
2016-06-29 09:44:32孙斐然沈建新
电工技术学报 2016年11期

孙斐然 沈建新

(浙江大学电气工程学院 杭州 310027)









本文以三相开放式绕组永磁同步电动机(Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor,PMSM)作为研究对象,根据无共模电压SVPWM方法[20]对单电源双三相(即六桥臂)逆变器驱动系统进行结构演化和性能分析,不仅简化了驱动器拓扑,也揭示了无共模电压SVPWM方法的本质。



图1 三相开放式绕组PMSM的双电源双逆变器驱动结构Fig.1 Topology of dual power supplies and dual inverters for PMSM drive


图2 双逆变器的空间电压矢量合成原理Fig.2 Principle of synthesis of space voltage vectors with dual inverters



图3 三相开放式绕组PMSM的单电源双逆变器(六桥臂)驱动结构Fig.3 Topology of single power supply and dual inverters(six-leg)for PMSM drive




2)当非零矢量采用24′、35′、46′、51′、62′、13′时,所需电压矢量由13′、24′、77′和88′合成。逆变器INV1 按照7-1-2-8-2-1-7矢量顺序进行切换,逆变器INV2则按7′-3′-4′-8′-4′-3′-7′矢量顺序切换。




表1 逆变器桥臂开关管状态


图4 五桥臂逆变器驱动结构Fig.4 Topology of five-leg inverter drive


图5 四桥臂逆变器驱动结构Fig.5 Topology of four-leg inverter drive

图6 三桥臂逆变器驱动结构Fig.6 Topology of three-leg inverter drive

图7 传统三角形绕组电机及逆变器驱动结构Fig.7 Traditional Δ-connection winding motor and inverter



表2 拓扑演化及空间电压矢量

在Matlab/Simulink仿真研究中,开放式绕组电机选用4极三相PMSM,定子电阻为0.028 8 Ω,转子永磁体产生正弦磁场,在电枢绕组中产生的磁链幅值为0.029 6 Wb,d轴与q轴电感均为0.124 mH,负载转矩为2 N·m,额定转速为1 000 r/min。

图8为六桥臂逆变器驱动开放式绕组PMSM的稳态性能。其中,图8a是相电压波形;图8b是相电流波形,基本为正弦形,但含有少量谐波分量,尤其是7次和11次,如图8d所示(图中纵坐标表示各次谐波电流的幅值相较基波的百分比),THD为3.54%;电磁转矩也基本稳定,转矩脉动峰值约为0.1 N·m,即5%。

图8 六桥臂逆变器驱动系统的性能Fig.8 Performance of six-leg inverter drive system


图9 五桥臂逆变器驱动系统的性能Fig.9 Performance of five-leg inverter drive system

图10 四桥臂逆变器驱动系统的性能Fig.10 Performance of four-leg inverter drive system

图11 三桥臂逆变器驱动系统的性能Fig.11 Performance of three-leg inverter drive system

图12 不同驱动系统的相电流谐波分析Fig.12 Phase current spectra with various drive systems





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Investigation of Topology Evolution of Common-Mode-Voltage-Free SVPWM Multi-Leg Inverter and Motor Drive Performance

Sun FeiranShen Jianxin

(College of Electrical EngineeringZhejiang UniversityHangzhou310027China)

AbstractCompared with a traditional single inverter-fed permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM),the 3-phase open-end winding PMSM driven by single DC supply and dual inverters is benefited from more applicable voltage vectors,more flexible control method,as well as better drive performance,but suffers from the larger number of inverter legs and more complicated hardware structure.Therefore,in this paper,the drive topology of single-supply dual-inverter,i.e.six-leg inverter,with common-mode-voltage-free(CMVF)space vector pulse width modulation(SVPWM)is evolved so as to eliminate some of the inverter legs,whilst the motor performance with each evolved topology is comparatively analyzed.It is seen that the evolved topologies induce extra paths for the zero-sequence current which,however,is not actually generated due to the absence of the zero-sequence voltage under the CMVF SVPWM control.Thus,the motor performance is hardly deteriorated by the topology evolution.The proposed topology evolution not only provides a reference for the selection and design of the inverter and motor windings,but also reveals the innate character of the CMVF SVPWM.

Keywords:Multi-leg inverter,space vector pulse width modulation,common-mode-voltage-free,topology evolution


作者简介E-mail:sunfr2405@163.com E-mail:J_X_Shen@zju.edu.cn(通信作者)





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