Pseudopolarity of Generalized Matrix Rings over a Local Ring

2015-11-03 11:42:37YinXiaoBinanDDouWan

Yin Xiao-Bin anD Dou Wan

(College of Mathematics and Computer Science,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu,Anhui,241000)

Communicated by Du Xian-kun

Pseudopolarity of Generalized Matrix Rings over a Local Ring

Yin Xiao-Bin anD Dou Wan

(College of Mathematics and Computer Science,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu,Anhui,241000)

Communicated by Du Xian-kun

pseudopolar ring,local ring,generalized matrix ring

2010 MR subject classification:16E50

Document code:A

Article ID:1674-5647(2015)03-0211-11

1 Introduction

Throughout this paper all rings are associative with unity.We adopt the following notations from Koliha and Patricio[1].For an element a∈R,the commutant and double commutant of a in R are defined by


respectively,if there is no ambiguity,we simply use comm(a)and comm2(a)for short.LetIf a∈Rqnilthen a is said to be quasinilpotent(see[2]).An element a is quasipolar(see[1])if there exists a p∈R with p=p2such that

Any idempotent p satisfying the above conditions is called a spectral idempotent of a,which is uniquely determined by the element a if it exists.This term is borrowed from spectral theory in Banach algebras.A ring is said to be quasipolar(see[3])if every element in R is quasipolar.It was proved in[3]that all local rings and strongly π-regular rings are quasipolar and quasipolar rings are strongly clean.If the condition ap∈Rqnilin(∗)is replaced by akp∈J(R)for k≥1,then the element a∈R is called pseudopolar(see[4]),and in this case,the idempotent p is called a strongly spectral idempotent of a and denoted by aΠ.R is called pseudopolar if all elements of R are pseudopolar.It was shown in[5]that both uniquely strongly clean rings and strongly π-regular rings are pseudopolar,and that pseudopolar rings are quasipolar.It was also proved in[5]that for abelian rings,pseudopolar rings coincide with semiregular rings.

Let R be a ring,and s∈R be central.Following Krylov[6],we use Ks(R)to denote the setwith operations as follows:

The element s is called the multiplier of Ks(R).The set Ks(R)becomes a ring with these operations and can be viewed as a special kind of Morita context.A Morita context(A,B,M,N,ψ,φ)consists of two rings A and B,two bimodulesAMB,BNAand a pair of bimodule homomorphisms

which satisfy the following associativity:

Some properties of the ring Ks(R)were studied comprehensively in[7].And in[9-10]the strong cleanness of the generalized matrix ring Ks(R)over a local ring was studied. The quasipolarity of the generalized matrix ring Ks(R)over a commutative local ring was discussed in[11].

(1)Ks(R)is a pseudopolar ring;

(2)For any u,v∈U(R)and w∈J(R),the element t2-(u+w)t+(uw-sv)has a right root in U(R)and the element t2-(u+w)t+(wu-sv)has a right root in J(R);

(3)For any u,v∈U(R)and w∈J(R),the element t2-(u+w)t+(uw-sv)has a left root in J(R)and the element t2-(u+w)t+(wu-sv)has a right root in J(R);

We write Mn(R)(resp.,Tn(R))for the ring of all(resp.,all upper triangular)n×n matrices over the ring R.The symbols U(R),C(R),Rniland J(R)stand for the group of units,the set of all central elements,the set of all nilpotent elements,the Jacobson radical of R,respectively.For a prime integer p,Z(p)denotes the localization of Z at p.

2 Generalized Matrix Rings over a Local Ring

Example 2.1Idempotents,units,nilpotents,and J(R)of a ring R are pseudopolar.

Proof.Let e2=e∈R,u∈U(R),a∈R with ak=0 for some k≥1 and b∈J(R).Write

p=1-e,0,1,1,respectively.Then the claim follows from a routine computation.

Lemma 2.1[7]Let R be a ring with s∈C(R),and J=J(R).Then

(2)If R is a local ring with s∈J,then

if and only if a,b∈U(R).

Lemma 2.2Let R be a local ring,and A∈Ks(R).Then the following statements are equivalent:

(1)Ak∈J(Ks(R))for some k≥2;


Proof.(1)⇒ (2).If s∈U(R),Ks(R)~=M2(R).According to Lemma 3.3 in[12]the result holds.We only need to show that if s∈J(R)and Ak∈J(Ks(R))for any k≥2,then A2∈J(Ks(R)).Assume that Ak∈J(Ks(R)).Then there exists an n∈N such that 2n>k.This gives A2n∈J(Ks(R)).Without loss of generality,let


By Lemma 2.2,a2+sbc,scb+d2∈J(R).From s∈J(R)we can obtain sbc,scb∈J(R)and a2,d2∈J(R).So a,d∈J(R).Therefore,∈J(Ks(R)),which implies A2∈J(Ks(R)).

(2)⇒(1)is trivial.

