目的了解天津市区老年女性干部人群的血脂状况及年龄变化趋势,探讨老年女性心血管疾病的防治策略。方法分析1 837例女性干部体检数据,其中老年女性847例(≥60岁),分析该群体的血脂水平、异常状况及随年龄变化规律。结果老年女性总胆固醇(TC)、三酰甘油(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)及体质指数(BMI)均高于非老年女性(P<0.01)。TC、TG、LDL-C、LDL-C/HDL-C、TG/HDL-C及非高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(non-HDL-C)随年龄增加呈先升后降的趋势,至60~69岁达峰值;HDL-C存在随年龄增加呈先降后升的趋势,至60~69岁达谷底。结论血脂水平随增龄出现规律性的变化,老年女性人群心血管疾病发病风险随年龄增加而增高。
1.1研究对象选取2013年1—12月在我院保健医疗部进行健康体检的常住天津市区在职及离退休女性干部1 837例,其中≥60岁组847例,平均年龄(73.71±8.60)岁,<60岁组990例,平均年龄(46.30±9.83)岁。干部、教师、公务员等脑力劳动者占96.5%。文化程度:初中及以下文化4.5%,高中文化5.1%,大学及以上89.0%。18~29岁76例,30~39岁137例,40~49岁349例,50~59岁428例,60~69岁311例,70~79岁281例,80岁及以上255例。
1.2研究方法常规健康体检获取体质指数(BMI)=体质量(kg)/身高(m)2。清晨抽取受试者空腹静脉血5 mL,采用氧化酶法检测总胆固醇(TC)、三酰甘油(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)及低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)。按照2007年中国《成人血脂异常防治指南》[2]标准:TC≥5.18 mmol/L,TG≥1.70 mmol/L,HDL-C≤1.04 mmol/L,LDL-C≥3.37 mmol/L,4项中满足任意一项或多项定义为血脂异常。计算非高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(non-HDL-C)=总胆固醇-高密度脂蛋白胆固醇,计算LDL-C/HDL-C、TG/HDL-C比值。
1.3统计学方法应用SPSS 21.0软件进行分析。血脂及BMI数据采用表示,2组均数比较采用t检验,多组比较采用方差分析,组间多重比较用LSD-t法。P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
Tab.1Comparison of blood lipid and BMI between elderly and non-elderly female groups表1 老年与非老年女性血脂及BMI比较
组别老年组非老年组t n 8 4 7 9 9 0 T C(m m o l / L)5 . 4 6 ± 0 . 9 7 4 . 9 8 ± 0 . 9 7 1 0 . 1 7**T G(m m o l / L)1 . 5 7 ± 0 . 8 2 1 . 2 0 ± 0 . 6 7 1 0 . 3 6**H D L -C(m m o l / L)1 . 5 9 ± 0 . 4 4 1 . 5 9 ± 0 . 4 0 0 . 2 7 L D L -C(m m o l / L)3 . 1 8 ± 0 . 8 9 2 . 8 5 ± 0 . 8 7 7 . 7 6**B M I(k g / m 2)2 4 . 4 4 ± 3 . 6 4 2 2 . 9 4 ± 3 . 0 8 4 . 8 2**
Tab.2Comparison of blood lipid and BMI between different age groups表2 不同年龄组的血脂及BMI比较
Tab.2Comparison of blood lipid and BMI between different age groups表2 不同年龄组的血脂及BMI比较
组别1 8~2 9岁组3 0~3 9岁组4 0~4 9岁组5 0~5 9岁组6 0~6 9岁组7 0~7 9岁组8 0岁及以上组F n 7 6 1 3 7 3 4 9 4 2 8 3 1 1 2 8 1 2 5 5 T C(m m o l / L)4 . 3 8 ± 1 . 0 3 4 . 4 4 ± 0 . 8 6 4 . 8 0 ± 0 . 9 8 5 . 3 9 ± 0 . 8 7 5 . 5 4 ± 0 . 9 5 5 . 4 2 ± 1 . 0 3 5 . 3 7 ± 1 . 0 3 4 6 . 8 5**T G(m m o l / L)0 . 9 0 ± 0 . 5 4 0 . 9 2 ± 0 . 5 3 1 . 1 2 ± 0 . 6 3 1 . 4 1 ± 0 . 7 0 1 . 6 4 ± 0 . 8 7 1 . 5 0 ± 0 . 7 2 1 . 5 4 ± 0 . 8 5 3 1 . 9 9**H D L -C(m m o l / L)1 . 6 4 ± 0 . 4 4 1 . 6 6 ± 0 . 4 0 1 . 5 8 ± 0 . 3 9 1 . 5 7 ± 0 . 4 1 1 . 5 4 ± 0 . 4 3 1 . 6 2 ± 0 . 4 3 1 . 6 1 ± 0 . 4 9 2 . 1 5*L D L -C(m m o l / L)2 . 3 4 ± 0 . 8 3 2 . 3 7 ± 0 . 6 7 2 . 7 2 ± 0 . 9 0 3 . 1 9 ± 0 . 7 8 3 . 2 6 ± 0 . 8 7 3 . 1 3 ± 0 . 9 2 3 . 0 9 ± 0 . 9 4 3 6 . 0 5**B M I(k g / m 2)1 8 . 7 0 ± 7 . 6 4 1 9 . 7 4 ± 6 . 3 6 2 0 . 1 5 ± 8 . 0 2 2 0 . 9 3 ± 8 . 1 4 2 2 . 8 0 ± 7 . 4 2 2 2 . 4 7 ± 6 . 8 1 2 0 . 8 4 ± 9 . 5 6 6 . 5 9**
