
2015-12-19 02:19:42李利维AmyLelyveld
世界建筑 2015年3期

李利维/Amy Lelyveld

张思锐 译/Translated by ZHANG Sirui


Building the "BEST"

李利维/Amy Lelyveld

张思锐 译/Translated by ZHANG Sirui







In 2002 WA began their bi-annual awards, identifying the best in Chinese architecture and broadcasting this-the buildings, the ideas behind them, the people who designed them and the concerns of the profession-to the nation and beyond.

From the start, the magazine situated the awards as a way to regularly take the temperature of the field. And, by including a breadth of opinion about what is best-that of foreign jurors and a spectrum of voices from China's architecture community, both academic and professional-it has hoped to broaden the discourse.

But BEST is slippery. As a designation it is neither static, nor even permanent. As with a worlds fair pavilion (an early modern container for collections of superior and conversation starting objects), the selection criteria, and ultimately the recognition bestowed as awards, are time specific. They are a snapshot (an important one but a snapshot nonetheless) of the pattern of NOW and what-and what kind of building-at this juncture, seems to hold the greatest promise for the future. It is, again like a photograph, the materialization of a moment. At WA it is no different. Each episode of awards builds a unique vision of BEST, a crystal palace that will be rebuilt in two years.

Like other "buildings," the palace built cannot escape the logics of its tectonics. At an expo, the unit of communication is first the WOW and experience of each pavilion. Only after these does what each building contains become relevant. With a BEST palace being built in a magazine, the bricks are photographs. These are special structural units: they are used to erect a position between the "fact" of a thing and its promise. They capture the built using a lens that views the object through its aspirations.

NOW, with all this in mind, what exactly is the shape described by the BEST palace of 2014? And what does how it differs from the palaces that came before tell us about where we are NOW? From 2002 through 2008 the WA Awards lauded a consistently condensed series of projects. The recognized buildings were substantial both in size and cultural value. The "palace" they described as a series was as centered and stable. From 2010 through 2012, while the types of buildings recognized were consistent with earlier years, their geographic range and number increased markedly. The variety that necessarily comes with differences in place and number introduced a new responsiveness into the "palaces" of those years.

The BEST palace of 2014 registers the widest variety of systems, attitudes and even scales yet. The projects collected under the roof of this BEST are as varied as a child-built tree house twisting through a stand of camphor trees in Wuhan, the Mobius gymnastics expressing the "operation concept" of a Beijing Phoenix Center and a the expansion of the sacrifice zone at the Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum in Shaanxi. The breadth of such responses when combined with the new categories possible for awards (each a mini-palace in their own right) suggest a building seeking to make a home for experimentation and possibility. This multi-valent model is less stable than its more condensed predecessors but there is surely real validity to it. Isn't it for the shimmering drama of such a wealth of possibility that we build these palaces in the first place?

1 组装“最佳”的宫殿:1765年沙龙一景,纸上水彩,加布里埃尔·德圣欧班,法国巴黎卢浮宫藏/"BEST" Palace Assembly: View of the Salon of 1765, watercolor on paper, by Gabriel de Saint-Aubin, Musée du Louvre, Paris, France. (图片来源:Erich Lessing /ART RESOURCE N. Y.)

2 WA的“最佳”,2002-2014年/WA "BESTS", 2002-2014(制图:李利维,张思锐/Amy Lelyveld, ZHANG Sirui)



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