李 祯,陆士恒,罗媛媛,陈 娜
李 祯,陆士恒*,罗媛媛,陈 娜
(上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院眼科,上海 200127)
2.3.1 年龄与散光度数关系 应用方差分析两两比较各年龄组间均数:B组散光值>D组(=0.056)。但进一步分析,A组和B组有较多近视眼患者的干扰因素。各年龄组角膜屈光值和角膜散光值见表3。
2.3.2 角膜中央厚度与散光度数关系 498例白内障患者角膜中央厚度为(0.519±0.039)mm。多元线性回归结果显示,角膜中央厚度增加可能增加散光度数(系数=1.95,=0.043)。
2.3.3 内皮计数与散光度数关系 498例白内障患者内皮计数为(2493±446),与角膜散光度数无明显相关性。
2.3.4 眼轴长度与散光度数关系 随着年龄增长,眼轴长度变短(<0.001)。与角膜散光度数无明显相关性。
表1 各组角膜散光值分布
表2 角膜散光轴分布
表3 年龄、角膜中央厚度、角膜内皮计数、眼轴长度、角膜曲率和散光度数情况分析
表4 IOL-Master测定人工晶体度数
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(编辑: 李菁竹)
Characteristics of preoperative astigmatism and its related factors in patients with age-related cataract
LI Zhen, LU Shi-Heng*, LUO Yuan-Yuan, CHEN Na
(Department of Ophthalmology, Renji Hospital, School of Medicine, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200127, China)
To explore the clinical features of astigmatism in senile cataract patients before operation, and investigate the associated factors, such as age, eye axis, and central corneal thickness.A total of498 patients diagnosed as senile cataract in our department from October 2013 to October 2014 were recruited in this study. Before operation, their corneal astigmatism was observed, and the correlation of cataract with other factors such as age, eye axis, and central corneal thickness were analyzed.The cohort of patients had a mean age of (72.19±9.98) years and a mean corneal astigmatism value of (1.13±0.84)D. There were 152 eyes (30.52%) having the rule astigmatism, 249 eyes (50.00%) the inverse astigmatism, and 97 eyes (19.48%) oblique astigmatism. The age was positively correlated with the changes in ocular axial length.In the patients with age-related cataract, the prevalence of preoperative corneal astigmatism is quite high, mainly from mild to moderate astigmatism. With the increasing in age, the proportion of inverse astigmatism is increased gradually, with a tendency of shorter axial length and increased astigmatism, especially in the patients over 80 years old. Young patients with cataract commonly have myopia.
cataract, age-related; astigmatism; corneal central thickness; ocular axis
陆士恒, E-mail: ludice@163.com