Tab.3Comparison of LDL-C/HDL-C,TG/HDL-C and non-HDL-C between different age groups表3 不同年龄组的LDL-C/HDL-C、TG/HDL-C及non-HDL-C比较
Tab.3Comparison of LDL-C/HDL-C,TG/HDL-C and non-HDL-C between different age groups表3 不同年龄组的LDL-C/HDL-C、TG/HDL-C及non-HDL-C比较
组别1 8~2 9岁组3 0~3 9岁组4 0~4 9岁组5 0~5 9岁组6 0~6 9岁组7 0~7 9岁组8 0岁及以上组F n o n -H D L -C(m m o l / L)2 . 7 8 ± 0 . 9 0 2 . 7 8 ± 0 . 8 0 3 . 2 3 ± 0 . 9 9 3 . 8 3 ± 0 . 8 8 3 . 9 9 ± 0 . 9 8 3 . 8 3 ± 0 . 9 8 3 . 7 7 ± 1 . 0 4 5 1 . 7 7**n 7 6 1 3 7 3 4 9 4 2 8 3 1 1 2 8 1 2 5 5 L D L -C / H D L -C 1 . 5 2 ± 0 . 7 1 1 . 5 2 ± 0 . 6 3 1 . 8 4 ± 0 . 8 6 2 . 1 8 ± 0 . 7 6 2 . 2 9 ± 0 . 9 0 2 . 0 8 ± 0 . 8 4 2 . 1 1 ± 0 . 9 1 2 4 . 1 5**T G / H D L -C 0 . 6 2 ± 0 . 5 1 0 . 6 2 ± 0 . 5 3 0 . 8 1 ± 0 . 7 0 1 . 0 3 ± 0 . 7 3 1 . 2 4 ± 1 . 0 1 1 . 0 3 ± 0 . 6 6 1 . 1 4 ± 0 . 9 8 1 7 . 6 5**
Tab.4The detective rate of blood lipid and BMI disorder in elderly female group表4 老年女性血脂及BMI异常检出率(n=847)
有研究认为,相比于高水平的TC和LDL-C,低水平的HDL-C是预测女性冠心病更重要的因素[6-7]。本研究结果显示老年女性HDL-C高水平者(≥1.55 mmol/L)占50.06%,具有一定特殊性。为进一步评估该老年女性群体的心血管发病风险,根据LDL-C/ HDL-C、TG/HDL-C及non-HDL-C对心血管疾病的预测作用[8-9],本研究结果显示LDL-C/HDL-C、TG/ HDL-C及non-HDL-C均有随年龄增加而增高的趋势,提示老年女性心血管疾病的发病风险随年龄增加而增加。近年来国内外的血脂异常管理指南均将绝经后女性列为重点管理人群[10],提示应加大对该群体血脂水平的干预力度。
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(2014-10-25收稿 2015-01-20修回)
(本文编辑 闫娟)
Analysis of serum lipid levels in elderly female cadre population in Tianjin
ZHAO Xian1,WANG Hui1△,TIAN Jianli1,WANG Lin2
1 Department of Geriatrics,Tianjin Medical University General Hospital,Tianjin 300052,China;2 The Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University
ObjectiveTo investigate the trend of blood lipid in female elderly with aging,and further discuss the strate⁃gies of blood lipid regulation therapy and prevent and control cardiovascular disease during senile period.MethodsPhysi⁃cal examination data of 847 elderly female cadres(in 1 837 females)were analyzed to investigate the general level and abnor⁃mality features of blood lipid in this elderly female group.ResultsThe levels of total cholesterol(TC),triacylglycerol(TG),low density lipoprotein-cholesterol(LDL-C)and body mass index(BMI)were significantly higher in elderly group than those of non-elderly group(P<0.01).The levels of TC,TG,LDL-C,LDL-C/HDL-C,TG/HDL-C,and non-HDL-C increased with aging,and then decreased at the same age group,and reached the peak value at 60 to 69 years old.The level of HDL-C showed a reverse pattern,decreased with aging first and then increased at the same group,and reached the bottom at 60 to 69 years old.ConclusionIn this elderly female cadre population,the level of blood lipid changes regularly with aging,indicat⁃ing the high risk of cardiovascular disease.
elderly;female;dyslipidemia;cardiovascular disease;epidemiology