
2016-08-04 06:47赵中华胡艳波

白 超,赵中华,胡艳波

(中国林业科学研究院 林业研究所,国家林业局林木培育重点实验室,北京 100091)



(中国林业科学研究院 林业研究所,国家林业局林木培育重点实验室,北京 100091)

[摘要]【目的】 基于交角的林木竞争指数(CI)简洁,能同时表达出竞争木上方的遮盖和侧翼的挤压。探讨不同林分用胸径(D)或通过胸径-树高(D-H)曲线预估树高后替代实测树高计算该竞争指数的可行性,以期给出基于交角的林木竞争指数的最优经验计算途径。【方法】 以3个地区共6块样地的天然林和人工林为研究对象,利用全站仪测定并记录林木坐标、树种、胸径、树高、冠幅和健康状况,并计算和分析各样地林木通过胸径得到的竞争指数(CID),通过胸径-树高曲线预估树高后得到的竞争指数(CID-H)与通过实测树高得到的竞争指数(CIH)间的关系。【结果】 不同森林类型林分通过胸径和胸径-树高曲线预估树高后计算得到林木竞争指数的2个经验计算途径都是可行的,且都能表达出通过实测树高计算得到林木竞争指数(CIH)结果的95%以上。2个经验计算途径的效果与胸径-树高曲线模型精度呈显著正相关,当胸径-树高曲线模型精度低(R2<0.53)时,CID-H效果略差。【结论】 由于CID-H计算过程较复杂,且当林分胸径-树高曲线模型精度较低时,竞争指数CID-H的应用效果比竞争指数CID略差,因此以胸径替代实测树高可作为该竞争指数的最佳经验计算途径。







在吉林省蛟河林业试验区管理局东大坡自然保护区内(127°35′~127°51′ E,43°51′~44°05′ N)设置2 块永久性样地(表1中1号和2号样地),境内平均海拔在400~500 m,地势为东北部山高坡陡,而西南部地势平缓。该区属温带大陆性季风山地气候,全年平均气温1.7 ℃,降雨集中在6-8月份,年均降水量700~800 mm,无霜期120~150 d,平均积雪厚度20~60 cm,土壤结冻深度1.5~2 m,土壤为暗棕壤。

在甘肃省南部小陇山百花林场(104°22′~105°43′ E,33°30′~34°40′ N)设置2 块永久性样地(表1中3号和4号样地),境内海拔在700~2 500 m。该区属暖温湿润-中温半湿润大陆性季风气候,年平均气温7~12 ℃,年均降水量600~900 mm,年日照时数1 520~2 313 h,无霜期130~220 d,区内秦岭以北的土壤为灰褐土,以南为黄褐土。

在北京市门头沟区九龙山自然保护区(115°59′~116°06′ E,39°54′~39°57′ N)内设置2块永久性样地(表1中5号和6号样地),境内海拔在400~1 000 m。该区属大陆性东岸季风气候,年平均气温11~12 ℃,年均降水量600~700 mm,年日照时数2 500~2 700 h,无霜期190~200 d,区内400 m以下为山地粗骨褐土,400 m以上为山地淋溶褐土。


不同地区永久性样地设置面积见表1,对样地内所有胸径≥5 cm的林木进行挂牌标号,利用全站仪(TOPCON-GTS-602AF)测定并记录林木坐标、树种、胸径、树高、冠幅和健康状况等。

表 1 本研究设置的6块样地概况Table 1 General conditions of six sample plots in this study


1.3.1胸径-树高曲线模型本研究使用比较常用的胸径-树高曲线模型(表2),应用SPSS 18.0软件拟合6块样地核心区域数据,根据P 值判断回归模型的可行性,最后利用模型决定系数R2确定最优模型。

表 2 胸径-树高曲线模型Table 2 Height-diameter model


Note:Hrepresents tree height;Drepresents diameter at breast height (DBH);a,b,andcare parameters.



应用Visual Basic高级程序设计语言,以对象木和最近4株相邻木作为一个结构单元,编制计算基于交角的林木竞争指数程序。为避免边缘效应对林分结构的影响,计算时缓冲区设置为5 m。




表 3 各样地最佳胸径-树高曲线模型的模拟结果Table 3 Best simulation results of height-diameter model in each plot



图 1 6块样地竞争指数CIH与CID之间的关系Fig.1 Relationship between competition indexes of CIH and CID in the six plots

图 2 6块样地竞争指数CIH与CID-H之间的关系Fig.2 Relationship between competition indexes of CIH and CID-H in the six plots


表 4 胸高关系与竞争指数间关系的相关分析Table 4 Correlation analysis between height-diameter model and each CI


Note:* represents the correlation between determination coefficients is significant (P<0.05).


不同生长阶段的林木个体大小不同,也可反映出不同的竞争能力。大量研究[2,22-23]表明,大的林木具有强的竞争能力,即树体越大,所承受的竞争压力越小,二者服从幂函数关系[24-26],6 块样地拟合的竞争指数与林木胸径大小的关系进一步证实了这一规律(图3和图4)。由图3和图4可以看出,竞争指数CIH与林木胸径大小的相关程度相对高于CID的,但二者对6块样地拟合结果的趋势是一致的,均为样地6>样地3>样地5>样地2>样地1>样地4。由此可见,竞争指数CID能替代CIH有效地表达出不同大小的林木所承受的竞争压力。

图 3 6块样地竞争指数CIH与生长因子的相关性Fig.3 Correlation between competition index CIH and growth factor in the six plots

图 4 6块样地竞争指数CID与生长因子的相关性Fig.4 Correlation between competition index CID and growth factor in the six plots




图 56块样地竞争指数与对象木胸径等级的关系

Fig.5Relationship between competition index and objective tree DBH classes in the six plots



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[作者简介]白超(1988-),女(彝族),云南建水人,在读博士,主要从事森林空间结构研究。E-mail:baichao928@163.com [通信作者]胡艳波(1975-),女,辽宁宽甸人,助理研究员,主要从事森林经营研究。E-mail:hyanbo@caf.ac.cn




Application of forest competition index based on intersection angle

BAI Chao,ZHAO Zhonghua,HU Yanbo


Abstract:【Objective】 Forest competition index (CI) based on intersection angle is concise and able to express the over shading and the lateral extruding from the competitive trees.The feasibility of two empirical calculation methods using DBH (D) directly or using estimated tree height from diameter-height (D-H) curve model was discussed to provide optimal empirical calculation of forest competition index based on intersection angle.【Method】 Six sample plots in natural and artificial forests of 3 regions were selected and trees coordinates,species,DBH,tree height,crown width and health were measured and recorded using electronic total station.Then the relationship between competition index calculated by DBH (CID),tree height estimated with diameter-height curve model (CID-H) and measured tree height (CIH) was analyzed.【Result】 It was feasible to use the two empirical calculation methods to calculate competition indexes of different forests with more than 95% identity compared with measured tree height (CIH).The effects of two empirical calculation methods were significantly positively related to the accuracy of tree DBH and tree height model.When the correlation between tree DBH and tree height was low (R2<0.53),the accuracy of CID-Hwas slightly worse than that of CID.【Conclusion】 Because of complicated calculation process of CID-H,the results of CID-Hwere slightly better than that of CID when correlation between tree DBH and height was low.Therefore,using DBH directly is the optimal calculation method for forest competition index based on intersection angle.

Key words:forest competition index based on intersection angle;height-diameter curve model;empirical calculation way

