李卫华, 李国安, 王 伟, 李茂华
[关键词]一般二元指数分布; 识别性; 最大似然估计
定义2设二元随机变量(X1,X2), (X′1,X′2)服从同类型的分布,且
(X1,X2)~ F (X1,X2, θ),(X′,Y′)~ F (X′,Y′,θ′),
这里θ,θ′同为参数或参数向量,并如(1), (2)两式引入随机变量(U,I) 和(U′,I′).若G(z)=G′(z)蕴含θ=θ′,则参数在此情形下是可识别的,否则参数在此情形下是不可识别的;类似地,若h(z,i)=h′(z,i)蕴含θ=θ′,则称参数在此情形下是可识别的,否则参数在此情形下是不可识别的.
证二元一般指数分布为混合分布,现对其三部分x1>x2, x1 当x1>x2时,分布函数 F1(x1,x2)=(1-e-λx1)α1(1-e-λx2)α2(1-e-λx2))α3=(1-e-λx1)α1(1-e-λx2)α2+α3, 所以 同理,当x1 f2(x1,x2)=α2(α1+α3)λ2e-λ(x1+x2)(1-e-λx2)α2-1(1-e-λx1)α1+α3-1. P(U≤u,I=1)=P(max(X1,X2)≤u,I=1)=P(X1≤u,X1>X2) 所以 h(u,1)=α1λe-λu(1-e-λu)α-1, 同理 h(u,2)=α2λe-λu(1-e-λu)α-1. 当x1=x2时 F1(x1,x1)=(1-e-λx1)α1+α2+α3, 所以 h(u,3)=αλe-λu(1-e-λu)α-1. 定理1设 (X1,X2)~BVGE(α1,α2,α3,λ),(X′1,X′2)~BVGE(α′1,α′2,α′3,λ′), 若已知U与U′同分布,则只有参数λ可识别,其余参数皆不可识别. 证由g(u)=g′(u),得 αλe-λu(1-e-λu)α-1=α′λ′e-λ′u(1-e-λ′u)α′-1u>0, 首先得λ=λ′,α=α′.因此,参数λ可识别; α1,α2,α3均不可识别,但三者的和可识别. 定理2设 (X1,X2)~BVGE(α1,α2,α3,λ),(X′1,X′2)~BVGE(α′1,α′2,α′3,λ′), 若已知(U,I)与(U′,I′)同分布,则所有参数皆可识别. 证由h(u,i)=h'(u,i),得 αiλe-λu(1-e-λu)α-1=α′iλ′e-λ′u(1-e-λ′u)α′-1,i=1,2,u>0, 得λ=λ′,α=α′,α1=α′1,α2=α′2,进而得α3=α′3.因此,所有参数可识别. 3二元一般指数分布的参数估计 文献[2]研究了二元一般指数分布的参数估计,这里,我们从定理1和定理2出发,直接分别获得了参数λ,以及所有参数的最大似然估计. 定理3设(X1,X2)是总体,(X11,X21),…,(X1n,X2n)是来自总体(X1,X2)的容量为n的样本,记 U=max(X1,X2),Ui=max(X1i,X2i),i=1,…,n, 若U具有以下的分布密度 g(u)=αλe-λu(1-e-λu)α-1,u>0, U1,…,Un是来自总体U的容量为n的样本,u1,…,un为样本值,则参数λ的最大似然估计为下列方程的解 (3) 证 其对数似然函数的驻点方程为 求解,即得结论. 定理4设(X1,X2)是总体,(X11,X21),…(X1n,X2n)是来自总体(X1,X2)的容量为n的样本,按前文(1),(2)两式引入U,I,同时记Ui=max(X1i,X2i),Ii=φ(X1i,X2i).现假定(U,I)具有如引理2所述的分布密度,(U1,I1),…,(Un,In)是来自总体(U,I)的容量为n的样本.U的样本值记为u1,…,un,并记 α1,α2,α3的最大似然估计为 证似然函数为 对数似然函数的驻点方程为 得参数λ满足方程 结论仅是U的分布已知时,只有参数λ可识别,即只有参数λ可估计,当(U,I)的分布已知时,所有参数皆可识别,即所有参数皆可估计. [参考文献] [1]Gupta R D,Kundu D. Generalized exponential distributions[J]. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 1999, 41: 173-188. [2]Kundu D,Gupta R D. Bivariate generalized exponential distributions [J]. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2009, 100: 581-593. [3]Anderson T W, Ghurye S D. Identification of parameters by the distribution of a maximum random variable [J]. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 1977, 39(3): 337-342. [4]Basu A P, Ghosh J K. Identifiability of the multinormal and other distributions under competing risks model [J]. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 1978, 8(3): 413-429. [5]Gilliland D C, Hannan J. Identification of the Ordered Bivariate Normal Distribution by Minimum Variate [J]. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1980, 75: 651-654. [6]Mukherjea A, Stephens R. The problem of identification of parameters by the distribution of the maximum random: Solution for the trivariate normal case[J].Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 1990, 34(1): 95-115. [7]Mukherjea A, Stephens R. Identification of parameters by the distribution of the maximum random variable: The general multivariate normal case[J]. Probability Theory and Related Fields,1990, 34(1): 289-296. [8]Gong J, Mukherjea A. Solution of a problem on the identification of parameters by the distribution of the maximum random variable: a multivariate normal case[J]. Journal of Theoretical Probability, 1991, 4(4): 783-790. [9]Mukherjea A, Stephens R. Identification of the parameters of a trivariate normal vector by the distribution of the minimum [J]. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 1999, 78(1): 23-37. [10]Dai M, Mukherjea A. Identification of the parameters of a multivariate normal vector by the distribution of the maximum [J]. Journal of Theoretical Probability, 2001, 14: 267-298. [11]Davis J, Mukherjea A. Identification of parameters by the distribution of the minimum: The tri-variate normal case with negative correlations [J]. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 2007, 98(6): 1141-1159. [12]Bi L, Mukherjea A. Identification of parameters and the distribution of the minimum of the tri-variate normal [J]. Statistics & Probability Letters, 2010, 80(23): 1819-1826. [13]Mukherjea A, Elnaggar M. Solution of the problem of the identified minimum for the tri-variate normal [J]. Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences, 2012, 4(122): 645-660. Identifiability of the Bivariate Generalized Exponential Distributions LIWei-hua,LIGuo-an,WANGWei,LIMao-hua (Department of Mathematics, Ningbo University, Ningbo Zhejiang 315211, China) Abstract:If two random variable has a bivariate generalized exponential distribution,when the distribution of the maximum is known,then only one of parameters is identified,when the distribution of the identified minimum is known,then all of parameters are identified;hence,the maximum likelihood estimator of all of parameters are derived. Key words:bivariate generalized exponential distribution; identifiability; maximum likelihood estimator [收稿日期]2014-10-13;[修改日期] 2016-03-08 [基金项目]浙江省自然科学基金(LQ12A01006);浙江省自然科学基金(LY15A010005) [作者简介]李卫华(1979-),男,硕士,实验师,从事数值计算、应用统计等研究.Email: liweihua@nbu.edu.cn [中图分类号]O29;TE312 [文献标识码]C [文章编号]1672-1454(2016)02-0081-05