1. A very fat lady sitting on the bus, noticed three elderly ladies standing. Turning to the man next to her, she said, “If you were a gentleman, you'd get up and let one of those ladies sit down.”
“If you were a lady,” he replied, “you get up and let all three of them sit down.”
2. Mother: “Why is your little brother crying?”
Billy: Because I won't give him my piece of cake.
Mother: Is his piece gone?
Billy: Yes—he cried when I ate that, too.
3. Piano tuner: I've come to tune your piano.
Lady: But we didn't send for you.
Piano tuner: No, but your neighbors did.
4. A lady decided to breed chickens but she didn't have much luck. At last she wrote to the Ministry of Agriculture for some advice. She wrote: “Dear Sir, every morning I find one or two of my prize chickens lying stiff and cold on the ground with their legs in the air. Would you kindly tell me what is the matter?” A few days later she got this reply: “Dear Madam, your chickens are dead.”
5. Office Manager: Look at all the dust on this desk. It looks as if it hasn't bee cleaned for a fortnight (兩星期).
Cleaning lady: Don't blame me, sir, I've only been here a week.
6. Teacher (on phone): You say Tommy has a cold and can't come to school? To whom am I speaking?
Voice: This is my father.
7. Teacher: At which battle did Nelson die?
Willy: His last one.