帅悦 唐思峰
2014年12月6日—8日第九届全国高中英语课堂教学观摩研讨会在西安举行,我们有幸亲临现场观摩了来自各省市优秀老师生动精彩的现场授课。各位老师授课课型多样,有阅读课、写作课、听说课以及语法课。此外,在教材选用上不拘一格,除了北师大版和人教版教材外,有多位老师敢于突破和创新,采用自选或自改编的教材。观摩会上展示的优秀课例精彩纷呈,其中杭州高级中学汤沛、南京外国语学校杨梦、上海卢湾高级中学李伟、重庆巴蜀中学雷廷等老师的授课等都给我们留下了深刻的印象。尤其是武汉市第二中学的袁希荣老师呈现的人教版英语选修6《A Few Simple Forms of English Poems》让我们开阔了视野,受到了启迪。就高中英语教学而言,诗歌教学对于老师和学生都是很大的挑战。袁老师浅入深出,在短短30分钟的课堂上,将语言与情感自然融汇,唤起了学生的共鸣,展示出了扎实的专业功底和丰富的教学技巧。在此,我们摘取袁老师在授课过程中的精彩片段与各位同仁共赏。
袁老师充满感情地朗诵完Poem D,问:From the poem, can you taste the writer’s emotion? Does the writer like or dislike his brother?
学生:The writer likes his brother.
袁老师:How do you know?
学生:You can find “mine” in the poem. He is my brother, not yours.
袁老师:Actually, almost every word in the poem expresses a strong emotion of the writer, such as beautiful, athletic and especially mine. (此时板书emotion)The writer likes his brother very much. Although the poem has only five lines, we can still taste the strong emotional ties between the writer and his brother.
接下来老师又让学生齐声朗读Poem E,并提问:Does the writer like or hate summer?How do you know?
袁老师:So, from these two poems, can you find the structure of this kind of poem?
教学片段二:教授Tang Poem
袁老师:A poem is a speaking picture, and a picture is a silent poem. At the end of our handout, we have another speaking picture. Let’s follow the tape, and try to understand what the poem is about?
袁老师:It is an English version of a Tang poem. Let’s look its Chinese version. Which version do you like better?
学生:I like the Chinese version better. Not only because I like the rhyme but because I can taste the sad feeling of the poor woman. But in the English version I can’t find that.
老师: You are so excellent. That’s exactly what I have felt about the two versions. So that is to say, no matter how well a poem is translated, something of the original work is lost. Therefore, when reading translated poems we need to have our own comments. Do you think there is any need to translate Chinese poems into English ones?
学生: Yes, poems can be bridges between the east and the west. They can help us understand each other better. It is a way to make the foreigners know more about our Chinese culture.
老师: I can’t agree with you more. As a Chinese poet Mu Dan wrote: Quietly, we embrace in a world lit up by words. Anyway, by comparing, we can have a better experience in culture difference.
袁老师:From the poems above, we have tasted the wisdom and delight as well as beauty and passion. We learnt to appreciate these five different kinds of poems (nursery rhyme, list poem, cinquain, Haiku, Tang poem) from these five different aspects (rhythm, rhyme, emotion, picture, comments). We also experience the rhythm and rhyme, taste the emotion, enjoy the picture and convey our own opinions. After appreciating the simple forms of English poems, do you like to try your own poems?
学生:Yes, let’s try.
袁老师:Which kind of poem do you like?How about Cinquain. Do not forget the rules. Now, please write down your own poems.
看多了pre-reading, while-reading和after-reading的教学模式,我们需要去探索更加多样化的教学模式和方法。袁老师的最大亮点在于她对这五种诗歌的学习都有一个明确的目标,分别从诗歌的节奏、韵律、感情、意象和评析这五个方面入手,分别对应到五种诗歌类型中去,并且正好能符合诗歌特点成功对应。从她的总结和板书可以看到,在结束诗歌类型教学时她已经很好地完成了这五个诗歌教学的目标,并且成功地让学生们清楚了解了这五种类型的诗歌。
袁老师:Let’s see who will be the great poet in our class.(鼓励完成作品的学生到黑板上展示自己的诗歌)。
Sweet, sad
Chasing, sweating and achieving
Never let it go
Changeable and unbelievable
Laughing, crying, struggling
Success and future too
袁老师点评:pay attentiong to your second line. How many words are required?
学生:Two words, not three.
学生3的作品: Kitten
Lazy, smart
Playing, eating, sleeping
Devil and angel too
袁老师:I love your poem. Lazy, smart, devil, and angel are the words people quite familiar and they impress a vivid picture of Kitten on us. We can see how words convey writer’s emotion from this one. I am glad you are on the way to be a poet.
新一轮高中课程改革特别强调了对学生情感态度教育的关注,而教学语言和情感态度有着密切关系,通过诗歌创作的方式让学生表达情感,促进老师对学生情感和价值观的了解,帮助培养积极向上的情感态度。学生作品展示是整堂课的高潮部分。袁老师鼓励学生完成习作后,立刻板书到黑板上,并引导学生视之为荣耀,这极大地激发了学生的写作效率。最终,六位同学分享他们创作的五行诗。在点评过程中,袁老师用语得体,既纠正了同学诗歌中的小问题,也通过I love your poems等话语对学生进行鼓励。美中不足的是在点评过程中老师如果能够就学生本身创作出来的作品多提一些类似“Why do you choose this topic to write?”“Did you have a cat before?”等与学生诗歌创作相关的问题,则会更加了解学生的创作意图,体会诗歌中的情感表达,也能给他人启示。此外,老师可以鼓励同学之间互评,问他最喜欢诗歌中的哪一部分,而不是单一的让学生自己回答最喜欢哪一个部分,这样更能激发学生对诗歌的热爱。
当然,如同人无完人,课也没有完美的课。这篇文章标题为A Few Simple Forms of English Poems,因此主要目标是informs of English Poems,让学生知道这五种形式的英文诗歌。虽然袁老师在最后完成了这一目标,但是如果能在开头导入部分简洁一点,加入整体阅读,让学生快速找出来这几种形式的英文诗歌,并作出回答,则会使整堂课有从整体到局部,从主要内容到细节内容的设计,使得整个课堂逻辑上更加严谨。(作者单位:江西省南昌市第二中学)