
2016-04-13 01:13五花肉
质量与标准化 2016年12期



Achieve the Summit with Rules



Swimming has a long history for humans. Primitive humans learned how to swim in order to hunt for survival. The evolution from the initial imitation of aquatic animals' postures to modern competitive swimming is a manifestation of human conquest of nature. Throughout the history of competitive swimming, standards always play an important role in development.


Rapid Development of the Standards

游泳竞技在1896年第一届奥运会上就被列入正式比赛项目。彼时,游泳比赛规则尚未健全,对泳姿也没有统一要求,决定胜负的唯一标准就是速度。运动员千奇百怪的泳姿,严重影响了竞技比赛的公平性。Competitive swimming was included as one of the formal events in the first modern Olympics in 1896. At that time, the rules of swimming were not yet perfect and there were no uniform requirements for the swimming strokes. The sole criteria to judge the result was speed. Various swimming strokes, especially some exceedingly strange ones, seriously affected thefairness of this competitive game.


From then on, standards for different swimming strokes were developed and gradually refined. Since the 16th Olympics, freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly, and backstroke became the formal events of competitive swimming. Since then, competitive swimming entered a stage of fast standardization development, and became the event whose number of medals was second only to track and field in the Olympic Games.


Mutual Promotion of Technique and Standards


In most cases, the improvement of the swimmer's performance results from the breakthroughs of personal technique. However, the overall enhancement of this sport’s level results from standards-based specification for new techniques.


Take breaststroke as an example, its stroke standards changed three times in the history. In the early 1950s, in order to improve swimming speed, athletes adopted "underwater breaststroke" to reduce the water resistance. In 16th Olympics in 1956, Masaru Furukawa, a Japanese athlete received a gold medal in the 200-metre breaststroke by adopting this technique. But, at that time, FINA believed that swimming underwater in excess would jeopardize the athletes’safety and influence competition's ornamental value, therefore they announced the prohibition of "underwater breaststroke".


From 1957 to 1960, Chinese athletes Qi Lieyun, Mu Xiangxiong and Mo Guoxiong made use of their favorable conditions in their legs, invented "high sail", "half high sail" and "flat sail" techniques, and broke the world record for five times.


In February 1987, FINA once again revised the rules, allowing swimmer's head underwater but requiring the head to come out of the water during each complete cycle. This position can make the body maintain a straight line as far as possible, minimize the resistance to the greatest extent, and increase the athletic performance substantially, which is close to 2 m/s. So far, this standard is still used in breaststroke swimming.


Standardized Scientific Training


For a long time, height and arm length are the primarycandidate selection criteria in competitive swimming. With conceptual innovation and technological development, people began to pay more attention to physical training and skills upgrading.


Thanks to the modernized concept of standardized scientific training, outstanding Chinese athletes spring up including Sun Yang, Ning Zetao, Ye Shiwen and so on. The traditional concept believes that swimming requires high-intensity aquatic training to stimulate the swimmers' original "prehistorical powers". Meanwhile, the new concept emphasizes aerobic endurance and skills training, which aim to improve endurance through long-distance running and increase explosive force through fitness. Compared with the mechanical water training, it is more in line with the muscle memory pattern.

结 语



"Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards". From the development of swimming events to the breakthroughs of swimming techniques then to the swimming training philosophy, the technical support of standardization has always played an important role, which cannot be ignored. On the basis of taking into account the techniques, safety and ornamental value, it helps swimming events form a mature sports system and achieve the summit of competitive development.


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