秦晓辉,陈 燕
秦晓辉,陈 燕
目的 研究喉罩置入对颈内静脉与颈总动脉解剖关系的影响,寻找喉罩全身麻醉下,颈内静脉穿刺适合的入路,提高穿刺成功率。方法 选择喉罩全身麻醉择期手术患者30例,应用超声波扫描术,在胸锁乳突肌三角顶点和锁骨上窝2 cm位置,头部偏转0°、30°、60°和最大角度,在喉罩置入前后分别测定双侧颈内静脉与颈总动脉的夹角和动脉重叠率。结果 胸锁乳突肌三角顶点和锁骨上窝2 cm位置,随患者转头角度的增加,双侧颈内静脉与颈总动脉的夹角逐渐减小(P<0.05),动脉重叠率逐渐增高(P<0.05)。胸锁乳突肌三角顶点位置,喉罩置入后,与相同转头角度喉罩置入前比较,动静脉夹角明显减小(P<0.05),而动脉重叠率明显增高(P<0.05)。锁骨上窝2 cm位置,喉罩置入对动静脉夹角和动脉重叠率均无明显影响(P>0.05)。结论 转头与喉罩置入充气可改变颈内静脉与颈总动脉解剖关系,增加穿刺难度,了解这一变化规律有助于选择适宜的穿刺路径,降低颈内静脉穿刺时误伤颈总动脉的发生率。
喉罩通气(laryngeal mask airway, LMA)与气管插管比较,放置容易、快捷、刺激轻、并发症少,较浅的麻醉深度即可以耐受手术,更容易保持血流动力学稳定,因而在临床全身麻醉手术患者中应用越来越广泛。但是喉罩置入后,由于气囊的压迫,颈部组织结构发生移位,颈内静脉(the internal jugular vein, IJV)和颈总动脉(the common carotid artery, CCA)两者的解剖关系发生变化,致使颈内静脉穿刺成功率降低,误伤颈总动脉等并发症增加[1]。本研究拟在不同转头角度下,观察、比较喉罩置入前后,颈内静脉与颈总动脉解剖位置的变化,为中心静脉穿刺置管提供指导。
1.1 对象 经过医院伦理委员会批准,并经患者及家属同意,签署知情同意书。于2014-07至2014-09选择在解放军总医院择期行下肢手术患者30例,其中男18例,女12例;年龄41~81岁,平均64.1岁;体重50~91 kg,平均75.8 kg;身高150~178 cm,平均169 cm;体重指数18.4~33.9 kg/m2,平均26.6 kg/m2。
1.2 方法 所有患者术前禁食8~12 h,去枕平卧,应用便携式超声波扫描仪 (iLOOKTM25, Sonosite Company, USA) 观察,转头角度分别为0°、30°、60°和最大转头角度,测定双侧胸锁乳突肌三角顶点和锁骨上窝2 cm水平颈内静脉与颈总动脉的夹角和动脉重叠率。超声探头垂直皮肤并垂直气管轴,无明显压迫皮肤以维持血管正常的形状和位置。所有操作和观察由同一位医师完成。测量完成后,咪达唑仑、异丙酚、芬太尼、爱可松麻醉诱导后置入喉罩(ProSealTM喉罩,体重>70 kg选5#,体重50~70 kg选4#,体重<50 kg选3#),充气(3#喉罩<20 ml,4#喉罩<30 ml,5#喉罩<40 ml),确认喉罩位置正确,无漏气,气道峰压<20 cmH2O,双侧胸廓起伏良好。机械通气,七氟烷、异丙酚、瑞芬太尼静吸复合维持麻醉。再次重复上述超声测量,记录喉罩置入前后动静脉位置关系的变化。
计算动静脉夹角和动脉重叠率(图1):动脉重叠率(%)=[动静脉重叠量 (cm) / 颈总动脉横径 (cm)]×100%[2]。
图1 颈内静脉、颈总动脉测量数据
胸锁乳突肌三角顶点和锁骨上窝2 cm位置,随转头角度增加,双侧颈内静脉与颈总动脉夹角逐渐减小(P<0.05),动脉重叠率逐渐增高(P<0.05)。胸锁乳突肌三角顶点位置,喉罩置入后,与相同转头角度喉罩置入前比较,动静脉夹角明显减小(P<0.05),而动脉重叠率明显增高(P<0.05)。锁骨上窝2 cm位置,喉罩置入对动静脉夹角和动脉重叠率均无明显影响(表1、2)。
表1 喉罩置入前后颈内静脉与颈总动脉夹角的变化 (n=30;±s;° )
表2 喉罩置入前后颈内静脉与颈总动脉重叠率的变化 (n=30;±s;% )
颈内静脉穿刺时将头部偏向对侧可使颈部暴露开阔,操作方便。然而,大多数被检测者头部偏转后,动静脉重叠率增高,且增加值与偏转程度呈正相关[10]。可能是因为颈内静脉在颈总动脉鞘内,转头引起牵拉作用,使静脉向动脉上方移动。喉罩充气后,动脉重叠率进一步增加,甚至动脉完全重叠在静脉后方。穿刺时,针尖压迫颈内静脉,使静脉血管塌陷,针尖穿透颈内静脉血管前、后壁,并直接穿入重叠在后方的动脉管腔。因此,根据本实验结果笔者建议:喉罩全身麻醉患者如需行颈内静脉穿刺,应尽可能采用超声实时引导或超声定位法穿刺。在无超声的情况下盲探穿刺时,我们推荐在前、中入路穿刺时,尽量避免转头角度过大,转头30° 即可,保持动静脉呈平行位置,喉罩暂时放气,以减小动静脉的重叠率;或者采用颈内静脉后路穿刺,尽可能向对侧做最大转头,喉罩充气,使动静脉呈上下关系,穿刺针与胸锁乳突肌后缘成15°~30°,指向胸骨结节,更易避开动脉。
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(2014-10-23收稿 2014-12-10修回)
(责任编辑 岳建华)
Effect of laryngeal mask airway placement on the anatomic relationship between internal jugular vein and common carotid artery
QIN Xiaohui and CHEN Yan.
Anesthesia and Operation Center, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China
Objective To demonstrate the effects of laryngeal mask airway (LMA) placement on anatomic relationship of the internal jugular vein (IJV) with the common carotid artery (CCA) in order to find the optimal approach and avoid inadvertent puncture of the CCA during central venous access. Methods Thirty elective surgical patients requiring LMA general anesthesia were included. The relationship between the IJV and the CCA at two points (the apex of the triangle formed by the sternocleidomastoid muscle and 2 cm above supraclavicular fossa) at 0°, 30°, 60° and maximum head rotation were analyzed by ultrasonography. Results With the increased head rotation, the angle between IJV and CCA became smaller (P<0.05) and the percent overlap of CCA and IJV gradually increased at both sides (P<0.05). At the apex of the sternocleidomastoid triangle, the angle between IJV and CCA decreased and the percent overlap of CCA increased after LMA insertion (P<0.05). There were no statistical differences before and after LMA insertion at the point of 2 cm above supraclavicular fossa at any degree of head rotations (P>0.05). Conclusions Head rotation and LMA placement alter the relationship between the IJV and the CCA. Knowledge of the variation tendency of IJV and CCA anatomy is important information for the operator performing an IJV puncture, to potentially reduce the chance of laceration of the CCA.
laryngeal mask airway; central venous access; internal jugular vein; common carotid artery; ultrasonography