Unit 5 It Smells Good! 教学设计(二)

2015-12-24 17:23田卓
黑龙江教育·中学 2015年12期



本单元属于本册书中第二主题 The world around us. 的内容,旨在通过语言学习,使学生了解周围世界。本单元的设计在学习内容上,主要通过对身体的五种感官的研究让学生更加了解这五种器官的作用,以及它们是如何工作的。在语言结构的学习上,学习掌握五种感官动词的使用方法。




1. 教学目标


(2)能力目标: 能通过区别,懂得感官动词、学习阅读的方法。

(3)情感目标: 能运用感官动词告诉别人自己的感知,能正确地评价自我和他人的学习效果。

2. 教学重点难点



3. 教学方法


4. 教学手段及媒体



Step I.  Warm-up

教师活动:Show the students some pictures. For example, a girl holding a cake, a boy with an earphone. Let them describe the pictures.

学生活动: Describe the pictures.

S1:She is using her tongue to taste the cake.

S2:He is using his ears to listen to music.

【设计意图: 通过描述图片,让学生练习使用taste, smell, listen, see, feel,并能和五官进行搭配使用,引入新课所学内容。】

Step II.  Brainstorm

教师活动:Show the students some pictures of food. Ask some questions like:

T: What is a food that tastes sour?

学生活动: Discuss in groups and finish the chart.

【设计意图: 利用头脑风暴,设计与真实生活相联系的情景,使学生有话可说,有词可用。能激发他们学习本课的兴趣。通过小组合作完成头脑风暴图表,在合作中相互分享词汇,用旧知引出新知。】

StepIII.  Reading

I. Whole passage reading

教师活动:Before listening, have the students look at the pictures of babies and guess what the story will be about.

T: Look at the two babies in the pictures. Can you guess what senses they are using?

T: Read the whole passage in pairs and give your partner the reading grade.


S: In the first picture, the baby is using his sense of hearing. The second baby is using his sense of taste. I guess the watermelon tastes sweet and watery.

S: The reading is about our five senses.

【设计意图: 通过五步阅读法使学生掌握文章内容:第一步:整体阅读,听全文并说出文章主要内容,使学生对文章有总体印象。利用学生英语朗读能力互评表,学生之间对朗读能力进行评价,使学生充分了解自己在朗读方面的水平,以便进行相应改进。】

II. Paragraph reading

教师活动:Ask the students to read the passage paragraph by paragraph and tell the main idea of each paragraph.


Discuss the main idea of each paragraph.

1. We learn about the world through five senses.

2. Noses and tongues do different things.

3. How our noses work.

4. How our tongues work.

5. How noses and tongues work together.endprint

【设计意图: 第二步:段落分析,分段阅读,并找出每段的段落大意。归纳段意有助于学生掌握文章的内容,并且是必须掌握的阅读技巧。】

III. Skimming


Find the answers to the questions after reading A. The teacher can ask more questions.

T: How many senses do we have?

Why are our noses “smart”?

Where can you find the fifth taste?

Why do foods have different flavors?

Do our noses and tongues do the same thing?


Skim the passage and find the answers.

S1: We have five senses.

S2: Because they smell many different things.

S3: We can find the fifth taste in meat.

S4: Because we use our noses and tongues at the same time.

S5: Our noses and tongues dont do the same thing.

【设计意图: 第三步:略读法,按照问题在原文中找出正确答案,学生了解段意后就可通过略读法找到相应位置。这也是学生阅读时必会的方法。】

IV. Scanning


Ask the student to read the passage again and fill in the form.

Let the student to check T for true or F for false.

1. If we close our eyes and smell something, its not easy to tell what it is.

2. Our tongues are smarter than our noses.

3. We can taste five different flavors.

4. We can taste different flavors of candies using our noses and tongues.


Read the passage carefully and find the details to fill in the chart.

S1: No.1 is F. Because our noses are very smart.

S2: No.2 is F. Because our tongues are not as smart as our noses.

S3: No.3 is T.

S4: No.4 is T.

【设计意图: 第四步:详读法,这个环节给学生设置了两个任务。任务一:给学生一个关于文中细节的表格,训练学生掌握文中细节的能力。任务二:判断正误,考查学生对课文内容的理解力。】

V. Knowledge learning


Teach some words,phrases and sentences.

1. He hears a song. It sounds beautiful.

感官动词 feel,sound,look,smell,taste + adj.

eg: He eats food. It tastes good.

He touches a pillow. It feels soft.

2. A persons tongue is not as smart as his nose.

not as... as = not so... as = less ...than

eg: My little brother is not as tall as I.


Grasp some words,phrases and sentences and try to use them to make sentences.


StepIV.  Consolidation

After reading C is a writing activity.


Ask the students to write their own thoughts.

What does a baby do with different parts of his body?

What does he learn?


Read the questions together and see what they have to write about.

S1: A baby sees his parents. They look big.

S2: A baby hears a song. It sounds beautiful.

S3: A baby touches a pillow. It feels soft.


【设计意图: 通过问题式写作,训练学生写的能力,在写的过程中掌握感官动词的正确使用方法。】

StepV.  Practice


Pair up the students and have them take turns telling each other their answers and make a dialogue.

Play the speaking about five sense activity. Have the students recall the sentences from Activity C. Students are not allowed to read, so they have to remember what a child can do with five body parts and tell what he senses through them.


Ask their partner about their answers and then make a dialogue in pairs.

Practice the dialogue in pairs.

S1: What does a baby do with his eyes?

S2: He sees his parents. They look big.

S1: What does a baby do with his ears?

S2: He hears a song. It sounds beautiful.


【设计意图: 在学生已经得到足够的信息量的基础上,让学生编对话有利于进一步运用所学知识。会输出信息就达到了学习的目的。】

StepVI.  Homework

Write a passage with the title Our Five Senses.让学生把所学的语言形成文字,落到书面,既加深对文章的理解又达到了训练写作的目的。





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