
2016-04-17 05:09MadelineWeng,ZengJian,ChenZhenglei
空中之家 2016年2期



Text by Madeline Weng Photos by Zeng Jian and Chen Zhenglei Taichi Studio



N: What is the core value of Taichi?

C: The value of Taichi lies in helping its practitioners to combine and balance their body and soul.Similar to Chinese medicine, Taichi helps you to recuperate from the inside out.That is why Taichi is also called“exercise prescription”.Its every move aims to make the practitioner healthier and more energetic.Taichi not only helps in improving one's immune system, but also blood circulation.

Comparing to most other forms of exercise, Taichi does not do any physical harm to the body, since all its moves are physiologically natural.

Another core value of Taichi is changing.Taichi moves convey the philosophy of “yin (meaning feminine and negative)” and “yang (meaning masculine and positive)” Ð when “yin” goes to its extreme, it naturally turns “yang” and vice versa.This rule, also known as “extremes meet”, teaches us to change our logic or our approach when encountering seemingly unsolvable issues in our daily life.

N: Can you explain what “Neili (inner force)” is?

C: “Neili” is the innate power of the human body.Think of it as a well-trained troop, which instantly lines up the moment its General gives an order.Combining the inner force to an accelerated speed, a Taichi master can push a person up to 10 meters away with little effort.

N: As a keen instructor of “Prenatal Taichi”, what are its main benefits?

C: During the fi rst three months of pregnancy, a woman may have trouble coping with the body's reaction to the pregnancy.Therefore, I do not recommend women in this phase to practice Taichi.

I recommend women to practice Taichi during the fourth and seventh month of their pregnancy.By then, the fetus has become more rooted and stable.Although pregnant women become tired easily, the doctors would usually advise them not to stay at home for too long.While some western experts suggest pregnant women jog, I prefer Taichi much more.It simply makes me feel more comfortable and energetic afterwards.

Exercise at a sensible amount helps the mother's blood to circulate better, which is bene fi cial for nutrient delivery.In addition, women learn to improve their breathing during practice, which in turn makes the birthing process smoother and easier.

N: How do you think Taichi will develop in the future?

C: The fi rst inevitable development of Taichi is industrialization.I believe that one day Taichi will start to create massive commercial value just like gyms and Taekwondo.

The second tendency is “culturalization”.Scholars from all over the world have long started to do research on Taichi.During the past 30 years of his dedication to taking Taichi abroad, my father, Chen Zhenglei, has come to realize that Taichi has become one of the most essential channels for the western world to understand China.

The third tendency is “medicalization”.Twenty years ago western countries began their research on the effectiveness of Taichi for easing bodily pain, as well as the rehabilitation process.Both The University of California and Harvard University have deepened their research in the ancient system.They are now more interested in knowing Taichi's in fl uence on the human brain.

N: Have you ever thought about writing a book about Taichi?

C: As a matter of fact, I just turned down a publisher.

There are countless books on the market that talk about Taichi moves.If I write a book, I would make it more thought-provoking and philosophical.Yet I still think I need to spend more time accumulating experiences through teaching and researching.After all, I am not in a rush Ð Taichi is my lifetime career and I've still got enough time!

N: 太极拳的核心价值和理念是什么?

C: 我认为太极拳的价值在于帮助习练者达到一种身心合一的状态。



N: “内力”是什么?

C: “内力”是人本身自有的力量。“内气”好比人们体内的士兵,将领大旗一挥,士兵就会聚集起来形成有序的排列,从而形成“内劲”。在此基础上,配以招数动作和内气加速度,即可形成“内功”。经过日积月累的练习,习拳者能够巩固先天自然之气,练就一身“内功”,做到稍一“起手”,就有沉甸甸的感觉。

N: 作为“孕妇太极”的倡导者,您可以讲解一下孕妇练习太极的功效和需要注意的地方吗?

C: 在怀孕初期,由于孕吐等早孕反应,孕妇通常连日常生活的应对都有困难,更不要说进行有强度的训练。因此,怀孕前三个月练习太极拳要谨慎。待到第四个月胎儿稳定后,孕妇容易感到疲劳,但我不建议这个阶段的孕妇在家久坐。外国专家提倡孕妇跑步,我亲测后总有提前入盆的感觉。相比之下,练拳却能让我感觉轻松舒服,同时更好地恢复精力。


N: 您认为未来太极拳的发展趋势是怎样的?

C: 太极拳的第一个必然趋势是“产业化”。有一天太极拳也会像健身房、跆拳道那样产生巨大的商业价值。太极拳产业化、资本化之后,将推动更多的人开始学习和传播太极拳,推动中国特色体育产业的发展。


N: 作为太极拳界毋庸置疑的权威,您近期会有著书计划吗?

C: 实际上,不久前还有出版社找我合作,被我婉拒了。市面上不缺乏有关太极拳技术的书。当下的我还需要更多的沉淀,继续通过教学和思考酝酿出更能引发思辨的作品。反正这辈子我就认定做这一行了,出书的事情,我不着急!

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