Remark 2.1Let R be a local ring.By Lemma 2.2,we conclude that a matrix A ∈Ks(R)is pseudopolar if and only if there exists awith P=P2such that A+P∈U(Ks(R))and A2P∈J(Ks(R)).

Proposition 2.1Let R be a ring and s∈C(R).Then A∈Ks(R)is pseudopolar if and only if V AV-1∈Ks(R)is pseudopolar for some V∈U(Ks(R)).

Proof.It is sufficient to show that if A ∈Ks(R)is pseudopolar,then so is V AV-1. Assume that E∈Ks(R)is the strongly spectral idempotent of A.Write



From AkE∈J(Ks(R)),one gets that

Next,we show that P∈comm2(V AV-1).For any B∈comm(V AV-1),we obtain

So V-1BV∈comm(A).Since E∈comm2(A),it follows that

So P∈comm2(V AV-1).This proves that V AV-1∈Ks(R)is pseudopolar.

The following results are elementary.

Lemma 2.3Let R be a local ring and A∈Ks(R).Then

(1)A is pseudopolar with AΠ=0 if and only if A is invertible;

(2)A is pseudopolar with AΠ=I if and only if A2∈J(Ks(R)).

Theorem 2.1Let R be a local ring,and A∈Ks(R)with A/∈U(Ks(R))and A2/∈J(Ks(R)).Suppose that the matrix A is pseudopolar.Then AΠis an idempotent diagonal matrix if and only if A is diagonal and one diagonal entry of A is in U(R),and the other is in J(R).Proof.Assume that A is a diagonal matrix.Since A/∈U(Ks(R))and A2/∈J(Ks(R)),one diagonal entry of A is in U(R),and the other is in J(R).Without loss of generality,let

Write E=AΠ=(eij).Since AE=EA,we have

Then ue12=e12j,je21=e21u.Let


So E∈comm2(A)implies that

It follows that

Combining these with E2=E,we have

Thus eiiare idempotents for i=1,2.Since R is local,eii=0 or 1.It is easy to see that e12=e21=0.Note that A+E is a unit,we get e22=1.If e11=1,then E=I.By Lemma 2.3,A2∈J(Ks(R)),a contradiction.This shows that

Conversely,assume that

Theorem 2.2Let R be a local ring,u∈U(R)and j∈J(R).Then the following statements are equivalent:

(3)The endomorphisms lu-rjand lj-ruare injective.

Proof.(1)⇔(2).By Lemma 2.4,the result follows.



We check E∈comm2(A).Thus ub12-b12j=0 and jb21-b21u=0.By the hypothesis,b12=b12=0.So EB=BE,as required.Therefore,A is pseudopolar in Ks(R).

Lemma 2.5[4]Let R be a local ring,s∈C(R)and let E be a non-trivial idempotent of Ks(R).

Proof.The sufficiency follows from Proposition 2.1,Lemma 2.3 and Theorem 2.2.

We now show the necessity.Suppose that A is pseudopolar in Ks(R).By Remark 2.1,there exists an E∈commwith E=E2such that W=A+E∈U(Ks(R))and A2E∈J(Ks(R)).If E=0 or E=I2,by Lemma 2.3,A∈U(Ks(R))or A2∈ J(Ks(R)),respectively.Hence,by Lemma 2.5,eitherIfby Proposition 2.1,there exists a P∈U(Ks(R))such that PAP-1is pseudopolar with

By Theorem 2.1,one has

A local ring R is called co-leached(see[5]),if for any j∈J(R)and u∈U(R),the abelian group endomorphisms lu-rjand lj-ruof R are injective.

Theorem 2.4Let R be a co-bleached local ring with s∈J(R)∩C(R),and

The following statements are equivalent:

(1)A is pseudopolar in Ks(R);

(2)t2-(vuv-1+w)t+(vuv-1w-sv)has a right root in U(R)and t2-(u+w)t+(wu-sv)has a right root in J(R).

Proof.(1)⇒(2).Since A/∈U(Ks(R))and A2/∈J(Ks(R)),by Theorem 2.3,there exist [

such that

That is,

By Lemma 2.1,we have a,b∈U(R),and so λ1∈U(R)and λ2∈J(R)by(2.1)and(2.4).

Note that x,y∈U(R)by(2.2)and(2.3).Hence

Moreover,we obtain


(2)⇒(1).Suppose that λ1is a right root of t2-(vuv-1+w)t+(vuv-1w-sv)in U(R)and λ2is a right root of t2-(u+w)t+(wu-sv)in J(R).Then,by Lemma 2.1,

and a direct calculation shows that

Hence A is pseudopolar in Ks(R)by Theorem 2.3.

Lemma 2.1(2),we have either a∈U(R)and d∈J(R),or a∈J(R)and d∈UR).

Case 1.a∈U(R)and d∈J(R).We have

Assume that b∈U(R).Then

If c∈U(R),then it is done.Suppose that c∈J(R).Then

Case 2.a∈J(R)and d∈UR).It is similar to verify that

Lemma 2.6[6]Let R be a ring and let f(t)=:t2-at+b∈R[t].Then

(1)c∈R is a left root of f(t)if and only if a-c is a right root of f(t).In this case,f(t)=(t-c)(t-a+c)∈R[t];

(2)If a∈U(R),then f(t)has a left(resp.right)root in U(R)if and only if f(t)has a right(resp.left)root in J(R).

