Pavilion of Shengdetang Family Temple Ruins, Sanya, China, 2012
Architects: CUI Guanghai, LI Jing, LIU Yu, JIE Xiaofeng/Architectual Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University Co., Ltd.
1 夜景/Night view
The project originated from the renovation and restoration project of Shengdetang, which is also called the Ancestral Hall of Peijingong, a minister of the Tang Dynasty. When surveying the site, we discovered that although the building was dilapidated, it carried the feelings and the collective memories of several generations of the family. Hence, we proposed to protect, display and extend the functions of the hall with modern construction methods. Together with the descendants of the Pei family, we succeeded in persuading the local government in carrying out the proposal. We turned the gallery into a strong family link and a place for dialogues between modernity and tradition by restoring the ruins, reorganizing its functions and displaying the history of the family. The project may be considered as an exploration of a more inclusive way of cultural heritage conservation.
After the completion of the project, the hall regained its roles as venue for the villagers to hold traditional rituals and gathering place for the Pei family.
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户/Client: 三亚市历史文化名镇保护管理委员会/The Administration of Historical and Cultural Town, Sanya City
设计团队/Project Team: 崔光海,李京,刘煜,揭小凤,张荣/CUI Guanghai, LI Jing, LIU Yu, JIE Xiaofeng, ZHANG Rong建筑面积/Floor Area: 540m²
设计时间/Design Period: 2008-2009
摄影/Photos: 金东俊/JIN Dongjun
2 外景/Exterior view
3 轴测示意/Axonometric diagram
4 内景/Interior view
5-7 祭祀活动/Ritual activities
Jury Statement
The project adopts the protection methods for historic site rather than the conventional way of dismantling and reinstalling for historic buildings, preserving family memories in the primitive clan building and restoring the traditional clan rituals. The design takes into consideration the characteristics of the local climates and the traditional construction methods and materials, forming a contrast between the modern way of expression and the relic site. It reflects a respect for the historic building and its surroundings, which contributes to the maintenance and reconstruction of the social structure of the local villages.
8 立面细部/Details on the façade
9.10 内景/Interior view
11 平面/Floor plan
12 庭院/Courtyard