中的吸附性能为:对Pb2+的吸附量为1.772 mmol/g,Cu2+的吸附量为1.719 mmol/g,Pb2+对Cu2+的选择性吸附系数为1.604,Pb2+去除率为96.062%,Cu2+去除率为93.864%。

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YAO Qingxin,WANG Bei,YANG Hougui,XIE Jianjun

(School of Materials Science and Engineering, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha 410004, China)

The saponification hydrolysis of adsorbent composites comprising of bentonite/sodium lignosulfonate graft-polymerized with acrylamide (BLPAM) were investigated by response surface methodology (RSM). In the process, the concentration of NaOH, saponification temperature and saponification time were used as response variables and the adsorption capacity of lead ions, the adsorption capacity of copper ions, the selective coefficient of lead to copper ions, the removal ratio of lead ions and the removal ratio of copper ions were studied. The Box-Behnken mathematical relational model between response variables and response values was established and the saponification conditions were optimized. Then, combination weighting method was applied to determine the index weights and the optimized saponification conditions considering all response values were obtained. Results have shown that the optimized saponification conditions of BLPAM were as follows: the concentration of sodium hydroxide is 1.45 mol/L, the saponification temperature is 98℃, the saponification time is 2.90 h. The adsorption capacities of the saponified BLPAM for Pb2+and Cu2+in Pb2+/Cu2+binary solution are 1.772 and 1.719 mmol/g, respectively, the selective coefficient of Pb2+to Cu2+is 1.604, and the removal ratios of Pb2+and Cu2+are 96.062% and 93.864%, respectively.

lignin;adsorbent;saponification;selective adsorption; combination weighing method;response surface methodology




2016-06-08 通讯作者:谢建军,E-mail: xiejianjun12@sina.com

姚庆鑫 (1987-),男,河北唐山人,在读博士,师承谢建军教授,从事功能高分子材料、水处理材料研究。




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