Theorem 2.6Let R be a co-bleached local ring with s∈J(R)∩C(R).The following statements are equivalent:

(1)Ks(R)is a pseudopolar ring;

(2)For any u,v∈U(R)and w∈J(R),t2-(u+w)t+(uw-sv)has a right root in U(R)and t2-(u+w)t+(wu-sv)has a right root in J(R);

(3)For any u,v∈U(R)and w∈J(R),t2-(u+w)t+(uw-sv)has a left root in J(R)and t2-(u+w)t+(wu-sv)has a right root in J(R);

Proof.(1)⇒(4).It is obvious.

(4)⇒(2).Let u,v∈U(R)and w∈J(R),

Since v-1uv∈U(R),A and B are pseudopolar in Ks(R)by(2.4).Hence,by Theorem 2.4,t2-(u+w)t+(uw-sv)has a right root in U(R)and t2-(u+w)t+(wu-sv)has a right root in J(R).

(2)⇔(3).It follows from Lemma 2.6.

3 Special Cases

Lemma 3.1[11]Let R be a commutative local ring.The following statements are equivalent for A∈Ks(R):

(1)detsA∈J(R)and trA∈J(R);


(3)A is quasinilpotent in Ks(R).

By Lemma 3.1,we get the following result immediately.

Remark 3.1Let R be a commutative local ring.Then a matrix A∈Ks(R)is pseudopolar if and only if A is quasipolar.

Lemma 3.2Let R be a commutative local ring,and A∈Ks(R)with detsA∈J(R). Then trA∈J(R)if and only if A is pseudopolar with I2the strongly spectral idempotent.

Corollary 3.1Let R be a commutative local ring with R/J(R)~=Z2.Then A∈Ks(R)with detsA∈J(R)and dets(A-I2)∈U(R)is pseudopolar.

Proof.Let A ∈Ks(R)such that detsA ∈J(R)and dets(A-I2)∈U(R).Since R/J(R)~=Z2,trA=1+detsA-dets(A-I2)∈J(R).In view of Lemma 2.3,A is pseudopolar with the strongly spectral idempotent I2.

Lemma 3.3[11]Let R be a commutative local ring with s∈R and A∈Ks(R)such that neither A∈U(Ks(R))nor A∈(Ks(R))qnil.Then the following statements are equivalent:

(1)A is quasipolar in Ks(R);

(2)The equation x2-tr(A)x+detsA=0 is solvable in R.

Lemma 3.4[13]Let R be a commutative local ring,and for any p,q∈R,let t=p2-4q.

(1)If the equation x2-px+q=0 is solvable in R,then t is a square.The converse holds if 2∈U(R);

(2)Suppose that J(R)=2R and R is a domain.Let p∈U(R),q∈J(R)such that t is a square,then the equation x2-px+q=0 is solvable in R.

Theorem 3.1Let R be a commutative local ring.If A∈Ks(R)is pseudopolar,then exactly one of the following holds:

(1)A is invertible in Ks(R);

(2)detsA∈J(R)and trA∈J(R);

(3)detsA∈J(R),trA∈U(R)and(tr(A))2-4detsA=u2for some u∈U(R).

Proof.Let A∈Ks(R)be pseudopolar.In view of Lemma 2.3,we assume that detsA∈J(R)and trA∈U(R),and so(trA)2-4detsA∈U(R).By Theorem 2.6,the equation x2-trAx+detsA=0 is solvable in R.Thus by Remark 3.1 and Lemma 3.3,we have(trA)2-4detsA=u2for some u∈U(R).

Corollary 3.2Let R be a commutative local ring such that either J(R)=2R and R is a domain or 2∈U(R).Then A∈Ks(R)is pseudopolar if and only if exactly one of the following holds:

(1)A is invertible in Ks(R);

(2)detsA∈J(R)and trA∈J(R);

(3)detsA∈J(R),trA∈U(R)and(trA)2-4detsA=u2for some u∈U(R).

Proof.The necessity follows from Theorem 3.1.

We now show the sufficiency.Let A∈Ks(R).As before,we assume that detsA∈J(R)and trA∈U(R).Since(trA)2-4detsA=u2,the equation x2-trAx+detsA=0 is solvable in R by Lemma 3.4.In view of Remark 3.1 and Lemma 3.3,A∈Ks(R)is pseudopolar.

Corollary 3.3Let R=Z(p).Then A∈Ks(R)is pseudopolar if and only if exactly one of the following holds:

(1)A is invertible in Ks(R).

(2)detsA∈J(R)and trA∈J(R).

(3)detsA∈J(R),trA∈U(R)and(trA)2-4detsA=u2for some u∈U(R).


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date:July 25,2013.

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