中图分类号:G632.0 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2015)44-0237-03
建构主义是西方教育心理学的最新教学理论,最先由瑞士著名的心理学家皮亚杰(Jean Piaget)于20世纪60年代提出,支架式教学模式是基于建构主义理念的一种核心教学模式,源于前苏联著名心理学家维果斯基(Vygotsky)的“最近发展区”理论。“支架”原本指建筑行业中使用的脚手架,在这里用来形象地描述一种学习者获得新的语言结构的一种学习方式(Richard,Platt& Platt,2000)。通过建立“支架式”概念框架,教师不停顿地将学生的智力从一个水平提升到另一个更高的水平,进而完成对复杂概念的意义建构。整个建构过程始终围绕以学生为中心的教学原则,教师在教学中的作用就是搭建一个个学习的脚手架,便于学生一步步攀升,最终实现对知识的理解和掌握。
近两年,笔者主持了教育部福建师范大学基础教育课程研究中心开放性课题《能力导向的课堂有效教学研究》,为此,本文以人教版高二选修模块六第三单元“A Healthy Life”一节写作课为例,把得到教育专家们认可的支架式教学模式运用到这节写作教学课中,拟从如何进入情境、搭建支架、独立探索、协作学习与评价四个方面展开实验教学,希望借助该模式增加高中生对英语写作的兴趣,解决写作中存在的突出问题,进而提高他们的英语书面表达能力,实现英语写作教学的有效性。
Activity 1:Topic talks about “Growing pains”(3 minutes)
T:Good morning,students. In this period,you are going to write a letter to give Xiaolei,a senior high school student like you,some helpful advice.
First,I'll ask you some easy questions. Do you have growing pains?
T:What are they?
T:Exactly. Everyone has his own problems while growing up. But do remember:Growing up is not always easy. Naturally,everyone can have some problems. But do be optimistic and confident as whatever it is,you'll find your way out,which is said in Chicken Soup for Soul.
设计意图:让学生围绕感兴趣的“Growing pains”这个话题,设计了“Do you have growing pains?What are they?”两个问题,将学生引入真实的问题情境,同时借助于各种直观的图片,在头脑风暴活动中,学生填补了信息差,激活了原有的知识储备,产生了创造性设想的连锁反应,为后期的写作搭建脚手架。
Activity 2:Read Xiaolei's letter(3 minutes)
T:Now read Xiaolei's letter please and then discuss in pairs what problems Xiaolei is facing.
S1:He was upset because his best friend started smoking.
S2:He did not know how to refuse it when offered cigarettes.
S3:He didn't know how to keep friendship going without smoking.
T:Well done. Do you have any suggestions to Xiaolei?
Activity 3:Watch and answer(8 minutes)
T:Now let's watch a video and pay attention to what Kirk,a character in the film Growing Pains,suggested to the problems?
S1:You don't have to do what you don't want to just to keep your friends happy.
S2:Taking drugs is not cool. It's not a symbol of being grown up.
S3:They're wrong. If that's the way they feel,then maybe they're not your friends.
T:OK. It is now the time to voice your opinions. Repeat the advice with the following expressions when possible.
(1)Why not tell her...
(2)Just tell her...
(3)You should...
(4)Just say no...
(5)You had better...
(6)It's a good idea...
S4:You should calm down and find ways to settle them.
S5:You are doing right. Tell her she was wrong.
S6:It's a good idea to try to persuade him to quit it and help him find ways to stop it.
Activity 4:Tips for writing(2 minutes)
T:Now before writing,I'd like to give you some tips.
(1)Examine the title,paying attention to details.
(2)Make an outline,storming the brain.
(3)Do the writing, including each key point.
(4)Check the writing, correcting errors.
设计意图:本环节旨在引导学生积极探索问题情境。通过先细读文本,了解“Xiao lei”存在的问题,再通过让学生观看电影《成长的烦恼》中的部分相关内容,激起了学生的学习兴趣,找到共鸣,让学生操练表示建议的句型,教师给出写作之前的技巧提示,这一切教学活动的设计都在为之后的写作环节积累素材,为学生搭建写作的语言、结构及思维支架。
Activity 5:Writing(12 minutes)
T:Imagine you are the adviser who deals with students' problems. Write a letter of about 100 words to give Xiaolei some helpful advice on your own as follows.
Dear Xiaolei,
I've got your letter and know
Best regards!
Activity 6:Correcting(3 minutes)
T:Have you finished?Now please correct the draft by yourself. While correcting,please pay attention to the structure,person,tense,spelling,capital and small letter,punctuation and number of words.
Activity 7:Peer correction and assessment(8 minutes)
T:Exchange your composition with your partner please and try to find out the proper words,good sentence patterns and the points needed improving and at last grade the composition. You can use the assessment table below. If you have some problems,you may ask me for help.
Activity 8:Appreciation(4 minutes)
The teacher picked out one representative composition of the student for all the class to appreciate,leading the students to taste the means to achieve effective expression of the thought and the skills of wording and phrasing and thus making them realize the shortcomings of their compositions.
(One Model Composition)
Dear Xiaolei,
I've got your letter and know you're upset for your best friend. I'm sorry for what you are feeling. But I think there is no need for you to be embarrassed because you are doing right. Smoking is not a symbol of growing up. You don't have to do what you don't want to just to keep your friends happy.
I know you love your friend and don't want to leave her. Why not talk to her about how harmful smoking is. I think it a good idea to persuade her to quit cigarettes. Make some efforts to keep your friendship going. After all,a friend without faults will never be found.
Please cheer up and be confident. I believe you will find your way out.
Best regards!
Activity 9:Homework(1 minute)
According to the revision opinions of yourself and your peers,rewrite the composition.
[1]Richard,J.C.,Platt,J.,& Platt,H.Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics[J].Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.