1.1研究对象选择2013年2月—2014年8月在我院行前列腺穿刺活检患者214例,年龄39~85岁,平均(68.8± 8.1)岁。纳入标准:第1次前列腺穿刺,直肠指诊触及前列腺结节,或血清前列腺特异性抗原(PSA)>4 μg/L,或影像学检查(经直肠B超或前列腺MRI)探及前列腺内异常信号。排除标准:合并其他恶性肿瘤,急慢性肝肾功能障碍,降血脂药物使用史。根据穿刺病理结果,将患者分为前列腺癌组和非癌组。
1.3统计学方法采用SPSS 19.0软件处理,数据用M(P25,P75)表示,组间比较采用非参数的秩和检验。采用多因素Lo⁃gistic回归分析前列腺穿刺阳性的影响因素。以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
Tab.1Comparison of baseline clinical data between prostate cancer and non-cancer groups表1前列腺癌组与非癌组一般临床资料比较M(P25,P75)
Tab.2The Logistic regression analysis of risk factors for cancer dectection of prostate biopsy表2前列腺穿刺阳性的相关危险因素Logistic回归分析
前列腺癌的危险因素除年龄、种族、家族史外,可能还包括与环境和生活方式有关的诸多因素,如肥胖、体能活动不足及高胆固醇饮食等,但尚未明确[6]。因此,近年来肥胖、胆固醇水平成为前列腺癌研究领域的热点。Schuurman等[7]通过一项纳入5万余例荷兰老年男性的队列研究发现,前列腺癌发病率与BMI有关。Liang等[8]对3 258例前列腺穿刺患者研究发现,BMI升高是预测前列腺癌及高级别前列腺癌的独立因素。我国尚缺乏这方面的大样本研究。
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(2014-11-06收稿 2015-02-06修回)
(本文编辑 李国琪)
Relationship of body mass index and blood lipid level with cancer detection on prostate biopsy
ZHANG Haoyu,LYU Guanglin,YUAN Hexing,WEI Xuedong,HU Linkun,ZHANG Xuefeng,HOU Jianquan△
Department of Urology,First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University,Suzhou 215000,China△
ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship between body mass index(BMI),blood lipid level and cancer de⁃tection in prostate biopsy.MethodsA total of 214 patients undergoing a prostate biopsy during 2013.2—2014.8 were re⁃viewed retrospectively.They were divided into prostate cancer and non-cancer groups by biopsy results.The differences of age,prostate-specific antigen(PSA)level,prostate volume(PV),blood lipid level and BMI were analyzed between two groups.Risk factors for cancer detection of biopsy were also analyzed.ResultsCompared with non-cancer patients,pros⁃tate cancer patients were older,had higher level of PSA and BMI,but smaller PV and lower level of HDL-C(P<0.05).Lo⁃gistic regression analysis showed that older,higher level of PSA and BMI were risk factors for prostate biopsy positive,but larger PV and higher level of HDL-C were protective factors(P<0.05).ConclusionComprehensive assessment of BMI and blood lipid levels can provide important reference for prostate cancer screening at early time and establishment of pros⁃tate biopsy scheme,which also provide significant evidence for the prevention,diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer at early stage for high risk population.
prostatic neoplasms;punctures;body mass index;cholesterol,HDL;prostate-specific antigen;prostate volume随着生活水平的提高,肥胖问题日益严重,且许多研究也表明肥胖与癌症的发生、发展关系极为密切,如子宫内膜癌[1]、乳腺癌[2]、结肠癌[3]等。近年来国外一些研究表明,高密度脂蛋白降低是前列腺癌的危险因素[4-5]。本研究通过分析前列腺穿刺患者的临床资料,探索肥胖、血脂水平与前列腺癌之间的关系。